FYI; my site using this apparently abandoned Tiny framework has become a subject to continuous hacking, or some other zero day vulnerability is being used, but I advise caution to anyone other still relying on Tiny.
]]>Can I change the link at the bottom, i’ve done it before but now i’m lost.
]]>So having managed to make my template with the add-ons (the bread crumbs & last modified) where I want them, I realised I didn’t want the sidebar in the pages using this template.
The code in my custom manual.php
is identical to that in the included full-width.php
in tiny-framework/page-templates
apart from the two additional items.
To investigate I created a full width page with the standard template and another one with mine and compared the generated HTML (notepad++ is a wonderful tool).
A clear significant difference is that ‘full-width’ is included in the list of classes for the <body>
tag in the standard one but not mine.
Not sure if it’s significant that the mine has page
where the standard one has page-template-page-templatesfull-width-php
– again this is in the classes for <body
After some greping, it looks like the missing class ‘full-width’ is set by tiny-framework/inc/semantics.php:
157 // Using a full-width layout, when no active widgets in the sidebar or full-width template.
158 if ( ! is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' )
159 || is_page_template( 'page-templates/full-width.php' )
160 || is_attachment() ) {
161 $classes[] = 'full-width';
Now obviously I don’t want to change that file – my own template is in a child theme.
I also really don’t want to copy it all to my child theme either unless that’s the only way to fix this.
Is there a simple way to fix this in or for my custom page template?
]]>I’ve got breadcrumbs working by using the Flexy Breadcrumb plugin and adding a shortcode to the page.
However what I’d really like is a different page template that includes the breadcrumbs, and I can’t work out how to do that.
In fact I can’t work out how to turn them on (can I?) in Tiny Framework!
]]>I have been using Tiny-Framework for several years and have got by removing the grey border around images by using ‘no-border’ class… until now.
I am trying to set up ecommerce using PayPal and I cannot remove the grey border around the PayPal button.
I have tried additional css, editing style.css. I have no need for the grey border on my site and I cannot find a way to just get rid of it.
I have looked at other themes and they do not seem to have this problem.
]]>I have added demo to my tiny framework site in the body block but it needs to extend further. It has two divs that contain an iframe that are shown crunched and require scrolling. I’d like to extend tiny’s body such that scrolling is not necessary, at least until either the user collapses the browser or the parts order table grows too long, and don’t know where that should be done.
It is currently on my computer and accessible only via wampserver, so I can’t provide a link. Our real site is and the demo is on Customer Support Demonstration.
]]>On any page on this site, there is a large amount of blank space before the footer. What is the best way to remove most of this space on every page? Thank you.
]]>Hey Forum,
Could you please help me to install the counter plugin WP-PostViews
In the file index.php I added the code <?php if(function_exists(‘the_views’)) { the_views(); } ?>.
However, the counter is not displayed in the website.
Can someone tell me what I have done wrong?
// Start the Loop
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
<?php if(function_exists(‘the_views’)) { the_views(); } ?>
/* Include the Post-Format-specific template for the content.
* If you want to override this in a child theme, then include a file
* called content-___.php (where ___ is the Post Format name) and that will be used instead.
get_template_part( ‘template-parts/content’, get_post_format() );
// End the loop.
Thanks for your help
Hello Forum,
I am new here and trying to rebuild my old Flash website with WordPress theme Tiny Framework (, and three problems came across that I cannot solve.
Do you have some suggestions, so I could solve these problems?
Problem 1.
When clicking the “EDUCATION” button in the menu bar, a new browser window opens. This is not the case with other menu button.
Problem 2.
For each area (menu button), a different topic-related image should be displayed. How can this be realized?
Problem 3.
At the end of each page is the “Sign in” button. Is it possible to hide or remove this button when the website is finished?
Thank you for your help
Best Regards
the primary menu overlaps the text in mobile view. So we have two menus: one by the mobile menu button and one which is overlapping the text. If i try to display: none the primary menu, the links in the menu by button disappears also.
Which id or which container could i deactivate? Which changes?
In the topic from tykeUK and the named website project i can see that it is possible, but how?
