[01-Aug-2016 17:03:43 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /wp-content/themes/templatetoaster/functions.php on line 986
[01-Aug-2016 17:03:43 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
[01-Aug-2016 17:03:43 UTC] PHP 1. {main}() /index.php:0
[01-Aug-2016 17:03:43 UTC] PHP 2. require() /index.php:17
[01-Aug-2016 17:03:43 UTC] PHP 3. require_once() /wp-blog-header.php:19
[01-Aug-2016 17:03:43 UTC] PHP 4. include() /wp-includes/template-loader.php:75
[01-Aug-2016 17:03:43 UTC] PHP 5. get_header() /wp-content/themes/templatetoaster/404.php:11
[01-Aug-2016 17:03:43 UTC] PHP 6. locate_template() /wp-includes/general-template.php:45
[01-Aug-2016 17:03:43 UTC] PHP 7. load_template() /wp-includes/template.php:531
[01-Aug-2016 17:03:43 UTC] PHP 8. require_once() /wp-includes/template.php:572
[01-Aug-2016 17:03:43 UTC] PHP 9. templatetoaster_theme_nav_menu() /wp-content/themes/templatetoaster/header.php:128
[01-Aug-2016 17:03:43 UTC] PHP 10. templatetoaster_theme_curPageURL() /wp-content/themes/templatetoaster/functions.php:795
]]>[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget in templatetoaster_custom_Menu is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
__construct()instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 3718
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 1. {main}() /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php:0
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 2. require_once() /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php:22
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 3. require_once() /wp-load.php:37
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 4. require_once() /wp-config.php:106
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 5. do_action() /wp-settings.php:393
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 6. call_user_func_array:{/wp-includes/plugin.php:525}() /wp-includes/plugin.php:525
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 7. wp_widgets_init() /wp-includes/plugin.php:525
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 8. do_action() /wp-includes/widgets.php:1475
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 9. call_user_func_array:{/wp-includes/plugin.php:525}() /wp-includes/plugin.php:525
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 10. templatetoaster_register_widgets() /wp-includes/plugin.php:525
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 11. register_widget() /wp-content/themes/templatetoaster/inc/custommenu.php:216
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 12. WP_Widget_Factory->register() /wp-includes/widgets.php:113
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 13. templatetoaster_custom_Menu->templatetoaster_custom_Menu() /wp-includes/class-wp-widget-factory.php:57
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 14. WP_Widget->WP_Widget() /wp-content/themes/templatetoaster/inc/custommenu.php:9
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 15. _deprecated_constructor() /wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php:181
[01-Aug-2016 17:04:03 UTC] PHP 16. trigger_error() /wp-includes/functions.php:3718
I want to change colors using your theme options’ Colors tab, but they are not in order/not viewing properly, and change right back immediately. When I hit Save, it refreshes and puts them all back the same. I wish I could show you a screenshot, but no way to upload here, and the site is in maintenance mode. I can email you a screenshot, if you want. I’m wondering if there’s a conflict going on somewhere. Any tips?
]]>Hi, I turned off the options to display site title and tagline/slogan in the theme settings Header sections, so it no longer displays the words for them.
However, the rectangular bar/block which displays the words is still there. I want the entire block gone from each page. How do I do it? What’s the quickest, easiest way to do this using your theme options?