Hope someone can help me. I’m setting up this website withe Simplify theme, no it all works fine, but I have a visual issues when I access the site from phone: the front page slide appears, than disappear when I scroll down the page and go back to the top. Thank you
My simply galley plugin does not work well with the Simplify theme. Indeed, the images (photos) scroll in booth directions (left and rignt).
I questionned the plugin editor but they told me that the problem was with the Simplify theme (css conflict).
Can you help me ?
Best regards
]]>Hi I want to change the look of my site and I chose simplyfi and made a preview but the menu bars appear on two lines and the logo very close to the menu. Is it possible to move the menu to the left and make the menu keys appear in a single line ???
What size should the images be for the slides ????
]]>Hi I want to change the look of my site and I chose simplyfi and made a preview but the menu bars appear on two lines and the logo very close to the menu. Is it possible to move the menu to the left and make the menu keys appear in a single line ???
What size should the images be for the slides ????
My web site:
is there a way to o make full width layout on free Simplify theme?
Thank you so much!
Can you help me please? Menu (hamburger menu) does not show on mobile. It happens when I activate child theme. But before it worked without problems all these years (same child theme)
(parent theme is SIMPLIFY).
someone from SIMPLIFY support first said “that some files are not loading properly on my site. Please re-install the Theme SIMPLIFY and Clear the Cache of your site. ”
So I did reinstall the theme + installed a caching plugin following their advice. But when I activate my Child theme again, same story, menu’ does not show anymore on mobile. I simply cannot work like that. Any idea?
P.S. for reference: my simplify_child folder has 2 files:
* Enqueues child theme stylesheet, loading first the parent theme stylesheet.
function simplify_custom_enqueue_child_theme_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-theme-css’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘simplify_custom_enqueue_child_theme_styles’, 11 );
/* Remove category from category widget */
function dtwd_exclude_widget_category($args){
$exclude = “7”; // IDs of excluding categories
$args[“exclude”] = $exclude;
return $args;
(no code)
Thank you so much for any hints
After updating Simplify theme from 4.8 to a new 5.1 version, the home page was broken and I and returned back to version 4.8.
Why did this happen, has something changed? There was no problems with updating the theme before.
My site is https://www.komunikacijaverslui.lt
Thanks for the answer
]]>Problem Poster apostrophes in the header of the page and in the quote. They appear: & # 039;
but not in the rest of the page…
( with WP 4.9.4 and Simplify 4.3 )
When I upload image to the post and set the featured image ,two pictures are shown.
Is it possible to display one photo on the post without featured image?
Thanks for the help.
thanks for the amazing themes.
I`ve problems with the theme “Simplify”.
When i activate the Plugin “Elementor” the 3D Slider on the startpage doesnt work. I don
t see any picutres.
When i deactivate the Plugin “Elementor” the 3D Slider working great. Also all the other Slide Effects working great with the “Elementor”.
Do you know how i can solve the problem?
Website: https://www.admintreff.com
Version 1.44
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards
would you please guide me ? I’have installed a fresh copy of wordpress with no active plugins to chech “simplify” responsivity but it doesnt work.
I’ve checked theme on demo website and it works.
whats wrong with my wordpress?
ps: version 4.52 => the same result
]]>Hi guys,
I’m trying to edit the menu but have no idea where to look.
I want to change the menu color from the white text and white pale background when you hover over it, and I also wish to change the colors when you mouse over it.
I’ve forgotten all my CSS knowledge as I haven’t designed/coded sites for over 2 years now so any extra help my way would be greatly appreciated.
Website I need help with is https://www.sydneyportlogistics.net.au
]]>Evening, Ive been having problems setting links on the featured box php, I’ve messed about with the code copying code from older topics/threads but no joy.
