I have blue arrows on some of my pages. This page (contact me) shows the arrows on the social media icons. The arrows make it harder for the icons to be clicked. I’m also not sure what the black box at the bottom means. They are both pretty distracting. Do I have to change my theme to stop this from happening?
I have installed travelera lite, I like the theme a lot but the menu is not closing on mobile devices. I am using safari on my iPhone and I cant fix the problem. Can you please help with it?
]]>Your code was not returning a correct category count on the category page. I have changed your code to fix it.
Here is your original code:
$travelera_cat = get_the_category();
$travelera_cat = $travelera_cat[0];
$travelera_cat_count = $travelera_cat->category_count;
printf( _n( '%s Article', '%s Articles', intval( $travelera_cat_count ), 'travelera-lite' ), intval( $travelera_cat_count ) );
And here is code that works:
$idObj = get_category_by_slug(single_cat_title( '', false ));
$thisid = $idObj->term_id;
$travelera_cat = get_category($thisid);
$travelera_cat_count = $travelera_cat->count;
printf( _n( '%s Article', '%s Articles', intval( $travelera_cat_count ), 'travelera-lite' ), intval( $travelera_cat_count ) );
I am new to WordPress and need some help with using featured images:
1. The featured image slider on my home page has a huge white margin on the right, how can I change this to fit the full width of the slider
2. The featured images on my post look blurry, while in the media section they look fine. How can I correct this.
Any help will be appreciated, I am not so familiar with coding so really struggling here!
]]>Is there a way to use CSS to widen the single layout page width in the travelera lite theme?
]]>When I upload a logo into the theme, for some reason the logo appears too big and when I change sizing I lose quality without affecting the sizing so much. So now I’ve decided I would like to display an image as a banner header, with my logo on the image instead so I can control how it appears. However, when I try to upload an image as a logo it doesn’t let me, when I try to change the layout of the header to allow for an image, it doesn’t let me do that either.. please help. In fact it doesn’t even let me upload a logo at all either “it just says there was a problem with your action please try and reload the page again”
Thanks in advance for your help, the Instagram feed has disappeared at the footer of my page, not sure what happened because it was working fine yesterday, any tips on what I can do? Thanks
it still shows “follow us” but doesn’t show any photos.
]]>“Category” appears in black, and I’ve looked everywhere and cannot find how to change that color to white so it’s actually legible on the background, please help thanks.