is there anyway possible that i can make the sbhair website show the header and content in full when visiting the website on mobile phone?
currently it cuts off the ends of the header and shows all the other content all in a row. The attached image is a good example of how i would like it to be on mobile
How can I access to the file “functions.php”?
I don’t find the place to upload my logo. It has disappeared and I’m looking for it in “site identity” but there is only “site icon”, not logo.
Could you help me, please?
]]>No updated content edited through the page is visible on the live site. The page content displays only what has been created in the Page Template. Swapping out the theme for another Block based theme such as Twenty Twenty-Three and page content is displayed (although without the header and footer correct format). The only Plugins acivated are Spectra and Google fonts.