I use the themes urban-lite
in Theme Options.Bereich wierd this Wanung shown me
warning: filemtime (): stat failed for/www/htdocs/w0108bb0/rezepte/wp-content/themes/urban-lite/options/assets/js/vendor/redux.select2.sortable.min.js in /www/htdocs/w0108bb0/rezepte/wp-content/themes/urban-lite/options/framework.php on line 1652
Besides these settings are zurückges?tzt back to the standard after some time
so if you have a solution for me
Greeting Watbube
On my blog sg.asianewshub.com the mobile menu is not working. Regardless if I look at the site on a mobile device or if I reduce the browser size, regardless which browser it is I have the same issue. I click on to the Icon and the menu does not slide down. Apart from that I absolutely love your Theme. Would be great if you could fix it in case it is a bug.
Kind regards,
Can you let me know the correct size for the featured image. I have tried several sizes but none fill the full width of the page.