Hi there,
Background to the installation:
WordPress v. 6.2.2
Woocommerce v. 9.3.3
Theme: Royal Elementor Kit (child)
Plugins: Germanized and Germanized Pro (etc)
On the /my-account/ page, the user receives an incorrect view during or after registration:
What I have done so far:
1) deactivate Germanized/Germanized Pro -> works
2) switch to a standard theme with Germanized activated -> works
3) leave both activated and add the following code to functions.php to overwright the notices:
remove_action('template_redirect', 'wc_gzd_template_redirect_handler', 10);
add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_wc_gzd_template_redirect_handler', 10);
function my_custom_wc_gzd_template_redirect_handler() {
if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] === 'wc-gzd-resend-activation' && isset($_GET['_wpnonce'])) {
if (!wp_verify_nonce(sanitize_text_field($_GET['_wpnonce']), 'wc-gzd-resend-activation')) {
wc_add_notice(__('Activation email sent again. Please check your inbox.', 'woocommerce-germanized'), 'notice');
// Stelle sicher, dass die Notice HTML enth?lt und korrekt ausgegeben wird
$notices = wc_get_notices();
foreach ($notices as $notice) {
echo wp_kses_post($notice['notice']);
Sadly, nothing helped.
]]>Good morning, everyone,
I have a site on which I installed “Royal Elementor Kit” and also Royal plugin. The site is a shop created with Woocommerce. When I click in any product the product page opens full width and is quite ugly to look at. What should I do to open the boxed product page?
Thank you and regards.
Good morning, everyone, and thank you for reading my request.
I am creating a site with “Royal Elementor Kit” theme and I also installed “Royal Elementor Addons” plugin.
Through the Theme builder I have created a footer. The footer shows fine throughout the site, except on the page configured as a blog page where the footer is boxed instead of being full size.
Thank you and best regards.
after the last update the Backend is buggy. I only see the left navigation and the top menü. But the pages itself are nearly empty. Please see screenshot.
I deactivated all plugins, but the bug stays the same. I switched to Hello theme, now it’s working, but that is not the best solution.
Also there is a weird update message for Elementor – although all plugins are up to date. The message is gone when “Hello” is activated.
Olá pessoal, sou novo por aqui, mas preciso de ajuda.
Algumas imagens do meu site n?o aparece na visualiza??o mobile.
As imagens da pagina principal s?o:
1) imagem de celular com alguns dados
2)na Se??o sobre nós tem uma mo?a na frente do notebook
3) Na se??o Funcionalidade tem uma imagem de alguns gráficos
O que eu já fiz:
Recriei o CSS das imagens.
Alguém pode me ajudar?
]]>On your smartphone, it is not possible to view some elements, such as an image in the background of a section.
]]>Hi Members,
I got this website developed using Royal Elementor Kit and unfortunately, the developer disappeared after that. I need to edit the footer (content in the blue footer on this link) but I am not able to find the file. I explored the templates section in the dashboard but couldn’t find the footer there. I have no clue how and where the developer developed the footer. I am out of options now – looking for help and guidance from this experienced group.
Thanks a ton in advance. Much appreciated!!
i set the page to “elementor fullwith”, but the content still isn’t full with. I’m working with flex containers, set to fullwidth and 100% width.
“Elementor Canvas” is working, but I need header and footer…
Thank you!
]]>Уже несколько дней мучаюсь. На странице результатов поиска появляется надпись на английском языке Search Results for: и надпись Read More . Как сделать так, чтобы вместо них отображался русский аналог: Результаты поиска для: и Читать далее ?
Искала файл search.php — там нет такой фразы, искала во всех деррикториях в папках своего сайта — нет такой фразы.
Такая фраза есть только в файлах с языками, где идет перевод с английского на другие языке, но в этих файлах перевод есть.
Устанавливала плагин, который проверяет все ли фразы переведены в моей теме Royal Elementor Kit — есть эта фраза и она переведена.
Пробовала вставлять функцию, которая заменяет эту фразу на русскую — не работает.
Пробовала плагин, который меняет фразу на сайте — не работает.
Я уже отчаялась и не знаю. что делать. Я не разработчик, если что, а простой пользователь.
I have a menu problem. I couldn’t change it directly with the theme, even changing the logo etc it didn’t make any changes.
So I made my menu using elementor header builder. But it puts me the 2 menus now and impossible to remove the basic one of the theme.
Can you help me please ?
Thanks you!