I’ve been using this code and i literally just copied it into the editor under featured box php
/* Simplify Theme's Featured Box to show the Featured Items of Front Page
Copyright: 2012-2014, D5 Creation, www.d5creation.com
Based on the Simplest D5 Framework for WordPress
Since Simplify 1.0
<div id="featured-boxs">
<span class="featured-box-first"><h2><?php echo esc_textarea(of_get_option('featuredr-title', __('Recent Works','simplify'))); ?></h2><div class="content-ver-sep"></div><br /><p><?php echo esc_textarea(of_get_option('featuredr-description', __('The Color changing options of Simplify will give the WordPress Driven Site an attractive look.','simplify'))); ?></p></span>
$fboxclm = array("1");
foreach ($fboxclm as $fboxn) { ?>
<span class="featured-box">
<a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f-GrG-VxVo/" title="<?php echo of_get_option('featured-title' . $fboxn , ''); ?>">
<img class="box-image" src="<?php echo of_get_option('featured-image' . $fboxn, get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/featured-image' . $fboxn . '.jpg') ?>"/>
<h3><?php echo of_get_option('featured-title' . $fboxn , ''); ?></h3>
<div class="content-ver-sep"></div>
<br />
<p><?php echo of_get_option('featured-description' . $fboxn , ''); ?></p>
<?php } ?>
$fboxclm = array("2");
foreach ($fboxclm as $fboxn) { ?>
<span class="featured-box">
<a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f-GrG-VxVo/" title="<?php echo of_get_option('featured-title' . $fboxn , ''); ?>">
<img class="box-image" src="<?php echo of_get_option('featured-image' . $fboxn, get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/featured-image' . $fboxn . '.jpg') ?>"/>
<h3><?php echo of_get_option('featured-title' . $fboxn , ''); ?></h3>
<div class="content-ver-sep"></div>
<br />
<p><?php echo of_get_option('featured-description' . $fboxn , ''); ?></p>
<?php } ?>
$fboxclm = array("3");
foreach ($fboxclm as $fboxn) { ?>
<span class="featured-box">
<a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f-GrG-VxVo/" title="<?php echo of_get_option('featured-title' . $fboxn , ''); ?>">
<img class="box-image" src="<?php echo of_get_option('featured-image' . $fboxn, get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/featured-image' . $fboxn . '.jpg') ?>"/>
<h3><?php echo of_get_option('featured-title' . $fboxn , ''); ?></h3>
<div class="content-ver-sep"></div>
<br />
<p><?php echo of_get_option('featured-description' . $fboxn , ''); ?></p>
<?php } ?>
</div> <!-- featured-boxs -->
any help much appreciated
I tried to change quotation in customize, and after I cleared default vault
and wrote my text everything I write looks like this:
I tried to change vaults manualy in documents, but nothing changed.
Please help.
]]>Hi, i’m using simplify theme but i have a problem about mobile view. On smartphone i see only last articles and not classic view. How i can solve this problem? Thank you!
]]>So i installed this theme on my website and it looks great! but not in chrome…..
Screen Shots:
Looks great in Firefox and Other browsers: https://puu.sh/kFBDx/d934fdded9.jpg
Not in Chrome: https://puu.sh/kFBHC/4f1b6f053b.jpg
]]>My HOME page has a Front Page -theme WP Simplify
The HOME page does not appear unless user clicks <<<show page/post>>>
How do I get the static home page to show without having to do this?
could you please advise, how to remove empty space between posts? There is large spacing between posts. Please look the blog template at my website https://www.komunikacijaverslui.lt.
Thank you for the answer
]]>I had a few subdomain issues on my server but I fixed them only to find out that something went wrong with my webpage. It works with other themes just find, but not simplify. I don’t know where to start looking. Thanks in advance!
Somtimes, many simple things make me crazy. I can’t find in Simplify theme, how to change text color on main page. My site: https://www.parketarstvo-nenad.eu
I need to change this stupid grey color to black: Parketarstvo, Nenad Vidakovic Fabianijeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana… etc
Thanks a lot!
]]>Hello guys. Thank you for this awesome theme.
I want to make minor changes to the responsive.css to work with the colors on my website.
I have a child theme and I have created a responsive.css with the changes I want.
But I need help creating the function to tell my child theme to load the modified responsive.css
Can you guys help me with that?
My site is:
Thank you
]]>I install a photos gallery on 2 pages of Simplify. It is ok for that. But now the banner of the home page is stopped. I don’t know to do ??? I have also Hyper Cache installed in my website.
I need to format the heading description to look like this “The is a ‘
!’ I am using the free version of the simplify theme. Three days later and I still can not figure this one out. I am new to wordpress but not programming. I have tried placing the html code in the simplify theme’s options panel but that did not work. Any assistance would be really appreciated. Thank you
]]>I want to be able to have customers click on the slider images and link to the appropriate page. How do I do that?
]]>How do i change and add more images to banners?
]]>My entire site went to pot after the Feb 2015 WP upgrade. Anyone else having a problem. If so, will the theme be fixed?
]]>Hello guys…
Can anyone help me with fixing the size o the quotation marks on the block quote?
the quotation marks look fine in chrome and firefox; but they look way too big on Internet Explorer. They are way bigger than the quote.
How can I fix this problem?
I would like to add read more link to home page divs but I see I can’t add HTML tags inside do you have any solution for that?
2. Do you have facebook icon for the footer social bar?
Thank you
how do I change the banner size on the homepage? theere is no way i can stretch my photo out that wide. can you ad a ctbutton in that picture?
]]>Hello guys, can you please help me figure this out?
As you can see the sidebar widget is out of place on this page. I guess it has something to do with the iframe I place on the page. The weird thing is that I have a different iframe on another page and is not causing that problem.
Any ideas?