Thanks for your support.
Is it possible to add a simple text-widget…
* Only on the front page
* Just above the normal posts
* With a short code or any php-code? When I use a short code like this: [widget id=”text-6″], it won’t show up.
If so, what should that look like and where exactly should I do this? I have tried to add this into the index.php but it did not work. So I must have done something wrong. But what?
]]>Here I go again with another question (on boss’ reguest!).
At first I had to remove all of the byline, except for the date. Glad I just made it invisible (display:none;) or with /* and */.
Now I have been asked to show just the date (posted-on), but right under the header and only on the home page (front page). Is this even possible? How should I achieve this?
(Feeling such a noob again…)
]]>Hello friends of Tiny Framework
I am interested in using the child theme called “Full Width” presented here. So I donated $25 via PayPal like the page said a couple of days ago. I got the PayPal receipt but unfortunately no response or link to the theme from the theme author Tomas. I couldn’t reach him via mail or the contact form so far. He’s probably busy and can’t react quickly. Could anyone who has the theme already help me out in the meantime as I would like to use the theme now? Or am I getting something wrong in the workflow of getting that child theme?
Thaks for help, choszt
]]>The website is done for large screens, but I have been asked for some tweaks to the site in mobile view (small screens).
1) I need to remove the ‘search’-box. How? I cannot find this in the stylesheet.
2) In mobile view the post-containers are screen wide and I have been asked to add some margin in the same color as the website background. How to do that?
I have very little experience in tweaks just for small screens, so any help would be appreciated here.
]]>Hello. I would like to improve the navigation of the pages so that the subtitles do not overlap << page 1 page 2 … page 100 >>. I do not know where to look for a mistake …
]]>Does anyone have a clue what to do with the page navigation (pagination, previous page, next page) which disappears on tablet and mobile? Is there any way to make it stay visible on every device?
]]>Still working on the same website… With a new question.
About pagination:
1. – What I need is to remove the page numbers (1,2,3,…5), but keep the links to previous and next articles.
I’m working make a WordPress site for a field station as accessible as possible and have access to the Compliance Sheriff tool to help with this.
I switched to the Tiny framework recently and doing so has helped to solve a number of accessibility issues I had previously. I’m still hung up on a few however.
One that is bugging me, which I cannot figure out is a use of pt/px to specify font size rather than % or em. This error is showing up on every page but only in very specific spots.
<div id="site-title-wrapper">
00143 <p id="site-title" class="site-title"><ul>
<a href="" rel="home"></ul>
Harkness Laboratory of Fisheries Research</a></p>
00146 <ul>
<p id="site-description" class="site-description"></ul>
Delivering excellence in fisheries & aquatic research since 1936</p>
00149 </div><!-- #site-title-wrapper -->
In the underlined sections above, lines 143 and 146. I’ve looked in the style.css and cannot find anywhere that this might be occurring.
Any thoughts as to how to resolve this would be much appreciated!
]]>Despite all the CSS hunting tricks I cannot find the part that customizes the color of the footer from #ffffff to #a1cdfb. It seems that more CSS parts are involved.
So far I have customized:
.site-footer {
background-color: #a1cdfb;
border-top: 0px solid #ededed;
font-size: 16px;
font-size: 1rem;
margin: 0px auto 0 auto;
margin: 0rem auto 0 auto;
max-width: 960px;
max-width: 60rem;
padding: 0 0 0 0;
padding: 0 0 0rem 0;
and also
.footer-widgets .site-footer {
background-color: #a1cdfb;
padding-top: 5px;
padding-top: 0.3125rem;
and I changed too:
.site-info-2 {
background-color: #a1cdfb;
font-family: “Franklin Gothic”, “Helvetica”, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px; /* Make tap targets larger to provide a better user experience on mobile devices. */
font-size: 0.75rem;
font-weight: lighter;
But still this didn’t do the trick. Still a part of the footer area stays white.
* What did I do wrong?
* Could it be so, that Windows10 is in the way here? (I only started using that browser (@#$%^&*) recently.
@tomas: you know me from an other account which I have lost the logins of. That’s why I created this new account. Will send you an email soon and a donation through PayPal soon!!
