Because of what I display, I need a single column with no sidebars. SpringBoard does this nicely. But I have two problems:
1. It is narrow, and uses about 1/2 available screen space; I’ve tried changing the width in the css, but it seems to shift right rather than widen. Obviously, I’ve not found the right css code (and I’m a neophyte there!).
2. The blog post titles are large (too large) and bump into the menu above, and again I’ve not figured out how to change the size.
All my posts are made by email (this WP blog collects multiple daily alerts about an investing system. It is not yet live, but has lots of data in it. Many of the posts are cut off because it just isn’t wide enough (but the full information is in the HTML formatted email.
Any help/suggestions would be VERY welcome.
Here’s a link to the site.
Pete A
Hardcode width of content area in functions.php? Why just not use CSS classes?
What is purepose for single-post-no-widgets.php template? It doesn’t disable all widget areas, like it featured.