hyperlink dont work on mobiles but work fine from laptop, Any suggestion?
]]>Line 85 of inc/customizer/customizer-library/extensions/fonts.php
$request = '//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' . implode( '|', $family );
Needs to be
$request = 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' . implode( '|', $family );
Unless somewhere else is supposed to prepend the https: to it. As written it was producing
<link rel='stylesheet' id='teletype-customize-fonts-css' href='//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Special+Elite%3Aregular|Contrail+One%3Aregular%26subset%3Dlatin%2C' type='text/css' media='all' />
I just updated my php and something got wrong with my theme. The gallery blocks (photographies) are stuck together, I would like to have a white line between them as before.
Thanks for helping.
Сould somebody help me please to remove header on product pages?
]]>I’m planning to release a big update for this theme. Teletype will be refactored, although the design concept and minimalistic style will remain. If you have any wishes related theme features, please leave them here.
This will be a major update to version 2.0 so compatibility issues are likely. Please keep this in mind when you will click the update button in your Dashboard. Something may break and you will have to reconfigure something. Sorry. However, I am working hard and the improvements are worth it.
How to make header image on homepage only for teletype theme, which means other pages do not show header image as homepage. How to solve this by using CSS? Many Thanks. Search on the web and use the code that I found, none of them works.
to version 1.2.3
* Added font size option for a headline in the Customizer.
* Improved of the headline section.
* Changed the view of the gallery tiles on phones (now the post title is always visible on the image background)
* Added basic style to the visual editor
Updated premium version Teletype Plus https://dinevthemes.com/themes/teletype-plus/
* Added option to select a number of columns for blog posts and portfolio posts.
Sometimes I receive questions such as:
— I’m trying to set a static page as the front page (in particular to be able to modify the font/layout) – but each time I’ve tried (several times) it’s not showing up / instead a ‘squashed’ screen – just blank white/ with the generic black/ footer —
First, after you activate the theme, follow the link on the admin console menu, go to Appearance > Theme Teletype. There you will find short instructions for your next actions.
Before you start:
You must have a few posts. It is desirable to prepare a number of entries the image post format.
After you have set a static page as front displayed, go to Customizer: section Frontpage Sorting.
Try switching the checkboxes of the sections. Save. Finally, check all checkboxes and save.
Also, you can get useful info at these links:
On many pages of the demo it says things like “for/of the front page” for Widgets sections. Does this mean I can only do this kind of widget customing on the front page?
I wanted to have a section of widgets on my services page (not the front page) and NOT in the sidebar. Is that possible?
]]>Hi there,
I’m trying to add the plugin Ajax Load More to the archive page, but I’m not sure how to do it.
I’m tweaking the child theme. I copied the archive.php from the main theme and modified following this example:
I added the code here:
else :
get_template_part( 'template-parts/content', 'none' );
$cat = get_query_var('cat');
$category = get_category ($cat);
echo '<h1>'.$category->cat_name.'</h1>';
echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more category="'.$category->slug.'" cache="true" cache_id="cache-'.$category->slug.'"]');
endif; ?>
</section><!-- #blog -->
</main><!-- #main -->
</div><!-- #primary -->
But is not working.
Any hints?
After installing the theme, I tried to use the “Install Plugins” button on the “Teletype Theme” page under “Appearance” after activating the theme.
However, the page gives the error “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.”
I’ve tried this with a clean install on a hosted server space, as well as localhost. And have no idea how to resolve it on a running installation where I want to change the theme, since all plugins are already disabled on a clean install.
]]>Hi Team,
first a big thank you for providing a free version of this beautiful theme.
For my startup that helps a lot!
Now I have two bugs I can’t seem to fix and hope you can push me in the right direction:
1. Copyright text won’t update
I have added a name in the section: Footer Copyright > Copyright text and assumed it would then show up in the footer next to the “? 2017 · ” However, it does not. The spot stays blank, neither in preview nor on the actual site any changes. Saved and published, deleted, saved aso. nothing.
Any idea how I can fix this?
2. Sub heading is off on mobile
If you open the site on a mobile phone, the site name will show top left, the hamburger icon top right and then the sub heading will show in the second row. All with no background color.
Now, on a larger screen (Xperia X) the navigation will set itself, all neatly in one line with a white background and stay that way while scrolling up and down, as soon as you start scrolling.
On smaller screens (Galaxy SIII mini) the sub heading will stay off.
Is there a way to fix this?
Your advice would be much apprecitaed.
is there a way how to show only standard posts in Recent posts section? I couldn′t find a way to do it through customization, maybe adding a code in CSS editor?
Now the feed shows standard posts but also posts marked as Photo, that also appear in gallery section below, so they are on the homepage twice and I would like to have it only in gallery section.
Thank you very much for your help
I’d like to create a list of accordions in the sections that allow “Teletype Icon & Text”. How do I do that?
How does one add content to the Gallery section on the Front page? There seems to be no option to do that!
Basically when I change to a different page (Contact, for example) the title “Contact” interferes with my header (which is an image with a centered log). Is there any way to change the header on separate pages?