After deactivating TEC the problem does not occur.
Second problem: Viewing the Calendar page causes 502 Proxy Error without any edits to pages.
I have tried:
Any ideas of what I should look for or try?
Live site (TEC is currently deactivated) is on Hostmonster:
Theme: Avada 7.11.14
WordPress 6.7.2
PHP 8.2.18
Staging site (TEC is active) is on Siteground, same versions of everything except
PHP 8.2.27
]]>We have User Switching for the production as well as staging ( environments of this website for the past 4-5 years. Both environments are under CloudFlare WAF and mostly the same configurations except load balancing. Production is behind AWS Load Balancers with multiple servers and staging has an AWS LB but runs on a single server right now.
The issue happens on Production. On production (which has the latest User Switching plugin but WP and some other plugins are awaiting an update scheduled for later this week), the 502 Bad Gateway error is showing up if the ‘Switch To’ link is clicked. On Staging, which also has the latest User Switching plugin along with the latest of all other plugins and WP, it works fine.
The issue was first notice today (Dec 17, 2024).
Please let me know what other information I can give for you to provide some guidance debugging this.
I am hoping the WordPress and plugin updates later this week will resolve the issue but I wanted to submit a support request regardless in case it doesn’t and you are aware of why this could happen.
502. That’s an error.
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds. That’s all we know.
How to solve it?
]]>I am using W3 Total Cache on my website. When setting it up, I chose “Combine and minify” in both JS and CSS minify settings. Now, I want to change both settings to “Minify Only”, but the page breaks and shows “502 Bad Gateway Error: nginx”.
“Preserved comment removal”, “line break removal” and “HTTP/2 Push” are activated on that tab and properly working when using “Combine and minify” option. I tried to disable them when chaning to “Minify Only”, but I cannot disable “HTTP/2 Push”. Anyways, the page breaks and shows “502 Bad Gateway Error: nginx” regardless of the active options.
Can someone help me?