I’ve just set up a personal blog using a the Tuesday theme and I love it!
I have one little issue I can’t seem to be able to fix.
I’m from Hungary and I want to use the latin-extended subset for my choice of Google webfont (Dosis), I need this so that the following two characters will be included in my fotn: ‘?’ and ‘?’ (they are not included in Latin). Unfortunately under Theme Customization, there are only options for Cyrillic/Greek/Vietnamese subsets and not Latin Extended.
I easily managed to fix this by changing the highlighted code (from latin to latin-ext) in functions.php.
// Register web font stylesheet
if ( get_theme_mod( ‘font-subset’ ) ) {
$add_subset = ‘&subset=latin-ext,’.get_theme_mod( ‘font-subset’ ).”;
} else {
$add_subset = ”;
wp_register_style( ‘webfont’, ‘//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=’.get_theme_mod(‘font’, ‘Open Sans’).’:300,400,600′. $add_subset .”);
As far as I understand, what this did is include the latin extended subset when selecting any other subset in Theme Customization. I know this is not optimal (because now I have to include e.g the greek subset to get my Hungarian letters), but I can live with that. And it works too! It works too!
I tested it on a number of platforms/devices and it works on most, but does not work on my iPhone. The above two letters (? / ?) fall back to Arial. One comment though: it will work if I set the mobile browser to desktop mode.
Works on:
PC (Windows 7/8 – Chrome, IE8)
iPad Air (iOS7 – Safari, Chrome)
LG G2 (Android 4.2.2 – Browser, Chrome)
Samsung Galaxy S4 (Android 4.2.2 – built-in browser)
Does not work on:
iPhone 5S (iOS7 – Safari, Chrome)
Nexus 5 (Android 4.4 – Chrome)
I tried disabling all wordpress plugins – didn’t work.
I tried a fresh installation of the theme (where I only changed the above code) – didn’t work.
Can you help me figure out what may be going wrong? Any help would be much appreciated. Here’s the link to my website in case you want to test-drive it (discovery.rokolya.com)
Thanks so much,
I added Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ icons onto my page within the code. I now want them off (since I realized there was a plugin for this and more) and can see those pieces of code on the “content-single” editor page. When I delete this bit of code however, it pushes the rest of the items on the page down and off of the white background, including the “Leave a Comment” feature. This only happens on the page which appears when an individual blog post is clicked on–all other pages seem fine.
Is there a way to remove these three items without affecting the format? I have deleted and reinstalled Tuesday, but they are still there. Please help!
I installed the Tuesday theme and when I publish a new post, the pictures don’t show up as in my previous post (when I was still using another theme), and I have to click on “continue reading” to see them. I’ve tried so many things such as publishing post as “gallery, image, standard”,etc, but with no success, so I unpublished my new post.
I would appreciate any help.
Thank you very much.
Hi, I really like your theme for it’s clean look. The integration of Google fonts is another great feature. One problem I am having is that I would like to have static front page and also use the footer widget areas. Whenever I change to a static front page the footer widget areas disappear. I’ve tried using plugins such Widget Context, Widget Logic, etc and still can’t get the footer widget areas to appear. Can you help? Thanks!
]]>On the desktop version, I changed the settings in this theme so there is no site title, or site description shown in the sidebar. I’ve got it set up so a custom header image shows that information instead.
I use the WordPress Jetpack mobile version on my site, and with this theme, it shows the site title, site description AND header image, which in my case is redundant. How can I remove the site title & description from my mobile version so only the header image shows?
It appears with the header image only on the iPad and Android phone versions, it only seems to show the redundancy in the iPhone version.
For now I’m going to live with it, and hope my readers do, too.
I highly appreciate for your free theme, it is really nice. And really big thanks to you for ability to choose additional subset for Google font.
Could you please consider to add the following items as possible customization features of your themes?
1. Author info under the post text. It is highly useful when blog has several authors.
2. There’s a mess on the main page when posts has no featured images. Some blogs do not have one, so maybe there’s an option to visually divide one post from another by some css?
3. Featured post is part of mentioned mess as well, because it is marked with small tag only.
3. There’s a total text mess with top menu, site title and sidebar menu when sidebar is on the left. With sidebar on the right it looks much better. Maybe you can add option to move top menu to right or center it?
4. Local avatars. I use Simple local avatars for that and usually it crops avatar when it is not 1:1. But under Tuesday theme avatars are shrinked, not cropped, what looks not really good.
5. I use Basic Comment Quicktags to help users comment, but Tuesday theme doesn’t show any additional buttons this plugin adds.
Hope this small feedback will be useful for you.