Hello. I will like to know how to remove the padding between the content and the header. I know that I can modify the general padding or margins but I only want to remove the top one: from the content (the Slider from the front page or the image+title from the different pages) to the main header.
I tried with some Adicional CSS but nothing worked on the theme.
Thanks in advance
]]>I’m putting this out there for Powder users. I’ll be making minor changes in theme.json (font sizes and perhaps spacing) to prepare for the upcoming WordPress 6.6 release. These will help take advantage of new features and move the theme closer to interoperability.
The simple solution to anything affected on your site is to reset the font or spacing to your desired size.
I appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we make these changes. Your support is invaluable to me.
]]>Hi there,
Is there an easy way for non-coders like me to remove the sticky header?
Tried the below via “Additional CSS”, but to no avail.
.js-enabled .site-header {
position: relative;
Let me know! Thanks!
PS: I still think the sticky header shouldn’t be forced on the user when the original default option for all block themes is for the stickiness to be optional.
]]>When running WP 6.5-RC1 I’m getting the following error on sites running the Powder theme in the front end.
Deprecated: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /Users/afragen/Local_Sites/thefragens/app/public/wp-includes/html-api/class-wp-html-tag-processor.php on line?857
Call Stack#TimeMemoryFunctionLocation
10.0016366960{main}( ).../index.php:0
50.24346595560get_the_block_template_html( ).../template-canvas.php:12
60.24356596128do_blocks(?$content =?'<!-- wp:template-part {"slug":"header","theme":"powder","tagName":"header","className":"site-header"} /-->\n\n<!-- wp:group {"tagName":"main","style":{"spacing":{"margin":{"top":"0"},"padding":{"top":"40px","bottom":"40px"}}},"layout":{"type":"constrained"}} -->\n<main class="wp-block-group" style="margin-top:0;padding-top:40px;padding-bottom:40px"><!-- wp:query {"queryId":0,"query":{"pages":0,"offset":0,"postType":"post","order":"desc","orderBy":"date","author":"","search":"","exclude":[],"sticky":"","type":"'...?).../block-template.php:263
70.24386619880render_block(?$parsed_block =?['blockName' => 'core/template-part', 'attrs' => ['slug' => 'header', 'theme' => 'powder', 'tagName' => 'header', 'className' => 'site-header'], 'innerBlocks' => [], 'innerHTML' => '', 'innerContent' => []]?).../blocks.php:1743
80.24396629312WP_Block->render(?$options =???? ).../blocks.php:1705
90.24396630008render_block_core_template_part(?$attributes =?['slug' => 'header', 'theme' => 'powder', 'tagName' => 'header', 'className' => 'site-header'],?'',?class WP_Block { public $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'core/template-part', 'attrs' => [...], 'innerBlocks' => [...], 'innerHTML' => '', 'innerContent' => [...]]; public $name = 'core/template-part'; public $block_type = class WP_Block_Type { public $api_version = 3; public $name = 'core/template-part'; public $title = 'Template Part'; public $category = 'theme'; public $parent = NULL; public $ancestor = NULL; public $allowed_blocks = NULL; public $icon = NULL; public $description = 'Edit the different global regions of your site, like the header, footer, sidebar, or create your own.'; public $keywords = [...]; public $textdomain = NULL; public $styles = [...]; private $variations = NULL; public $variation_callback = 'build_template_part_block_variations'; public $selectors = [...]; public $supports = [...]; public $example = NULL; public $render_callback = 'render_block_core_template_part'; public $attributes = [...]; private $uses_context = [...]; public $provides_context = NULL; public $block_hooks = [...]; public $editor_script_handles = [...]; public $script_handles = [...]; public $view_script_handles = [...]; public $view_script_module_ids = [...]; public $editor_style_handles = [...]; public $style_handles = [...]; public $view_style_handles = [...]; private $deprecated_properties = [...] }; public $context = []; protected $available_context = ['postId' => 2176, 'postType' => 'post']; protected $registry = class WP_Block_Type_Registry { private $registered_block_types = [...] }; public $inner_blocks = []; public $inner_html = ''; public $inner_content = []; public $attributes = ['slug' => 'header', 'theme' => 'powder', 'tagName' => 'header', 'className' => 'site-header'] }?).../class-wp-block.php:463
