Hi everyone,
On the Contacts page, I’ve added the email address using the Mail To function, but clicking on it doesn’t work (even when trying to open it in a new tab).
I’ve encountered the same issue with some contact form plugins that I tested and later deactivated.
Can you please clarify why this is happening?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi everyone,
I’ve noticed that when using the default gallery block, there is no option to make images clickable (e.g., link to media URL) or to create an automatic slider (with titles etc) . The same applies to single images.
This is a problem for me because I need to use it to create 4-column galleries. Is there a specific reason for this limitation?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hello everyone! I need help. I got an email from the person responsible at my host that their is an error on my website, but I dont have a clue what to do:
[02-Jun-2024 17:56:05 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘alex_wp893.backupdb_wpgi_lstat’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM backupdb_wpgi_lstat WHERE wp = ‘209|205|83’); made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), include(‘/themes/seedlet/functions.php’), require_once(‘/tmp/phpTTnOt2’), qwc1 [02-Jun-2024 17:57:47 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘alex_wp893.backupdb_wpgi_lstat’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM backupdb_wpgi_lstat WHERE wp = ‘209|205|83’); made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), include(‘/themes/seedlet/functions.php’), require_once(‘/tmp/php8VkWno’), qwc1
]]>When I enable the Discussion setting “Show comments cookies opt-in checkbox, allowing comment author cookies to be set”, no checkbox appears under the comment form in Seedlet. Does anyone know why?
]]>Let’s try this again, since www.remarpro.com
timed out at me the first try.
Anyone know where in style.css
to find the CSS for the mobile menu, which I am trying to disable? The two-year-old thread here about this issue didn’t specify where/what CSS to look for.
Alternatively, I’d accept CSS pointers for how to get the mobile menu to not remain with green background after closing it and to revert to the default white.
I’m using the theme Blank Canvas which is child of Seedlet.
I have Woocommerce and Stripe payments integration. However recently, the Stripe credit cart input fields are disabled and I cannot type in values. If I switch to other theme, it works properly. Anyone could help with this issue? Thanks.
]]>The colors I update when customizing the pages do not update on the live site. We have tried with several browsers and different PCs, phones, and tablets.
]]>I just want to remove the page title from the theme so that I don’t have this ugly bit that says “services” at the top of this page, as it’s erroneous.
Is there any way to do this?
]]>So, I was trying to see whether or not I could use this solution in another theme’s support forum to add a “site” icon to Seedlet’s social icons stuff, via a custom function using the Code Snippets plugin.
I gather there’s not an exact 1:1 correlation here in approaches (child theme function.php vs. Code Snippets), but I’m stuck on figuring out if there’s a way to make this work.
I’ve been using add_action('after_setup_theme', 'extend_icons_array');
to avoid an error where the Seedlet_SVG_Icons isn’t found, but then even if I require that class file in the function, it then errors out saying the class is already in use and can’t be declared.
What am I (possibly very obviously to actual coders) missing here?
Thanks. For reference, below is the current version that’s barfing.
function extend_icons_array ($arr_parent, $arr_added) {
require(get_template_directory( __FILE__ ).'/classes/class-seedlet-svg-icons.php');
foreach ($arr_added as $key => $value) {
$arr_parent[$key] = $value;
return ($arr_parent);
$more_ui_icons = array();
$more_social_icons_map = array(
'site' => array(
$more_social_icons = array(
'site' => '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path fill="currentColor" d="M9 0a9 9 0 1 0 0 18A9 9 0 0 0 9 0Zm3.46 11.95c0 1.47-.8 3.3-4.06 4.7c.3-4.17-2.52-3.69-3.2-5A3.25 3.25 0 0 1 7 9.1a8.49 8.49 0 0 1-4.18-2c. 1.21a4.18 4.18 0 0 1-1.94-1.5a7.94 7.94 0 0 1 7.25-5.63c-.84 1.38-1.5 4.13 0 5.57C7.23 7 6.26 5 5.41 5.79c-1.13 1.06.33 2.51 3.42 3.08c3.29.59 3.66 1.58 3.63 3.08Zm1.34-4c-.32-1.11.62-2.23 1.69-3.14a7.27 7.27 0 0 1 .84 6.68c-.77-1.89-2.17-2.32-2.53-3.57v.03Z"/></svg>'
Seedlet_SVG_Icons::$ui_icons = extend_icons_array(Seedlet_SVG_Icons::$ui_icons, $more_ui_icons);
Seedlet_SVG_Icons::$social_icons_map= extend_icons_array(Seedlet_SVG_Icons::$social_icons_map, $more_social_icons_map);
Seedlet_SVG_Icons::$social_icons = extend_icons_array(Seedlet_SVG_Icons::$social_icons, $more_social_icons);
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'extend_icons_array');
Hello community
Im using Blank Canvas (Seedlet child theme) but I cant remove the dotted outline bordering on all links when user push over the links (active state) in the entire website: menus, icons, images…
Here’s an image for reference: https://i.stack.imgur.com/kJ79P.png
I have tried several ways to do it, but none was useful. Someone will have an idea how to remove that outlines on every link of the theme?
