_n("1 string marked Fuzzy","%s strings marked Fuzzy",0,'loco-translate');
_n() should be used only when the phrase contains a specific number, for instance:
You have X login attempts remaining.
X e-mails have been deleted.
Russian, as an example, the tranlator needs to write three (3) diffeerent translation whenever _n() is used.
The first one (singular) is used for 1, 21, 31, 41… 101, etc.
The second one (dual) is used for 2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 24… 102, 103, 104, etc.
The third one (plural) is used for everything else.
In other words, if you would happen to have 21 invalid form names, then a website that is configured to use Russian would present that phrase in singular!
There are other languages that maintain 5 or even 6 different plural forms, all depending on which specific number you’ve got in your phrase.
It is better to create a separate string for singular.
Please see:
and subsequent comments.
You can also refer to this topic:
sprintf( _n( 'You have only one login attempt remaining.', 'You have %d login attempts remaining.', $remain, 'wp-cerber' ), $remain ), $remain );
_n() should be used only when the phrase contains a specific number, for instance:
You have X login attempts remaining.
X e-mails have been deleted.
Russian, as an example, the tranlator needs to write three (3) diffeerent translation whenever _n() is used.
The first one (singular) is used for 1, 21, 31, 41… 101, etc.
The second one (dual) is used for 2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 24… 102, 103, 104, etc.
The third one (plural) is used for everything else.
In other words, if you would happen to have 21 invalid form names, then a website that is configured to use Russian would present that phrase in singular!
There are other languages that maintain 5 or even 6 different plural forms, all depending on which specific number you’ve got in your phrase.
Please see:
and subsequent comments.
You can also refer to this topic:
function (and similar, here) seems to be amazingly inadequate, since in certain languages you have more than the singular and plural variants: in Russian for instance you have singular, plural under 4 and plural.
Basically in literal translation Russian sounds like this: one comment, three of comment, seven of comments.
How to go about implementing such a variant or working around this problem?
]]>$amount = 5;
printf(__("%s messages", "plugin-name"), $amount );
printf(_n("%s message", "%s messages", $amount, "plugin-name"), $amount );
I assume it’s already asked, I have searched for a while, but couldn’t find anything.
Thanks in advance!
]]>this is a _n() function, which i am using to display the number of the choosen articles, that an user chooses.
i want it to be translatable, so the Article and the Articles could be translatable
has anyone have na idea how to accomplish this?
]]>Here’s a link to the page
And here’s the current code I’m using:
$variable = wp_list_categories('title_li=&echo=0&show_count=1');
$variable = str_replace( '(', '<span class="cat-count">', $variable);
$variable = str_replace( ')', ' Entries</span>', $variable);
echo $variable;
How can I make this code detect categories with only one post?
]]>In function displayStats(), at line 591 and 596 (of NoSpamNX 5.1.11) __ngettext is used. That function was deprecated since WordPress 2.8
It must be replace by the new function _n
Arguments are the same, so it’s a very simple change.
I hope to see an update very soon!
]]>$since = sprintf(_n('%s hour', '%s hours', $hours), $hours);
how can I bypass this limitation since my theme is in Arabic?
The arabic plural formula is:
nplurals=6; plural=n == 0 ? 0 : n == 1 ? 1 : n == 2 ? 2 : n >= 3 && n <= 10 ? 3 : n >= 11 && n <= 99 ? 4 : 5;
]]>The page lists how to use the plural form with _n(), however what if I want to use _n() and argument swapping?
eg. This is the normal usage of _n():
printf( _n( "You have written %d comment", "You have written %d comments", $count, 'my-plugin' ), $count );
What if I wanted to swap out the “You” for another variable like the user_login?