]]>On my site I get a red banner with
Advanced features of this website require that you enable JavaScript in your browser. Thank you!
even though JavaScript is enabled.
Checked on Win 10/Chrome, Win 10/Edge & Android/Chrome.
Wordpress 5.0.3
I would appreciate some help with creating a sidebar on the frontpage. The widget range on the static frontpage is underneath and not on on the side. If I create a sidebar for the non static sides it works perfectly. I checked all I know in the functions.php in the sidebar-front.php but I could not solve it.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards
Before I download and get started with Tiny Framework, I need to know if it’s compatible with WordPress 5.0.1? I see it hasn’t been updated since 2017, hence the question…
Thanks in advance.
]]>I’m building a website for a client, and they want the custom header on all pages, without fail. I have it displaying on all of the single posts and pages correctly, but not on the category page. Where do I set it to display the header image on archive or category pages?
]]>Hi, could you tell me if Tiny Framework theme could work with new PHP version 7.0, 7.1 or 7.2? I am trying to update my website ( I am on PHP 5.5), but there is a few blank sites when I do it. Could this problem be connected with the theme? I also disable all my plugins, when I update.
Thank You for Your help
It’s about the Comments widget in the Tiny Framework theme. How to reduce the space between comments?
I’m using the tiny framework theme to the project for universities.
I like your theme most because it is clean and simple.
I’m just learning how it works and I have a questions:
Is it possible to change the text highlighting color in the header from orange (ff6111) to another? and page numbering and text “next page”? for example, red (a90000)?
And please explain how I can do it
Regards Adrian
Asking for a friend (really)
1. Would like the navigation menus to be the same font as main body text – how to change that and so that it doesn’t revert if the theme is updated.
2. How to get the navigation links (on hover) to change to say dark blue rather than orange.
3. Is it okay to remove the link to Tiny Framework in the footer?
4. There is also a full-stop in the footer (I think a separator) – how to remove that?
Hello Tomas,
I’ve trying to figure out the logic behind entry meta data visibility. It seems to me that the default configuration always displays the ‘published’ date, even though ‘updated’ exists.
Apparently you’ve chosen to control visibility with CSS
.updated:not(.published) {
display: none;
Although I can’t figure out what it is supposed to do.
I’m particularly interested in displaying ‘updated’ time for the purposes of SEO. because now even recently updated content seems out of date in Google SERP.
What I will likely to do is to modify the functions.php
to include only ‘updated’ date when it exists as my variation of Tiny theme does not reveal the significance of the date anyhow.
Referring to this:
<div class="entry-meta">
<span class="posted-on">
<span class="screen-reader-text">Julkaistu </span><a href="" rel="bookmark">
<time class="entry-date published" datetime="2016-04-30T09:20:20+00:00" itemprop="f-512">30.04.2016</time>
<time class="updated" datetime="2018-06-08T15:10:19+00:00">08.06.2018</time></a></span>
I’d like tags to show alongside the current metadata showing under an article in the “image” format. Currently, the only meta that appears are : Format / Date / Author / Category.
My ideal set up would be : Date / Format / Category / Tags
Since I am the only author on my website, I don’t really need the “author” meta but tags could help search engines find photos shown on my pages.
I searched but couldn’t find any previous article on this particular topic. Can you help me with this.
]]>Hi, New WordPress user here. I’m exploring themes for my site and love Tiny Framework so far. However, I’m confused by how it handles the Featured Image. I’m wondering if my observations so far are actually true:
1. It seems necessary to provide a rectangular image that is at least 960px wide.
2. Featured Image only displays on individual post page by default, and only if it is wider than 960px.
If I want to use square thumbnails, like specific logo images, for a ‘recent posts’ section of my site, is Tiny Framework amenable to that? Or would it be like fitting a square peg into a round hole? It seems like it would be much happier handling a rectangular image across the top of the excerpt text, rather than a square image floating in the upper left corner of the excerpt text.
I am trying to avoid wrestling with image cropping or image distortion every time I create a post. Thanks for your insights and experience.