Hello Mr. Versiani,
First let me thank you for making such a plain, clean template! It’s gorgeous!
My question is: can a product review be inserted into your theme below the search box and above the Recent Posts, please? Or could a .jpg be inserted there instead?
Thank you for your time!
Thanks for a great starter theme. Its extremely well put together and documented throughout the code.
I have a problem with SASS however. I tried changing a variable in _variables file complied the theme.scss file and all the grid stuff is now missing.
I use KOALA app for sass and everytime I import the theme I get the following error:
Error: File to import not found or unreadable: ../bower_components/skeleton-scss/scss/skeleton.
Load path: /Users/stevengardner/Downloads/underskeleton/sass
on line 22 of /Users/stevengardner/Downloads/underskeleton/sass/theme.scss
Use --trace for backtrace.
I remove all bower and gulp files and mentions as I’m not ready to use these at the moment. Once I do the error above disappears but whenever I compile my SCSS file it seems to miss at least the Grid file containing the “Container” class styles.
I understand this will be hard to help but I’m just struggling at the starting point but I dont want to give up with this theme.