I am trying to customize the free version as a try, and Iam stucked with a few class I cannot identify :
*How to set the home page article titles hover color to #8B4513? https://app.screencast.com/CGR31gsBxHZqr
I did this, but it didn’t work:
/* Apply the color #8B4513 on hover to elements with the class .the_title */
.the_title:hover {
color: #8B4513;
*How to change the header menu font and color? https://app.screencast.com/wRcWj4izgWJFL
I did this, it works for the fonts, but not the colors:
/* Apply the Arial font and the color #8B4513 to the class .primary_navigation */
.primary_navigation {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
color: #8B4513;
/* Apply the color #556B2F on hover to elements with the class .primary_navigation */
.primary_navigation:hover {
color: #556B2F;
*I tried to give some radius to the tag container, but it didn’t work. https://app.screencast.com/y9gbPnSNCYcpl
Here is my code:
/* Apply rounded edges to elements with the specified classes / .tag-cloud-link.tag-link-8.tag-link-position-4 { border-radius: 10px; / Rounded edges of 10px / padding: 5px 10px; / Inner spacing to give space between the text and the edges / display: inline-block; / To ensure that the padding and border-radius properties apply correctly */
*How to change the post content h2 and h3 colors and font? https://app.screencast.com/UE6GIVRfsxcK8
This code didn’t work:
/* Apply the Arial font and the color #556B2F to the class .post_title */
.post_title {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
color: #556B2F;
Many thanks in advanced.
]]>My social media icons are all grey in the right sidebar. How do I add the appropriate color for each of them? Facebook blue, Pinterest red and so on.