Please use
wp_enqueue_style( ‘tiga-font’, …)
in function tiga_enqueue_scripts() in file enqueue.php
instead of static
so that “https://” gets picked up automatically.
]]>Hi Satrya,
First of all a thumbs up for your theme, I have been using it for over 2 years now and I am still loving it.
However I have got a problem with the “older posts”. The newsfeed on my homepage ( only shows the last 10 posts, which is ok, but the link below it which used to say “older posts” is not there anymore since one of the last updates. (I updated already some time ago but just did not notice up to now). How can I make the “older posts” link re-appear so that people could also find older posts?
Thanks in advance,
I use Tiga theme as my main theme for my blog. I want to design my blog: specially I want to replace and put my own header image on Tiga theme. Any ideas and help will be appreciated. Thanks!
]]>Hy Satrya, sekitar sebulan yang lalu ane beli jasa pembuatan blog di forum, ternyata mereka pake theme tiga ini sebagai pondasi nya, setelah saya terima blognya ternyata theme nya minta update (theme yg mereka kasih masih versi 1.9), apakah update-an yg sekarang penting? atau tidak di update pun tidak masalah? blog saya
]]>No problem anymore.
]]>Hello Satyra-
Thank you for a very nice theme. I am using the version 2.0 of your Tiga theme and am having problems adding additional menu items. It seems to be maxed out on the secondary menu at 90 items. This is my URL: When I try to add new menu items, upon saving, it disables the menu and drops the last items added. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
]]>hello: after updating the theme version today the length of the default excerpt shown on the front page seems to have changed (reduced). where/how do i change the excerpt length?
Just updated to version 2.0 and now I can’t add the logo to the header.
Has this feature been taken out of the Theme Options page or has something gone wrong?
]]>I’m sorry to all Tiga users, I forgot to changed the social icons path so you will not see the social icons. I suggest you to install social icons widget plugin.
I’m sorry once again.
I am having issue since 3.8.1 update with Tiga theme, the Primary sidebar not sliding and only titles are showing in IE 11 but its fine in chrome browser. No content of recent comments or categories, etc..
I think it is Java Script issue, I need your support.
Thank you
]]>How do I remove the title at the top of a page?
]]>Hi. I want to put larger image/ads (width=970) beside the site title.
Any help would be so appreciated. Thanks.
Hello: Great theme, and would love to use it. However, when I install the Child theme, none of the theme options I select have any effect.
Have others encountered this issue too?
]]>I have a category, which I’ve included on my menu, so all blogs with that category can be viewed separately. When I go to this page, below the Blog Title, is a heading that says, “Category Archive: [page name]”. Is there a way to remove this heading?
Thank you.
I love your design however there is an issue bugging me, and I can’t seem to figure this issue out.
The images on the default blog page are floated to the right and small vs being a larger image or at the very least in the center of the article.
The other issue I am having is the homepage template has nothing in it?
I have already installed Regenerate Thumbnails plugin.
]]>I just installed Tiga Theme, but I’m a complete noob. I’m blond and honouring it, because I feel pretty stupid. I found this site to install the slider page > but I don’t understand what to do.
It doesn’t work when I do just that. Can you please explain me step by step how I can activate the slider page?
p.s.: Your theme rocks! I find it the most beautiful and versatile of all wordpress themes.
thank you very much for your beaufiful theme.
I have already installed Tiga on a french version of wordpress, and I don’t find how to “activate” another language of the theme.
By default, I have “continue reading” and so on
I’ve seen how to translate .po file of the theme with POedit and I am able to do it.
Thank you for your help
]]>I would like to change the page titles from black to a dark blue. Is that possible?
]]>I edited menus and submenus for primary navigation and secondary navigation, but when I want see the result on my website(localhost) the submenus are not displayed.
Thank you for a great theme. On the front page I’m trying to reduce the white space between ‘continue reading’ and the ‘posted date’
My site is
Please could you advise me how to do this?
Many thanks
]]>on ipad mini I can zoom in on the demo Tiga theme displayed on wordpress site, and have set up my site, but cannot zoom in on my site on an ipad mini. Is there a setting I need to change?
]]>I have just started using this theme and really like it so far – thanks! I have two questions: 1) is there is an easy way to make the page title “Blog” appear at the top of the blog page? and 2) is there an easy way to provide an on-state for the primary navigation, e.g. the word “Blog” would be a different colour in the primary navigation when the visitor is on the “Blog” page.
In case it helps, my site is here:
Thanks is advance for any assistance you can provide,
On this page:
the slider suddenly disapeard
I’ve tried everything, but don’t manage to get it back.
The start page is set to Home page, and I added new pics but they don’t appear?
How shold one perform to get the pics into sliders on home page?
I have uploaded then from computer, added into page, and, in order not to see them embedded on page, I delete them from there.
Then I hav got the slider work, but not now?
What could be wrong?
]]>Is there any way I can change the text in the navigation bar to images?
Thanks in advance!
]]>My Website is : SKEWorthSharing.Com
My few visitors are redirecting to, and the page which is being shown to them is
Oops! That page can’t be found.
It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search? “
I am not able to trace out why this is happening……..but whenever I check my ‘Users Online Now’ always found 3-4 visitors(out of 10) are on ‘page not found’……..when I check url there, it shows Though the page Tiga Theme shows when a visitor reach to ‘page not found’ screen is really amazing and have many other things to review just like ‘recent posts’,’most used categories’, archives and tags etc. and I am sure it definitely will help them to engage themselves on website. But some of them might disappoint when they dont find the desired page.
Please help me to sort out this issue.
Thanks In Advance
]]>Hi there,
I would like to remove >> from menu bar when we have subpages.
Is it possible?
thank you
I was wondering if there’s a way to make the header image larger?
I want it to have the same width as the black navigation bar, but i guess the Primary Navigation might be in the way.
I am using the built in social media widget for Facebook and twitter. I have a left side bar where they are placed along with other things. I was using a different plugin for the icons but was a having a problem with the icons moving after I clicked them in different browsers.
I decided to try thing hoping it would work but it is doing the same thing but now in all browsers.
Whenever I click on one of the icons the other one moves down a row and doesn’t go back in place until I click again somewhere else off of the icon.
I was wondering how I would go about fixing this or what the problem was.
Thanks in advance,
I really love the theme I am just running in to a few issues.
I am trying to use the eshop eCommerce plugin to so I can sell things on my website. Everything is looking good and working ok until I view the site in IE, Firefox, or Opera. When I view the site in these three browsers there is a few issues with buttons disappearing.
When you click on the “Proceed to Checking” button it disappears. It falls below the “Continue Shopping” button and you cannot see it anymore. If you hover below the “Continue Shopping” button there is a link, the “Proceed” button, but nothing shows up. If you click right next to the “Continue Shopping” button the “Proceed to Checking” button will reappear.
The only way to continue to the next step is to click on the “Proceed to Checking” button and then when it disappears click under the “Continue Shopping” button.
Also after you add an item to the cart and are on the next step if you click on “Continue Shopping” or a different page the shopping cart widget appears, like normal. But in IE, Firefox, and Opera when you click on either either the “View Cart” or “Checkout” button they disappear, but it still takes you to the page.
I have talked to the creator of this plugin and they have told me that it is a theme issue.
I was just wondering if you had an insite into what is causing these issues and how I can go about fixing them.
When viewed on an iPhone, the main nav dropdown keeps displaying the last item in the nav, even when you’re not on that page.
Since the last page is already selected you can’t view it in the nav–when you select it, it just stays on the page you’re currently on.
Could you please help?
Thank you!