I have themolio v. 1.2 on my wordpress. on my main page and on post pages all posts are many lines long. in functions.php is set
function themolio_excerpt_length($length) {
return 40;
what have I to do to see only the excerpts?
]]>I’m currently testing on WP 4.0 beta and found that
function themolio_is_wp_version($is_ver)
called by functions.php line 66
is wrong and return false, while shoul return true (4.0 is > 3.4)
I simply use the wp buil-in:
global $wp_version;
if ( version_compare( $wp_version, '3.4', '>=' ) ) { ...
when i upload a customized logo in 500x200px, it wont be scaled/minimized on iPhone, the header is all over the place.
any ideas for solving this?
thank you!
]]>How can I set the date and the reply option below the post content?
Thanks for answering!
Okay so everything about the theme is good so far except for the mobile view. Its all over the place and definitely not phone friendly. I viewed it on my iPhone 5.. And I’ve tried to make changes to it but the site view stays the same.. Any help with this please? I also tried editing meta viewport but nothing happened.
]]>Using the theme with PHP5.3 and > sometimes you get the error:
PHP Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in xxxxx\wp-content\themes\themolio\functions.php on line 365
This is because the call to get_category_parents should expect a text OR A WP ERROR object!
There are many calls in themolio of this function that assume the return be a text, so I solved modifying wordpress:
wp-includes\category-template.php – line 42:
function get_category_parents( $id, $link = false, $separator = '/', $nicename = false, $visited = array() ) {
$chain = '';
$parent = get_term( $id, 'category' );
if ( is_wp_error( $parent ) )
return ""; //if $parent ERROR!! PHP v5.4.7 generate a "PHP Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string"
latest version of wordpress and wp e-commerce. installed WPEC, then the template, copied over files as required to template folder, etc. on the category and individual product pages, the white background does not appear as it does in normal blog posts and on the products page. i need a fix for this as it makes reading product descriptions difficult – thanks for any assistance!
We’ve noticed that the navigation elements in the main menu have problems with displaying and in addition it’s not showing the menu items.
I know its partly due to my own styling and formatting but I can’t seem to find any reference to the mobile menu apart from mobile.css
Any ideas where I can edit the mobile menu?
I managed to solve the problem.
In header.php remove
<?php if($themolio_is_mobile): ?>
<?php themolio_pages_dropdown(); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php endif; ?>
This may not be the result you ant but its what we wanted which is to have all the main menu elements show up in the mobile version and show up without a dropdown.
]]>I did the setup of Themolio and choose some posts in my index to show featured images but nothing happens.
Someone can help me ?
]]>why? (Error 500)
]]>I can’t get a custom background to display. I’ve tried uploading a few different files, changing the way in which it repeats, where it’s centered, etc., and nothing. It defaults to white, and since I removed the original one that came with Themolio, it also won’t let me change the background color.
Is there a way to override this problem in the code? If so, could someone point me to what I’d need to change?
]]>This theme looks on Desktop simply great, but not on mobile devices.
Standard installation without changes is not really responsive on samsung galaxy s3.
Its too wide, header looks destroyed, images are used in fullsize instead of thumbnails, etc.
I cant believe this should be a responsive theme.
Is there any way to fix this problem? I would be happy to use themolio also mobile.
]]>The site randomly loads in the mobile page even when it’s on a full widescreen desktop monitor.
]]>I’ve searched everywhere and can’t figure out how to adjust the sidebar width.
I’m using Themolio theme 2-column grid left to right with sidebar. My sidebar has a list of domain names but some are longer than others and bleed past the sidebar. All I need to do is make the sidebar a little wider so it fits the links.
New to coding so please be specific. Thanks!
]]>In the top-bottom layout view, all the posts follow each other tightly covering the spaces. But in the left-right layout view, the height of a row is set by the tallest post thereby allowing spaces after shorter posts.
I just would like both to look the same
First of all thanks for this amazing grid layout theme.
I am a newbie to the WordPress and am using this theme for one of my friend’s website Buyoffers.in but I want to add one widgetised footer to this website.
Can anyone please help me customise the footer or point me to some related links??
