I manage a business site for a craftsman and am here to try to find a fix to a problem I’ve run into! The site’s been up and running for quite a while, but somehow you’ve never been allowed to comment on blog posts.
When I go to post a new post to the blog page, it posts it in this way:
In other words, every post has this same convoluted permalink (yes, every post is called “sample” as seen above!).
SO…. the new post shows up just fine on the blog page, but if I click “Leave a comment” or even the title of the post, a page loads which says “Not Found Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help.” So, each post doesn’t have a special link given to it, as any little blog post should!
Does anyone have any ideas about how this could be fixed? It’s nice that the blog can be updates, but we’d like for folks to be able to comment, too!
Thank you so much in advance for any help!!
]]>MailChimp says “WordPress issue, you’re on your own,” and the Weaver site is really, really hosed up at the moment & I can’t ask them because of their own site issues.
It’s been over a year since I did anything in the editor, so I am clueless as to potential solutions. Stuff I’ve found on this forum doesn’t seen to apply to the Weaver theme, so anyone with some ideas please let me know!
My site: https://www.ClarkPlaysGuitar.com/
Look at the email sign-up (“Join the secret club”) on the right, you’ll see what I mean. I had a similar issue a couple years back with my contact form page, but I cannot remember anything about how I fixed it.
Thanks in advance!
I am new to WordPress and trying to modify 2 sites created by someone else, years ago. It already shows varying sidebars depending on the page. One site is WP v3.1.3 at druminc.org. The other site is WP 3.0.3 at foundation.druminc.org.
Can I modify the sidebars used by each page, without touching the code and without changing the sidebar on all the pages?
This is driving me crazy. Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.
My gallery display defaults to 3 columns, even when I set it to display more than that. I use a right sidebar (with 2010 Weaver), which I know limits it, but I’ve set quite small thumbnails, so it could fit more. How can I get it to override the default three column? Is there a plugin?
]]>Under ‘reading’ ‘front page displays’ I have ‘static page’ checked, and no widgets are activated.
I am using 2010 Weaver.
Where else should I be looking to fix this? Thank you!
]]>Anybody got any ideas why the RSS widget would not work as advertised?
]]>For example, check the homepages of www.johnnyvagabond.com or www.backpackingmatt.com
I understand this is CSS, perhaps tables, but I have little to no clue of how to implement this code. It can’t be that hard.
Can anybody give me some pointers to get me started, a basic template of what to do and where to put it in my code would be awesome but all tips and advice are welcomed!
]]>I tried adding a little fixed position code, which meant the sidebar moved to the top right whenever the screen was scrolled.
I’ve since removed the code and the sidebar still moves to the top right.
I’m using Firefox…
To see what I mean check it out – www.ramblingirish.com.
Keep in mind this is very much a site under development lol
How do I fix it so it just stays in the top right of the content area, instead of moving to the very top corner of the page?