I entered them only once, but on the tab they are shown twice:
I’m building a website using the SKT Parallaxme theme and I’m having problems finding how to change the original menu that came with the theme and the background in that menu area.
The website that I’m making is https://www.swimsproutoftexas.com. It needs to look nearly identical to the parent company’s website which is https://www.swimsprout.com.
Where and how do I change the background image area where the existing menu is located at the top of the website? I have an image that has the “bubbles” in it but where in my wp admin area do I add that image?
I have made many WordPress websites before so I’m familiar with creating a “Menu”. But this theme came with an existing Menu and I cannot find where it’s located in the wp admin area… so, I don’t know how to change it.
Can someone help me with these two issues?
]]>Hi guys,
I’ve seen this issue long time ago but was not worried about it as I was not using images on my blog. Nou I re-designed the look of my blog and inserted in multiple sections and pages direct uploaded images. It seems that on any touchscreen mobile device we are unable to scroll the pages up and down by swiping on the images. I need to scroll on text or iamge free section to work.
Now this is really frustrating as 75% of my visitors are from mobile devices and this could be a business breakdown for me.
What seems to be the issue and how ca you solve it?
]]>The Jquery patterns are conflicting with the SKTParallaxMe Theme. So whenever we enable or disable any plugin, it overwrites the Jquery file and removes the fix. Then we have to have the site custom-coded again, costing us money. Are there any solutions to this? We use Google Chrome.
Vanilla installation of wordpress and theme, straight out of the “box” and I can’t get the slider to work, I’ve added images (no suggestions given for dimensions) and saved, but all I get is an infinite spinning loading icon.
]]>For any support email us: [email protected] since we don’t check the WordPress forums actively.
]]>The question is in the title, couldn’t find that info on your page either.
]]>I wonder how repositioned the images on my website in the section teachers: https://repararordenadorsevilla.com/#section3
I want the last teacher (judo) appears on the same line as the dance
I’m not an expert so I appreciate the help enormously.
]]>Hi ,
Its awesome theme. I need to add more than 5 images in home page slider .
Thanks in Advance
]]>The images on my slider are blowing up too big for some reason
]]>On https://sktthemesdemo.net/skt-parallax-me the images in the Photo Gallery section display a title when clicked and expanded. (This title is directly above the image.) But I cannot find a way to turn this feature on. Neither on my actual site nor on a localhost site of the same theme is the title showing up. Is this a js thing? Thank you.
]]>How do you enable a bullet style for unordered lists? I want either discs or circles for each line item. Thanks a lot! (BTW, I’m comfortable fiddling with the php files if that’s what it takes.)
]]>How do you reorder the links on the navigation bar? I have both links to different sections on the homepage and links to other pages on the site (i.e., pages that you make in the WP Pages section). Thanks.
]]>I’d like to place a Magic Action Box on my home/front page (Section 1), but it appears only possible to do on ‘stand-alone’ pages, not the scrolling front page. Is there a way? Or perhaps to do so within a widget – if I can place a widget on the home/front page?
thank you!!
]]>Hi, I made some changes to the parallax-me layout at hatchingawesome.com, but now I noticed it doesn’t scale responsively on mobile. It works when resizing the window on desktop, but just appears as full version on a smartphone. Any clue how to resolve this?
]]>Dear developers,
I have installed, customized and spent some time creating what I was looking for when I decided to check the end result on a smartphone.
I could not believe my eyes… It’s not responsive, at all…
Can you please explain me why?
Thank you in advance for the time you’ll spend on the matter.
I’m just wondering how to create a new gallery with my pictures on the home page. For some reason, I can make one for a page I created, but not for the Gallery section on the home page. I’m running the free version. Thanks. In fact – I don’t see a media link at all.
]]>is there any way of changing the heart icons in the free version or in fact the pro version
I cropped the slider pictures to 1600px x 400px as recommended.
Only a portion of the images are visible. I note that your sample pictures are 1600 x 400 and they show completely.
Can you help?
]]>Thanks for this awesome theme. I’m running into some issues with the title tag being duplicated in the <head> section.
This is what shows up on a browser title bar when I’m at the home page:
When I navigate to a post I get:
Any suggestions for fixing this? I don’t see any plugins being the issue.
]]>I like your theme and was wondering if it’s possible to disable the slider and only use one image for the front page?
I changed the root directory by mistake at the SK Parallaxme theme configuration panel inside the WordPress admin panel, and then I cannot login in the WP admin panel and the page looks like raw files.
How can I fix it?
Which file inside of the WordPress directory I must modify to reverse what I have done?
Hope there is a solution and someone can help me.
Thanks a lot.
Currently I’m developing a site (locally) with this very interesting theme.
I’m encountering some problems though, among which an ‘insuficcient rights’ problem for the administrator account under which I’m working.
So right now, I’m unable to access the theme options. Where can I grant the rights needed or is there some other issue I have to look into?
]]>I have enabled the front page template and would like to display excerpts from the most recent three or four posts from my blog on one of the sections and then use a button to link to the ‘traditional’ wordpress posts page.
What is the best way to do this?
]]>All you need to do is go to pages and select the template: Front Page Template for any page you want to set up as homepage.
Lastly go to Settings> Readings>A Static Page: Front Page: Select the page you set up as homepage here.