Thank you
]]>So the problem persists, whenever I want to save changes in a post with a photo or image I get the “406 Not Acceptable” message and a “GET 404 (Not Found)” on the “Console” Window from Chrome’s Developer Tools.
Thank you evryone
]]>Any idea on how i can resolve? Tnx
]]>I try to change the permalink setting from default one to “Post name”. But when I click on save change, it returned an error message “406 not acceptable” — and that’s it, no further instruction or message… I tried selecting other options they all ended up the same. I was told that it’s better to change the permalink to “post name” as it will increase click through rate and performance on SEO. please help!
]]>I’m using the free Pure and Simple template on a client site. Very happy with it.
We’ve run into two issues where we receive the message 406 Not Acceptable.
1. The content of a widget Featured Top 1 (see Services tree silhouette bottom left on the home page) and designated to appear only on the site home page is appearing in the individual posts/entires on the blog and in testimonials.
Page links:
I’m using the Dynamic Widgets plugin to assign widgets to specific pages.
In the widget management section, the Services tree widget also appears twice under Blog Right Sidebar. I didn’t place them there. When I select the delete function to remove both widgets from blog right sidebar I receive the message “406 Not Acceptable, Return to home page.”
I also tried using Dynamic Widgets for both to block the widget from appearing on the blog and testimonial posts but it didn’t work!
2. When the client tries to edit old blog posts (that were imported with the site re-design), she also receives the message “406 Not Acceptable, Return to home page.”
Any suggestions on how to remove it?
Thank you,
By now, even my cpanel shows server stopped responding.
So I looked up about it online and found about the .htaccess file. I tried to find this file in my directory and couldn’t find anything like it (I checked the show hidden files), so I created a htaccess file and pasted this into it:
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
I couldn’t name it .htaccess and upload it while its hidden so I renamed it in the File Manager in cpanel to .htaccess.
Still nothing seems to work. Please help!
This is the error..
Not Acceptable
Client browser does not accept the MIME type of the requested page.
Also the lack of response from your support if very frustrating…
]]>406 Not Acceptable – WP Rate Limited. Contact support if this persists.
I have tried fix from an old post, which has not worked.
Any advise and help appreciated.