100.24716661912do_blocks(?$content =?'<!-- wp:group {"align":"full","style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"30px","bottom":"30px"},"margin":{"top":"0px"}}},"layout":{"type":"constrained"}} -->\n<div class="wp-block-group alignfull" style="margin-top:0px;padding-top:30px;padding-bottom:30px"><!-- wp:group {"align":"wide","layout":{"type":"flex","justifyContent":"space-between"}} -->\n<div class="wp-block-group alignwide"><!-- wp:site-title {"fontSize":"max-36"} /-->\n\n<!-- wp:navigation {"ref":2233,"layout":{"type":"flex","orientation":"horizontal"},'...?).../template-part.php:150
110.24726671216render_block(?$parsed_block =?['blockName' => 'core/group', 'attrs' => ['align' => 'full', 'style' => [...], 'layout' => [...]], 'innerBlocks' => [0 => [...]], 'innerHTML' => '\n<div class="wp-block-group alignfull" style="margin-top:0px;padding-top:30px;padding-bottom:30px"></div>\n', 'innerContent' => [0 => '\n<div class="wp-block-group alignfull" style="margin-top:0px;padding-top:30px;padding-bottom:30px">', 1 => NULL, 2 => '</div>\n']]?).../blocks.php:1743
120.24736673544WP_Block->render(?$options =???? ).../blocks.php:1705
130.24746674488WP_Block->render(?$options =???? ).../class-wp-block.php:443
140.24796689664WP_Block->render(?$options =???? ).../class-wp-block.php:443
150.24796691056render_block_core_navigation(?$attributes =?['ref' => 2233, 'layout' => ['type' => 'flex', 'orientation' => 'horizontal'], 'style' => ['spacing' => [...]], 'showSubmenuIcon' => TRUE, 'openSubmenusOnClick' => FALSE, 'overlayMenu' => 'mobile', 'icon' => 'handle', 'hasIcon' => TRUE, 'maxNestingLevel' => 5],?$content =?'',?$block =?class WP_Block { public $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'core/navigation', 'attrs' => [...], 'innerBlocks' => [...], 'innerHTML' => '', 'innerContent' => [...]]; public $name = 'core/navigation'; public $block_type = class WP_Block_Type { public $api_version = 3; public $name = 'core/navigation'; public $title = 'Navigation'; public $category = 'theme'; public $parent = NULL; public $ancestor = NULL; public $allowed_blocks = [...]; public $icon = NULL; public $description = 'A collection of blocks that allow visitors to get around your site.'; public $keywords = [...]; public $textdomain = NULL; public $styles = [...]; private $variations = NULL; public $variation_callback = NULL; public $selectors = [...]; public $supports = [...]; public $example = NULL; public $render_callback = 'render_block_core_navigation'; public $attributes = [...]; private $uses_context = [...]; public $provides_context = [...]; public $block_hooks = [...]; public $editor_script_handles = [...]; public $script_handles = [...]; public $view_script_handles = [...]; public $view_script_module_ids = [...]; public $editor_style_handles = [...]; public $style_handles = [...]; public $view_style_handles = [...]; private $deprecated_properties = [...] }; public $context = []; protected $available_context = ['postId' => 2176, 'postType' => 'post']; protected $registry = class WP_Block_Type_Registry { private $registered_block_types = [...] }; public $inner_blocks = []; public $inner_html = ''; public $inner_content = []; public $attributes = ['ref' => 2233, 'layout' => [...], 'style' => [...], 'showSubmenuIcon' => TRUE, 'openSubmenusOnClick' => FALSE, 'overlayMenu' => 'mobile', 'icon' => 'handle', 'hasIcon' => TRUE, 'maxNestingLevel' => 5] }?).../class-wp-block.php:463
160.24796691056WP_Navigation_Block_Renderer::render(?$attributes =?['ref' => 2233, 'layout' => ['type' => 'flex', 'orientation' => 'horizontal'], 'style' => ['spacing' => [...]], 'showSubmenuIcon' => TRUE, 'openSubmenusOnClick' => FALSE, 'overlayMenu' => 'mobile', 'icon' => 'handle', 'hasIcon' => TRUE, 'maxNestingLevel' => 5],?$content =?'',?$block =?class WP_Block { public $parsed_block = ['blockName' => 'core/navigation', 'attrs' => [...], 'innerBlocks' => [...], 'innerHTML' => '', 'innerContent' => [...]]; public $name = 'core/navigation'; public $block_type = class WP_Block_Type { public $api_version = 3; public $name = 'core/navigation'; public $title = 'Navigation'; public $category = 'theme'; public $parent = NULL; public $ancestor = NULL; public $allowed_blocks = [...]; public $icon = NULL; public $description = 'A collection of blocks that allow visitors to get around your site.'; public $keywords = [...]; public $textdomain = NULL; public $styles = [...]; private $variations = NULL; public $variation_callback = NULL; public $selectors = [...]; public $supports = [...]; public $example = NULL; public $render_callback = 'render_block_core_navigation'; public $attributes = [...]; private $uses_context = [...]; public $provides_context = [...]; public $block_hooks = [...]; public $editor_script_handles = [...]; public $script_handles = [...]; public $view_script_handles = [...]; public $view_script_module_ids = [...]; public $editor_style_handles = [...]; public $style_handles = [...]; public $view_style_handles = [...]; private $deprecated_properties = [...] }; public $context = []; protected $available_context = ['postId' => 2176, 'postType' => 'post']; protected $registry = class WP_Block_Type_Registry { private $registered_block_types = [...] }; public $inner_blocks = []; public $inner_html = ''; public $inner_content = []; public $attributes = ['ref' => 2233, 'layout' => [...], 'style' => [...], 'showSubmenuIcon' => TRUE, 'openSubmenusOnClick' => FALSE, 'overlayMenu' => 'mobile', 'icon' => 'handle', 'hasIcon' => TRUE, 'maxNestingLevel' => 5] }?).../navigation.php:1087
170.25046800520WP_Navigation_Block_Renderer::get_wrapper_markup(?$attributes =?['ref' => 2233, 'layout' => ['type' => 'flex', 'orientation' => 'horizontal'], 'style' => ['spacing' => [...]], 'showSubmenuIcon' => TRUE, 'openSubmenusOnClick' => FALSE, 'overlayMenu' => 'mobile', 'icon' => 'handle', 'hasIcon' => TRUE, 'maxNestingLevel' => 5],?$inner_blocks =?class WP_Block_List { protected $blocks = [0 => class WP_Block { ... }, 1 => class WP_Block { ... }, 2 => class WP_Block { ... }, 3 => class WP_Block { ... }, 4 => class WP_Block { ... }, 5 => class WP_Block { ... }]; protected $available_context = ['ref' => 2233, 'layout' => [...], 'style' => [...], 'showSubmenuIcon' => TRUE, 'openSubmenusOnClick' => FALSE, 'overlayMenu' => 'mobile', 'icon' => 'handle', 'hasIcon' => TRUE, 'maxNestingLevel' => 5]; protected $registry = class WP_Block_Type_Registry { private $registered_block_types = [...] } }?).../navigation.php:669
180.25046800520WP_Navigation_Block_Renderer::get_inner_blocks_html(?$attributes =?['ref' => 2233, 'layout' => ['type' => 'flex', 'orientation' => 'horizontal'], 'style' => ['spacing' => [...]], 'showSubmenuIcon' => TRUE, 'openSubmenusOnClick' => FALSE, 'overlayMenu' => 'mobile', 'icon' => 'handle', 'hasIcon' => TRUE, 'maxNestingLevel' => 5],?$inner_blocks =?class WP_Block_List { protected $blocks = [0 => class WP_Block { ... }, 1 => class WP_Block { ... }, 2 => class WP_Block { ... }, 3 => class WP_Block { ... }, 4 => class WP_Block { ... }, 5 => class WP_Block { ... }]; protected $available_context = ['ref' => 2233, 'layout' => [...], 'style' => [...], 'showSubmenuIcon' => TRUE, 'openSubmenusOnClick' => FALSE, 'overlayMenu' => 'mobile', 'icon' => 'handle', 'hasIcon' => TRUE, 'maxNestingLevel' => 5]; protected $registry = class WP_Block_Type_Registry { private $registered_block_types = [...] } }?).../navigation.php:606
190.25276828192WP_HTML_Tag_Processor->next_tag(?$query =?'LI'?).../navigation.php:169
200.25276828192WP_HTML_Tag_Processor->next_token( ).../class-wp-html-tag-processor.php:796
Hi there,
Thanks for the update.
Any reason why all the patterns got removed? Are you maybe planning on making these available through a separate plugin going forward?
Let me know!
]]>Thanks for the new post layout, Brian. Really love it.
Would be amazing if at some stage we could get an additional one that shows the featured image on the left and the rest (meta, title, excerpt etc.) on the right.
PS: Thanks again for this superb theme. Enjoying it more and more every day.
]]>Hi there,
Not sure if this is a WordPress or Powder-only issue, but since the recent update to 6.4 the search button is misaligned when going for “button only”.
Thanks for looking into this!
]]>Hi there!
Thanks for the update, but my header is suddenly sticky when scrolling up again.
Checked the settings if anything got changed, but the header ‘Position’ is still set to ‘Default’.
Please have a look when you get a chance.
Thank you!
]]>Hi Brian,
Thank you for the beautiful theme. I see that this theme is similar to Frost, and that the latter has more pattern blocks but doesn’t have auto-update. If one wants to use one of them as a parent theme, what is your suggestion? Thanks!
Really enjoying the Powder theme so far.
I wasn’t able to determine whether the dropdown should look like a generic Safari dropdown or if somehow the styling is overwritten by Safari.
In the editor, the dropdown looks square and flat.