Hi tskk,
I love the theme so far, thanks for the hard work. I’ve been getting some complaints from both desktop and mobile users that the automatic Video Player is not working for them.
My site hosts direct .mp3 downloads to tracks and while ‘Save As’ works great, I’d rather let the .mp3 links be handled raw by the browser instead of being hijacked into the problematic player.
I’m looking through the html and wordpress files but I can’t see to track down where the Video Player lives.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi there,
how can I change this part of main page ( the part which I circled in screenshot.please click HERE) to other pics? can it be the picture related to the post or picture which already added in the post? can it be changed to video by inserting html code of video? ( it would be awesome) . please let me know if those things are possible and how can I do that.
Thanks a million