Thankyou in advance for your replies
I added the line of code below in my single.php file (child theme) to display the tags at the end of my posts. The problem is that the text doesn’t align with my site; it’s stuck on the left side of the screen. I tried several modifications with CSS to fix it but I can’t find the solution.
Could someone help me?
Thanks in advance!
<?php the_tags('Tags : ', ', ', ''); ?>
I would like to display a notification bar at the top of my mobile site. The problem is that it hides my menu which is at the top right. So I would like to know how to move down the menu position.
Thank you in advance for your help!
I don’t know why, the read more permalink has stopped working ! Now this is displayed instead of the link:
(the https link changes for each article)
How can I fix it ?
]]>Is there a way to hide tags from posts or the homepage of the Seedlet theme? I’ve tried customizing the CSS, but that’s not working.
I need help with color of blank canvas menu. I mean blue line under the text of Home, about, contact. I want to change color to invisible.
Thanks in advanced for help.
Giorgio Zinco.
Here is link on my web, where I need help.
I’m using the Baker theme (which is a Seedlet child), and I’m trying to disable the switch to a “burger” menu for small (mobile) screens, but I can’t seem to find a way to do it. I’ve looked in the Customize settings, and also tried poking through code in the Theme Editor (both Baker and Seedlet files).
In other words, I want the header to look the same at every screen size (just spaced/sized proportionally) versus switching to a floating dropdown menu when on mobile.
If anyone could advise, that would be greatly appreciated.
I’m trying to modify a menu item:
.menu-item ul li a:active {
text-decoration: underline;
hoping to get an underline page menu when its on active state. Somehow, this isn’t working. It won’t even work with !important
as well.
I’m lost. Please help.
I have looked through this forum but can’t find an answer to my problem: I have installed the Seedlet Theme and can’t seem to be able to personalise the menu font, size and weight. I have tried a few lines of additional CSS but none of them work.
Can you help?
]]>The Seedlet theme fonts, Playfair Display and Fira Sans, are not rendering on my blog (checked on both Chrome and Firefox). Instead, I see Georgia and Helvetica.
How to resolve this?
]]>Is there a way to increase the main column width in Seedlet theme from the default 602px to something like 750px?
]]>I would like to remove the ‘proudly powered by WordPress’ from the footer of the temple. (How) Can I do that?
When I update the ‘wp_’ prefix in the database (the table names and also records in the *_usermeta and the *_options tables) and wp-config.php to harden my site, I no longer have permission to log in. When I return the prefix to ‘wp_’, then I can log in.
I tested this this morning on a fresh installation of Core and the Seedlet theme, and received the same error message. When I returned the prefix to ‘wp_’, I could log in.
I’ve updated the database prefix in other themes with no issues. Is there something specific to updating Seedlet?
Guidance appreciated. =)
I’m building my site locally before deploying it.
I am trying to access the site title underline. (I’ve already customized all the other anchor tags and the text color of the site title.)
I’m trying the following selectors: .site-title and .site-title > a and .site-title a as well as .site-title > a:link and .site-title a:link on the properties text-decoration and border and border-bottom but I have not hit the underline yet.
I’m not seeing where else to go in DevTools.
Guidance appreciated. Thank you.
Is it compatible with WooCommerce? Mine is primarily a blog site but I want to sell website merchandise as well. Can I use Seedlet?
Thanks in advance.
I love the theme and thanks for your work. However, is it possible to put the widgets on the right instead of bottom?
Hovering over buttons in widgets makes them turn white and become invisible. The subscribe widget in the footer sidebar is an example. I’m on wordpress.com with no custom css. Thanks for the great theme!
1.Is it possible to ad ‘phone’ to the social menu?
2.The table breaks words down to letters (on mobile screen), even when there are more words on one line. This should only happen when there is one word on a line.
3. The form input fields are fixed width, making them go ofscreen on mobile. Maybe make them 100% width.
Thank you
]]>Hello! I am using the Seedlet theme. Received a warning from Google:
Your site has problems (2) in the category “Mobile friendliness”.
Main problems
The following problems were found on your site:
Too small print
Interactive elements are too close
We recommend that you, as far as possible, eliminate the above problems. Then more pages of your site will appear in Google search results, and moreover in the best possible way.
]]>Hi fellow WordPressers,
I’m using the excellent Seedlet theme by Automattic for a project of mine.
I’ve set up a static home page and a separate page for my blog.
Looking at the instructions on the WordPress.com site, it says the following:
You can give your site a more streamlined look by hiding the static homepage title. To do this, scroll down to the bottom, and check Hide Homepage Title.
I’ve searched high and low for a “hide homepage title” radio button, but can’t for the life of me find it.
Is this something that is only available on WordPress.com? I’m using the www.remarpro.com version.
If so, is there another work-around that anyone is aware of? I’d rather avoid installing another plugin if possible.
Thanks very much indeed in advance.
]]>Introducing Seedlet – ran across this article on themeshaper.com, the theme seedlet was used as a theme for full site editing demo in the video. perhaps this is a major reason for the requirement of php 7.3 by this theme
even though the www.remarpro.com version requires php 7.3, the wordpress.com version does not and the theme code is available from both sources.