Hi Michael,
I am finding the font size in the posts to be too small. Can you tell me where to change this is in the code? I can do it manually for each post, but figure there should be someplace which will do it globally. Also, when I came to your page it says that your theme might be out of date…any problems as I go forward with wordpress? I’ve used your theme for such a long time I would hate to lose it…!
Thanks in advance,
How can I show only excerpts of posts on the front page in this theme (PressPlay)?
I translate your theme in French.
You can see a demo of the translation on this adress : https://theme.froozeify.freeiz.com/?themedemo=pressplay
You can see my article on this page : https://froozeify.x10.mx/traduction-du-theme-pressplay/
You can download the translation on this adress : https://froozeify.x10.mx/traductionPressPlay
I asked this question 6 months ago and never received a reply. I don’t mean to whine, I just really need to know the answer to this question! My navbar has too many items to fit onto one row, but when the items go down to the next row they are outside the navbar color. I just need to know how to increase the height of the navbar, or maybe make a second row with color? I realize this is not a life or death situation…I would just really like to make this happen as the items outside the color do not look like menu items.
Thanks in advance,
We just upgraded to WP 3.3 and have noticed a couple of glitches in press play we have not been able to resolve.
1. Part of the theme design (which we really like) was that the five most recent posts were summarized on the home page with a “read more” link. Now the latest five posts are on the home page in their entirety. The summary is gone. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get them back, but have been unsuccesful to date.
2. The menus on the right, with tabs, are one of our favorite features. However, very randomly, the tabs will disappear and we will get all the information that was once sorted into the tabs, in one long list. Example, under our Archives section, we have tabs for categories, tags, dates and authors. When the tabs disappear, the content for all four gets stacked one on top of the other. The titles appear at the top and if you click, it will jump down to the start of that content section. We’d like to figure out why the tabs are disappearing on occasion.
Thank you in advance.
]]>I upgraded to the latest version of WordPress and somehow lost my main menu items and categories on the page. I have tried what I know but I am still not able to regain my previous pages under the categories I created.
How do I regain back the menu items and also the categories I had created prior to my upgrade?
]]>I’m using the PressPlay theme. When I try to access older blog entries using the page navigation links at the bottom, it simply reloads the front page. This seems to happen only on the front page. If I click on a tag I can scroll through pages of posts associated with that tag.
We are using pressplay and would like to increase the height of the navigation bar, since the number of categories we have makes the last category start a new row (but it is NOT in a colored bar, just below the colored bar, so in the white area.)
Any help?