I have tried reaching out to the creators of Surplus Concert and I do not get any replies. I purchased the pro version and it doesn’t install at all. It is missing a file. stylesheet.css I am not sure if I should take it from the demo version or is there a pro version of it?
Probably a simple question –
I’d like to put a link in one of the primary menu items to go directly to an external website page.
Is this possible, or do I have to create a separate page on this website with just the link on it?
Many thanks
]]>I have added social media links to the Header Top field, and the social media icons are not appearing. My other contact info has shifted as if there are there, but no icons appear. I have the most recent version of the theme installed via download.
we are dealing with this problem via e-mail already. It concerns pink lines (ping is original color) below the titles of Frontpage Sections (About Section, Events Sidebar, Blog Section, …). Even if the primary color of the site is changed from pink to another, these lines still stay pink. And I am not sure how to change it via additional CSS code.
Secondly, the button in Frontpage Section called Events Sidebar is graphically badly readable. The text color should be white even without mouse hover – same asi with other buttons.
Thanks for fixing these issues inside the theme or at least provide some css code to fix it.
]]>Is it possible to make it so the top of the page starts lower? I’d like some blank space at the top of the screen.
I am desperately trying to fix an error I have since July. When on my homepage from mobiles and tablets, the primary menu doesn’t open and it is impossible to navigate through the sites. From pc all works fine, the problem is only on mobiles and tablets.
How can I fix this issue?
Thanks in advance
I would like to hide / delete these footer information : Surplus Concert by Surplus Themes. | Powered by WordPress.
Were can I find them in css or php file please? Which line?
Thank you very much for your answer,
actualmente estoy usando la versión gratuita y quiero pasarme a la versión pro. Quiero saber donde puedo adquirirla. cuantas páginas se pueden hacer con el dentro del tema? porque la versión gratuita solo tiene 4.
]]>Is there a way of stopping the navigation label reappearing (in white in this case) in the centre of the Header Media?
I have asked you twice about an updated PRO version of Surplus Concert theme. No answer from you. Are you still active maintaining the theme? Maybe my mail fall to spam as I remember it did once already.
You told me that you will send me a link to a new pro version manually by e-mail because you do not have any automatic system. Please, do that. Thanks.
Best regards,
Downloaded the demo content and followed the minimal instructions provided. When trying to customize this theme, the About Page will not display even though it is enabled and the page is selected.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks!
]]>Hello, I`m having some problem with header video. Tryed to change video sizes, but no changes. How do I do to automatic ajust video sizes to any resolutions at non full-HD monitors?
I cannot change the header image even though under appearance > customize > header media has a new image set for the site
]]>I purchased your (PRO) version of surplus yesterday thinking I could easily integrate it with my custom slider (in this case – https://codecanyon.net/item/slider-revolution-responsive-wordpress-plugin/2751380) and just found out that the custom slider option just means adding manually the slide content.
What I am wanting to achieve is to disable any sliders, and instead utilize the premium wordpress slider plugin which I bought to integrate it with your (PRO) theme.
Can you guys help me out, which theme files do I modify? or can you add the option of adding the short code of my slider revolution instead? as I am going to setup a custom slider for all pages and possibly also for posts.
Its been a long time I’ve worked with wordpress but, If i add a new option/taxonomy in the individual posts and pages with the value of my slider revolution slide, can your theme pick this up and display it instead?
]]>ST: Events – widget (section) on the front page. Very nice functionality of the theme. (Only in PRO version I think.) But there are several flaws which make it hard to use:
1) Headers (Date, Time, Venue, …) are available only in English. So it is not useful or it looks bad in another language. There is not an option to change in the widget and I did not find a place where to edit in the theme code. Can you please somehow integrate user’s headers options?
2) Concerns Tickets column. When a “link” is not added (but “link text” is added), no text is displayed. So I cannot write e.g. a text “Sold” or “Unavailble” and not provide a link (obviously no link is desired in this situation).
3) When there is no text in the last Tickets column, horizontal line of the table is not displayed. It looks weared. The line should be there even if there is no text on the last column.
4) Bad field label. You called Address instead of Location – inside the widget’s option. Better to call it the same – I suggest Location. But it is a cosmetic problem and does not influence the functionality.
Screenshot is above. Thanks for taking a look at it. (It is still me, flogsblog, now maybe with a different nickname.)
]]>If you choose hide frontpage section image (banner-image.jpg), the sites are not optimized. There is overlay of texts. Please, see the screenshot. Now I am pretty sure it is an theme template error.
It can be OK in English, but it is wrong in some other languages including Czech. In widgets in Footer Sidebars area, first letters of words are always big (capitals). And not only the first word but also the second, third, etc. It concers widgets names and even text inside widgets. Maybe not completely all but most of them. (So I am now limited to only one word titles and I cannot do anything with wrong size letters in lines below titles.) Again, I am not sure if this issue is a concern of the theme or wordpress system itself, but in every case it should be fixed. Thank you for help, Filip
great theme, thanks. I have already asked the author about two things but got no answer. Fortunately at the end I was able to sort them myself. This is more complicated. Even if there is a resolved thread about social media icons disappearing, I still have problems. It concers not only social media icons but also email and telephone icon in the header and also the left and right arrows on the frontpage slider. There are only void rectangels (checkboxes) instead icons. Tried on several diferent PCs. It usually hapens on the frontpage and at the first load of the page. When I go to other pages and categories, icons appeare and usually stay also for the front page. Strange behavior.
I will definately concider supporting further theme development by buying the Pro theme version but I would like to see there is some author’s support available. Last two threads here are also without replies.
Hi there. I have two problems I’m looking for help with:
1. I can’t get the sidebar to show. Under Customize -> Appearance -> Global Sidebar Layout, no matter which option I choose, the layout does not change. Additionally, under Customize -> Widgets -> Primary Sidebar, whenever I try to add a widget to a sidebar, it says “An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again.” No matter how many times I reload the page, nothing changes.
2. I usually edit my pages with Elementor but when I go to do that I get an error saying that the content area was not found on my page. Elementor support says that this happens because the theme’s template does not include the_content, and this cane be fixed by pasting <?php the_content(); ?> into the template. Where in the template do I paste this? Alternatively, is there any other way to get Elementor working with Surplus Concert?
]]>Hello, I have a weird problem with this theme. Between the default frontpage sections (also the choosed ones) and the footer I have a big blank space in white. This issue occurs when I select an static page as homepage, but if I choose the latest entries of the blog as homepage everything is OK EXCEPT I can’t customize the theme.
The WordPress version I have is 4.9.7.
Please help me with this issue.
]]>Having a weird issue that when I try to create a new menu, it won’t save. Have tried several times over several days. This is the error message I get:
“Looks like something’s gone wrong. Wait a couple seconds, then try again.”
I can’t ever successfully save a new menu. Any ideas?
]]>Can’t get the social media icons to appear. Turned on the checkbox in the dashboard and added urls but they’re not showing up…