function content_block_name_on_category_add_form() {
<div class="form-field term-content-block-name-wrap">
<label for="tag-content-block-name"><?php _e('Blok tre?ci'); ?></label>
<input type="text" size="40" name="content-block-name" id="tag-content-block-name" value="">
<p><?php _e('Wpisz tytu? bloku tre?ci.'); ?></p>
add_action('category_add_form_fields', 'content_block_name_on_category_add_form', 10, 2);
As you can see title (Blok tre?ci) and description (Wpisz tytu? bloku tre?ci.) are in Polish.
I would like the title and description to be displayed in English if I swich to English in the admin user profile.
Probably I should do something with .po and .mo files. But I have no idea what. Could somebody give me clear steps how to do it?
I would be very grateful for your help!
i have a basic understanding of escaping and translating.
what is confusing me is why this is escaped but not this.
is it because the first example is output to an admin page? escaping HTML makes more sense to me when a url or form is involved.
HTML appears to be escaped in a few wordpress theme files but not nearly as much as in others where it’s just being translated, not also escaped.
i’d like to have a better grasp of how and when each is used.
thanks so much for your time <3
]]>In my comments header:
Text Domain: add-to-post-footer
Domain Path: /languages
I created .po and .mo files with poedit and put them in /languages in my plugin. I translated to portuguese and named as ‘pt_BR.po/mo’. In my option page I have some texts as follows:
<?php echo __( 'With ', 'add-to-post-footer').ATPF_PLUGIN_NAME.__(' you can add some content at the final of all your posts without care about forget some of them, or the need to copy and paste boring proccess. Just go to Posts >> ', 'add-to-post-footer').ATPF_PLUGIN_NAME.__(', insert the content and save it. The proccess is the same to change the content. You just have to care about other stuff of your site/blog now', 'add-to-post-footer'); ?>
But when I put in my localhost wordpress installation, language brazilian portuguese, nothing happens (just the save button, because Save is already translated by default on WP)
What am I doing wrong?
]]><a class="screen-reader-text skip-link" href="#content"><?php _e( 'Skip to content', 'twentyfourteen' ); ?></a>
thanks for your early reply..!!
echo __(‘sal’,’fourteen’);
only sal printed
Can it be a plugin-wp version problem?
If no, suggestion?
]]>This is where it have to be changed…I think
<div id=”author-bio”><?php the_author_meta(‘description’, $hatch_author_bio ); ?></div>
Thank You so much!!!