I just installed the Responsive Tabs theme and so far I like what I see, but when I choose a Header Image, nothing happens. How do I get it to display?
]]>I love this theme and would like to stay with it but I need thumbnails that show up . I have looked at various options but it doesn’t seem that the theme supports using the features picture to thumbnail post?
]]>The theme team moved its review of version 2.25 of Responsive Tabs so fast that it is available before WordPress 4.4. Version 2.25 does require 4.4.
If you install the latest version before 4.4 (expected shortly), the comments infinite scroll will not work. The work around is to disable infinite scroll for comments. You will get the traditional interface.
]]>Heads up that version 2.25 of Responsive Tabs will require WordPress 4.4. Don’t upgrade until you also install 4.4. Do upgrade both at the same time.
Most functions will be fine even if, for some reason, you are stuck with a version inconsistency. The only problem you will have is that infinite scroll for comments on single pages may not work properly. The symptom of not upgrading to 2.25 after upgrading to 4.4 is that no comments show on single pages. The work around is to disable infinite scroll for comments in the customizer.
]]>User asked how to install google analytics.
Answer is simple: In the customizer, put it in the footer script box:
Dashboard/Appearance/Customize/Custom CSS and Scripts — Footer Scripts.
You would be putting something like this in the box.
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga(‘create’, ‘YOURGOOGLEANALYTICSNUMBER’, ‘auto’);
ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’);
]]>Was following along with your documentation here (https://responsive-tabs-theme-for-wp.com/?p=55) but it seems to break my site. When I add you suggested php line in the first line after the opening php tag my site comes up blank. Nothing appears, the theme doesn’t display I just get a completely white screen. If I remove your suggested php edit the site appears fine.
Any ideas?
Your theme is awesome and I really need this shortcode tab functionality. I would prefer not to have to mess with other plugins to achieve this so I’m really hoping this can be resolved.
]]>I love the theme, but I want a home page without a header. So I created a blank page template, and it works fine until I set the page as the front page. Apparently the front page has it’s own template. Any suggestions?
]]>Please check for ‘ready to translation’
There is not language file
Is there a reason for what appears to be duplicate css files within the style.css file. The first half is version 1.33, the second half is version 1.2. Can everything beyond the /*Theme Name: Responsive Tabs for the version 1.2 be deleted from this file?
]]>Just trying to familiarize myself with your theme. Must be missing something obvious. I have named three tabs and have dragged widgets into each. Only the Tab 0 displays content. Tab 1 and Tab 2 when clicked refresh to a default webmaster cgi page. When in theme customizer, the Tab 0 appears under widgets but not Tab 1 or Tab 2 even though on the widgets page I visually see the widget under the corresponding tab. So what am I missing? Why am I getting the default page instead of the tab displaying the content similar to what it does on Tab 0?