Dear people and Shaon,
Does somebody know how I can change the line height of this code to 30px:
.post h2.entry-title{
margin-top: 0px;
line-height: 40px;
Simply changing it to 30px won’t help. Adding !important neither. Could it have something to do with the inline element? Hope you can help!
Thanks in advance
]]>How could i disable the responsive movile look feature i just need the page to resize and stay normal like full size? Thanks in advice!
Hi guys, I was wondering how to change the span3 containers inside wpeden-bs-services: at the moment they are all the same – ie they have the same content at the moment. Admittedly my php is what it is, extremely basic but I know other programming languages so i’ll pick it up hopefully, this is what the template looks like:
<?php for($i=1;$i<=4;$i++){ ?>
<div class="span3">
<?php $tpid = (int)sensitive_get_theme_opts('home_featured_page_'.$i); $intropage = get_page($tpid); $introcontent = strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($intropage->post_content),"p,br"); if (preg_match('/^.{1,80}\b/s', $introcontent, $match)) $introcontent = $match[0]; else $introcontent = substr($introcontent,0,80); ?>
<div class="about well">
<a href="<?php echo get_permalink($intropage->ID); ?>"><?php sensitive_thumb($intropage,array(500,300), array('class'=>'img')); ?></a>
<div class="entry-content">
<h2><?php echo $intropage->post_title; ?></h2>
<p><?php echo $introcontent; ?></p>
<a href="<?php echo get_permalink($intropage->ID); ?>" class="btn <?php echo sensitive_get_theme_opts('button_style','btn-info'); ?> btn-block">View details</a>
Basically I need to change the text and have links to other pages that are not there as yet
]]>Your mobile menu broke a week ago and I haven’t received a response from you. The main issue is that sub-pages are not working on the mobile drop down menu (as in, when you click on a sub-page in the menu nothing happens). The only work around is to have someone open the sub-page as in a new window, which is a horrible user experience.
I have tried reinstalling your theme and installing it on a different website, but the issue persists. I am happy to help resolve this issue in anyway I can, because it is an urgent issue for me and my website doesn’t work on mobile anymore.
Thank you,
[Please do not post duplicate threads – ]
]]>I need to update the content on my homepage, but cannot see where to do so. It’s been a while since I created the page. I’ve looked in Appearance>Customize and reviewed the .php files in Editor (front-page.php, homepage-top.php, index.php) and cannot find the text I want to edit. Help!
]]>I am placing sub items under the parent pages in the navigation bar menu, and on desktop it is working fine. However, on the mobile responsive version I can no longer successfully click the sub items in the dropdown menu. When I click on the parent link a dropdown menu appears with the names of the sub pages, but when I click on the sub pages nothing happens. Everything was working fine last week, so this is a new issue, and only on mobile devices.
Thank you for your help in resolving this!
I’d like to make my featured pages as in the demo version, but i can’t do it.
Could you tell me if it’s something about personalized fields in the post, or something else?
the blog:
]]>Hello fellow wordpress users,
First I want you to thank you for this awesome theme.
I added 8 featured pages to my frontpage.php but they won’t display in nice rows. Do you know how to solve this problem? If you could take a look at it would be great.
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
Normally I manually duplicate a theme so I can make edits to the child, but with Sensitive I was running into problems so used a plugin to duplicate it for me. Now I’m finding that only parts of the theme were duplicated, and the child theme is pulling some CSS from the parent theme (and God knows what else). I just found this out when I saw that the mobile version’s navigation was unreadable and was trying to figure out how to change it. The style sheet that’s being imported is themes/sensitive/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css, when it should actually be themes/PlantekSensi/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css.
My question is, where do you suppose the import link to the bootstrap.css is located? Which document? I’d like to change the link to it. I know that if I want to add new css I can put that in style.css. Does it make more sense for me to create a new style sheet to override the one that’s currently being imported?
The site is here
]]>I have a web site that I’ve used the Sensitive template but edited the design to suit my own needs. I just ran into a problem when I tried to go live with the site, in that the front page template sits on top of my own page template. I just want to stop the theme from using front-page.php for my home page. Is there some code I can delete from either header.php or page-fullwidth.php so I can just use my own page design rather than front-page.php?
Here’s a page so you can see the web site: but I’ve put up a construction page to hide the messed-up home page so you can’t really see it. This is what it looks like when it’s live:
Tried to add a rtl.css file as usual in WordPress but obviously it does NOT work with this theme.
Did you implement some settings which are killing this WP functionality?
What’s for sure is that the theme is completely ignoring the rtl.css style and only reading from css/bootstrap.css or style.css
Which is the solution please?
I’m using the Sensitive theme. I can’t figure out how to remove “Sensitive, Fully Responsive WordPress Theme using Bootstrap” from my homepage or the “Get it Now” Button.
