Rating: 5 stars
I am using this theme with ClassicPress, paired with Azurecurve Snippet Plugin for ClassicPress.
I am using the snippet plugin to create the html/css code for the various sections of my pages, rendering them via shortcodes and the theme manages the snippets perfectly.
Not only it comes with a fully widgetized system and granular design configuration, it also allows for the addition of ones own classes to style elements and there are also some cool presets to play around with. Moreover it has direct support for any Google Font that for me is a great resource!
It is a real multipurpose theme, whose ample customization options make realy easy to build whatever kind of site, big or small.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
For the last year or so I’ve played around with this theme on just about every new site I’ve built. Had a grand time exploring its many builtin design capabilities.
Just the other night, I had an idea for a site that wasn’t exactly public as it was designed to feed through to another site but it wouldn’t hurt to let the public look if they found it. Decided to run Twenty8teen there to allow me to experiment more with that extensive graphics side of the theme. Very glad I did.
It is a delight to just experiment with.
Behaves well with content including my amateurish table layouts I use for book listings on this new site.
Seems to like working on Multisites.
Works well with Child Themes and child theme creator plugins.
Has microformats support which might make it a great candidate for Indieweb based sites.
It appears to work happily with static sites if you want to create with WordPress and host the site as static pages… ie.; Git, IPFS, a simpler hosting system, Cloudflare, etc.
If you’ve been running an old school blog on a simpler theme or are running an IndieWeb capable WordPress theme but would like something much more attractive then this might be the perfect theme for you.
Don’t pass this one by!
]]>Rating: 2 stars
Twenty8teen, more like Twothousand5. This looks like a relic from 2005 with its tacky rainbow colors.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I have this theme on one of my other sites, but this is just a great free theme. I was surprised at how much I could customize to really make each site look different.
This theme actually makes the design process fun with all of its features.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Excelent and versatile theme.
Has a number of configurations that other themes do not have. Congratulations to the creator