If I try navigating to: https://vult.us/wp-admin
I am taken to this page: https://us.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/errorhandler?hspart=gt&hsimp=yhse-gt&q=http%3A%2F%2Fvult.us%2Fwp-login.php&type=435714
Basically just my login page is gone. I’m was assuming the wp-login.php file has been corrupted.
I downloaded the newest version of WordPress from www.remarpro.com and uploading a new wp-login.php file but that hasn’t made any difference.
So I’ve removed the database that the WordPress version of my site was on and created a new database and installed a fresh copy of WordPress. Same deal, the new WordPress page is up but the login page still returns a DNS error.
If anyone can point me to the right direction that would be much appreciated.
– Erik
]]>I am completely new to wordpress etc, so I might be doing something wrong.
My hosts are 1&1 who have an automatic installation of wordpress with 1 click. However, I cannot add a new theme is this right? This is the notes i’m getting below the installation complete. “
For security reasons, the following changes and modifications are not possible in Click-n-Build applications:
Installation of new templates, new plugins, new modules, new components, or new language packages.
Insertion of custom source code (e.g. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or PHP) in preinstalled templates or other places in Click-n-Build applications.
Thank you for your understanding”
Any help is greatly appreciated. Kindest regards Mark
]]>I am moving a WordPress site to 1 and 1 and using a sub domain to test. If I try and navigate to the sub domain, I get 403 Forbidden error, I also I get this error when I try and access wp-admin, in fact everything I access, I get this 403 Forbidden error.
Below are the steps I took to migrate the site to 1 and 1
1. I have down loaded all the WordPress files
2. Exported the database .sql
3. Created a new database on the new host
4. Created a new sub domain on the new host
5. ftp all the files to the new server sub domain, made this folder home, kept the same file structure.
6. Imported the .sql file into the database.
7. Updated wp.config to reflect the changes., db name, db user, db password, db path
8. As I am using the subdomain to test, I needed to update the database tables to point to the test url I executed the following SQL queries
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value='https://new site url' WHERE option_id='1'")
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'https://old site url','https://new site url)
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'https://old site url', 'https://new site url')
When I navigate to these pages I get the 403 Forbidden error and an option to save the file. When I open the file, the contents are as follows
* Front to the WordPress application. This file doesn’t do anything, but loads
* wp-blog-header.php which does and tells WordPress to load the theme.
* @package WordPress
* Tells WordPress to load the WordPress theme and output it.
* @var bool
define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, true);
/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
Does anyone have any ideas as to what is causing this issue?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I now want to transfer from .com to .org. Yes – I’ve found a few guides that give me an outline of how to do that. BUT, I haven’t found anything that explains what to do if you purchased your domain name through WordPress when you set up your wordpress.com blog. All the guides assume you didn’t do this.
Any suggestions or recommendations on posts to read that I might not have found?
I’m particularly confused about when I need to transfer the domain to 1and1, and whether that will take my existing wordpress.com site down. I’ve also seen some notes about domain mapping, and there being an ongoing annual cost from WordPress ($12 rings a bell) but I’m not sure it applies in this instance – I hope not!
For reference, I want to move the domain to 1and1 and host my www.remarpro.com blog there, as I already have purchased a number of domains from them, and want to keep all my domain ownership / hosting through one place (not that I have any other sites, but planning on it in future).
]]>2. I’ve tried uploading a new header through the header section and it never works. It adds the file to the media but doesn’t set it up as the header.
3. When I open some pages, I click on the add media button and it doesn’t respond.
I’ve managed to get around 2 and 3, but I can’t figure out the first problem. I’m using Twenty Ten theme if that helps. Is there a file I can open and type in the code to add things to the menu manually?
]]>I tried everything – server settings, htaccess, php safe mode, double-triple-quadruple checking the db settings in my config.php file, nothing worked.
After trying everything I could find online – and getting nothing but BLANK PAGES in my browser – here’s what worked for me…
1. Setup your DB using the 1&1 admin dashboard
(Make a note of your settings, especially your password)
2. Create an FTP account using the 1&1 admin dashboard
(Make a note of your username and password)
3. Download the latest version of WP
(Unzip and get to the root folder with the php files and 3 main folders)
4. Using FTP client, create a new folder for your WP install (my preference)
5. Drag the entire contents of the WP (root) folder to the new folder on your server
6. Delete the wp-config-sample.php file – and DO NOT manually create a new wp-config.php file!!!
7. Open your browser and navigate to the new WP FOLDER you created.
8. Don’t attempt to go to the install.php file or anything else, just go to the folder!
At this point WP should kick into gear and walk you through the rest of the process. Enter your DB info from above, make a note of your admin credentials, WP will handle the rest and drop you into the admin dashboard.
Even now, I’m still convinced I had some setting(s) or entry(-ies) wrong somewhere along the way. Regardless, just letting WP do it’s thing naturally worked like a champ.
I’m no expert – don’t claim to be – I just hope this helps someone else out there avoid a LOT of frustration…
]]>I can’t figure out how to operate 3 separate sites. Either none will work, or they will all mirror the original site. If anyone could give me comprehensive details as to what needs done to be able to operate these sites, it would be much appreciated!
]]>I can install headspace, and use the page settings, options and import. However when I click on page or site modules I am getting a
Error 500 – Internal server error
An internal error has occurred!
Please try again at a later time point