I’ve just installed theme restaurant advisor. Every time I type in the site name it shows up on the site covering the header. Even though I’ve selected ‘hide site name’ selection in options.
I’m also facing the same issues as others with the header being darker than the image uploaded. It’s like a grey cloud dulling the header. Website is https://www.chinchingartcosh.com
There is a gray screen over my header image. The background color is set to white. Not sure what to do to remove it. Any suggestions?
Im Dylan, i love tech, but css does my head in!
I followed the instructions step by step a dozen times…
I have created a folder in wp-content/themes/restaurant-advisor-child
in it i have a style.css
the following is the code in the css file:
Theme Name: restaurant-advisor-child
Theme URI: https://www.australianchef.com.au
Description: Restaurant Advisor Child Theme
Author: Dylan Neff
Author URI: https://www.australianchef.com.au
Template: restaurant-advisor
Version: 1.0.0
@import url(“../restaurant-advisor/style.css”);
no css that i put in makes any changes whats so ever, i am trying to change the font and size of the menus
css i just tried was:
.advisor-top-header-container .menu {
width: 46%;
i change the width but nothing happens, im getting the css through inspect function in chrome.
Also there is a dark shadow overlay on my header i cant work out why it just suddenly happened.
Please help!!