Thanks in advance:)
The gallery is not working.
When I insert a gallery into a post, the preview doesn’t show anything, not event the rest of the content.
The images of the gallery are attached to the post (I insert them in the post).
]]>I would like to hide the text in the post until the user rolls over the image. similar to how this site does it.
my site is https://www.genderspender.com
This is my first time working on a website myself so I don’t know very much about HTML or CSS. I understand just enough to get the site to where it is now.
]]>How do i get Grid style view in the category and archive as well?
The Theme is great, just need that small thing changed ??
]]>I am trying to only show the image and author.
How do I hide the time, date, reply?
]]>I am completely new to doing this stuff myself. I work in the digital world, but I am trying to learn how to do some basic stuff on my own so I don’t have to rely on my developers for everything.
I installed the template and I am looking at the preview and it looks similar to pinterest in the sense that I see thumbnails and text under the images.
When I make a post all I get is the text and no image. How do I get the images to show up on the homepage when I upload a post?
]]>Does this theme give an option to disable comments on a particular post or pages while using third party plugins like Intense Debate, Lifefyre, or Disqus
If yes, how do we do that?
]]>I have one little problem with the login form in the frontend. When I click on the login button, the page does not refresh. This means that the users have to refresh it manually to see the hidden content. Is there a way to enable an auto refresh?
]]>Hello, I am trying to make my Themolio wordpress them to be all in grid view. I change the main index page to grid and it works fine. BUT the category / archive / search results pages are in blog style.
How can I change category posts and archive to also be in grid style? It will make my whole website look perfect and also I’m sure others will have this question later on as well.
Thank you very much for your support, God bless.
I created a bunch of custom post types.
When viewing the archives, Themolio breadcrumbs only show “Home ? “, when ideally it should say “Home ? CPTName ….” when listing the individual custom posts below.
Otherwise the breadcrumbs work great with regular post categories and tags.
How can I fix it?
Thanks a lot for the great theme!
I was wondering how I can change two things:
1. header’s height: it’s a bit bigger than in the previous version, and I don’t seem to be able to find where I can change that in stylesheet. Can you help with that?
2. excerpt in grid layout on the front page: how can I set the number of characters showing in the excerpt?
Thanks in advance for looking into this for me.
]]>Hi awesome WP community! I’m using Themolio, I love it, but I’m going CRAZY trying to figure out how to edit the body font css. I’m happy with my nav and my titles/headings but the basic default text size is teeny tiny!
Can you help me?
My temp site is at https://khadija-annette.com/wordpress/.
Thank you <3 <3
Theme Name: Themolio Child
Theme URI:
Author URI:
Version: 1.1.1
License: GNU General Public License
License URI: license.txt
Tags: light, white, two-columns, right-sidebar, fixed-width, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, full-width-template, post-formats, theme-options, translation-ready
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/* Footer */
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/* Posts: Grid */
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/* Bread Crumbs */
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I appear to be seeing an unusual error when I click on tag-cloud entries or category entries on the side bar of the Themolio theme.
Here is the error message (with path obscured for my own sanity)
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting ‘,’ or ‘;’ in /…/wp-content/themes/themolio/archive.php on line 6
Am I doing something wrong? Is there something I should fix?
]]>hi, i notice that the homepage and other pages as categories scrolls very slow. I’ve found the problem: themolio loads images in original size.
A very quick fix is to change the function themolio_post_image and pass another parameter:
themolio_post_image($postid, $posttitle=”, $postexcerpt = ”, $postcontent = ”, ‘medium’)
instead of:
themolio_post_image($postid, $posttitle=”, $postexcerpt = ”, $postcontent = ”, $class = ”)
Hello, I loved the Themolio theme but I have noticed a some problem today. I want too launch my own blog. First time I’ve added some test posts at 29th June. Today I’ve add some more post for a test. After that i’ve noticed that all post have the same date (4h July), and good time (e.g. 1:47pm).
When I changed themolio to another theme, then post have normal, good date. So there is no problem with some plugin, and I think it’s a problem with themolio theme.
Can anybody help me with that?
BTW. Sorry for my English.