I am trying to hide the category name on my blog posts. I only have one category on my site, and I don’t want to see it right under the title of every post. I have searched and tried so many different variations of custom CSS, but none of them have worked.
Thank you!
]]>I have a WordPress theme called Power Blog. It is a child of the Reblog theme. The front page just shows several of my latest posts. These posts are formatted with a picture on one side and the title and excerpt attached to the side. The whole thing is supposed to look like a solid rectangle. On certain zoom percentages (i.e. 75%, 80%, 110%), they all DO look like solid rectangles. On other zoom percentages (i.e. 67%, 100%), the picture is smaller than the title and excerpt section which makes the post look misshapen. I’ve fixed all my pictures to where they are the exact same size. I don’t know what else to do. Please can someone help me fix this?