]]>Sorry if this is a repeat, but when I just posted my question I got a message “sorry this issue has been resolved” or something like that. This is a NEW question:
I’m new to Sensitive and want to be able to add my own custom css but don’t know how or where to put the link to it. I’ve tried putting it in header.php but it is ignored by the browsers. I’m using Wide/Full Width.
Also is there a tutorial or more information on how to use the template?
]]>I’m new to Sensitive and not brilliant when it comes to how WordPress works. How do I add my own style sheet to the Sensitive theme? I’m using the Wide layout. Also, is there a tutorial or more information about this theme? The readme file is pretty much empty.
]]>I am loving this theme so far. I picked it because it was already optimized for mobile devices, but I noticed too late that it was not fluid for all desktop screens. Is there a way to change the code to be fluid and not fixed specifically for desktops?
]]>Hi. Everything is finished on my site except I cannot get videos to show full size on pages. The videos are being cut off. This same issue was brought up in the forum as corrected for next update (months ago), but it has not. What can I do? I have no knowledge of code. I would like to publish website live but I cannot until this completed. Thank you for help asap.
]]>I am trying to figure out how to use and link the button that is located on the front page in the header. By default it says “Get it now”. How do I do this????? I have looked everywhere and read everything on the support links and find nothing. I am missing something somewhere. Please Help!?!?!?
]]>This may just be a WordPress issue and not a Sensitive Theme issue… but I have images on my webpage that are not updating after I clear the cache and remove/re-upload images. I’ve also tried deactivating plugins (since that is pretty much the only information my online search for answers has produced), but the images still don’t update even with all the plugins deactivated.
I LOVE this theme… so I have no intention of switching over. I just also like all my images to look the same (in the featured page image section of four pictures).
Thanks so much!
While the Sensitive theme is good. The drop down menu links do not appear to work on Android Tablet, Ipad, Sony Experia Z2, Samsung galaxy S2 and iphone.
Is there are fix for this? I have used a child theme to make some changes but I have not changed the navigation or header page.
I have not added any extra javascript. The menu items work fine for desktops, imac, PC etc.
To ensure it was not my changes I have disabled all plugins and then installed the clean Sensitive parent theme and just added the menu. But the drop down menu links do not work on these devices also. I think the was an issue with Bootstrap ‘ontouchstart’ issue in the past?
Has anyone else had this issue or are aware of it? Hope someone can help! – Thanks in advance!
]]>I’m trying to remove the computer image and not replace it with anything. Also, can I change the font color where I have “Professional Genealogist”?
You will also see I put a “.” where the description was supposed to go because I don’t want anything here. Is there a better way to do that?
How can I make the four blocks on the front page all the same size? Some are longer than the others.
One other thing, why do I have an uncategorized and view all section at the bottom?
[Moderator Note: Please ensure that you are embedding links correctly in your posts.]
Thanks so much! I really love this theme.
P.S. I’m not really good at coding…
]]>Hi, quite like the theme and subject to a customer of mine approving the style and layout of it I am looking to upgrade. I have two questions however.
1. Am I allowed to use the them for commercial use, i.e, i make a site for someone using this them and charge them money.
2. Is it possible to switch the “responsive” aspect on and off so mobile and tablet versions are just basic desktop sites? (If so, how?)
Cheers in advance!
]]>Hey guys. I want to remove the 4 Featured Page things at the bottom altogether, as well as everything below it.
What size is the header in SENSITIVE?
Is there a tutorial on how to use the theme?
How do I put TABS on? I can’t see the TABS any where on my website any more.
]]>I would love to be able to use a logo in the navbar instead of the website title.. I am developing a site locally so I can not share what I am working on but could anyone help me with figuring this out?
]]>Can anyone tell me how I can resize the images for the feature images on the main index page. I can’t for the life of me figure out what I need to change in the .css to adjust the width and height. thank u!
How to put featured posts instead of featured pages in the home page?
(The four span3 boxes with featured images)
I am having no luck with this theme. I changed themes to Sensitive after recommendations I have read. But I don’t understand the first thing about how to customize the home page. Where is the header image housed? How can I change it?
]]>Hi am am using the free sensitive theme but I have a white square on the home page. The site is can you tell me how to remove this please.
Many thanks
please can someone show me where the ‘change log’ is for 1.2.4
i’m currently running 1.2.1
many thanks
Hi there,
I added the Sensitive theme to my wordpress site… I can’t figure out how to make the home page static.. when I go to settings they are all set as static, but when I refresh the page, I could still see the category on the frontpage.
My second question is how would I import the original homepage content to the homepage of the “presumed” static homepage of my website?
And Last, When I navigate through the pages, all my videos are shrinking they are too small.. please see here …. Thank you~
I am not a web developer. I was just trying my luck in developing my website. Please help me with my questions above..