Can we make the posts full width without sidebar. Please help and advise.
Thanks in Advance
is there a way to add the display of an email address to the top most ribbon where all the social media icons, phone number, and mailing address are located?
]]>Hello !
– I installed new last wordpress.
– installed politics theme v 1.2
– imported site database
the issue is
wordpress tries to access font thru https://yuriboldyrev.ru/wp-content/themes/politics/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0
But in the Theme font are located in politics\css\fonts
Would you please help me to resolve this font issue!
Migrated content to Politics theme from a theme that is no longer supported. The theme works well with my content, but I get Home Hero Slider to display.
]]>Is there a reason the slider/header image is not responsive?
]]>I’d like to do the following:
Hide meta information like dates on the posts and pages
Also how to hide the featured image when you click on the blog post to read it in its entirety.
]]>Despite having the “Display site title and tagline” option selected, there is just a blank space next to the party logo in the site header. Am I missing something? The header is supposed to read “Wessex Regionalists” with “The Party for Wessex” as the tagline.
]]>Social icons are not displaying in the social menu. Am I doing something wrong?
]]>I would like to Remove Posts/Blog Section under Hero Slider.
]]>where can i edit the section..
Your Future Is Now
I’m John Doe, and I’m asking for your support.
it does not show up in customize or widget sections
I am looking to develop few sites on politics (such as on president, congress, democrats, republicans, taxes, jobs, etc).
The main purpose is to create highly engaged debate/discussion/polling sites on various topics or issues etc.
I am looking for a theme that has the following options/functions:
1. First of all, the theme must look bold and beautiful such as the theme https://www.donaldjtrump.com and https://www.berniesanders.com . I mean beautiful, crisp, and clean theme. It doesn��t need to have the functionality of these sites.
2. Visitors can register using a social login plugin (such as with facebook, linkedin, google, instagram etc IDs) or they can just register directly from our theme.
3. Registered users should be actively encouraged and be able to post any topic or headline/link to other articles (of course relevant to the site topic) and Ability to allow/disallow registered users from posting.
All registered users should be able to comment/discuss that topic/link/article on our site. Also if people want they can click the link and visit the original article on other sites.
Admins should also be able to add/post/edit/delete anything from back end as above.
4. Admins should be able to post various kind of polls. Registered users should be able to comment on polls.
5. Ability to post ��Sponsored�� posts, headlines, polls, questions, etc.
6. Ability to track polling trends over-time.
7. Posts/links/articles etc should be displayed with latest as default but people should be able to search most read or most commented or most liked etc.
8. Ability to contact/email all registered users.
9. Donate/Support button on the site.
10. Ability to add/edit header, footer, logo, contact forms, other gadget/widget areas as needed.
11. Properly built-in advertising areas using common ad markets such as adsense, etc. Ability to sell advertising directly.
12. Good search and archive areas.
13. Only theme with unlimited sites license are being considered as we plan to use for multiple sites.
14. Theme must be fully responsive on all devices and mobile phones and renders beautifully on all devices.
I have been browsing political themes (even politics by rescue theme on www.remarpro.com which I liked for simplicity) but they don��t have everything above that we need.
Please advise which theme can be good for our purpose.
Or how can we achieve above functionality using some plugins etc?
Thank you very much for your help.
]]>I have been trying to get the posts on my homepage to proportionately fill in the width of the page but nothing works in the code. These tile treatments do not behave responsively either; they are minuscule on my iPhone. I have been editing the class “featured-posts-content” but maybe that isn’t the correct section? Thank you in advance!
https://bridgingthegap.vet/ and scroll down to the Meet The Team section and adjust your browser width.
]]>The hero slider single photo that I’m using has been sized to the recommended size. It looks fine on most screens, but on a mac laptop that we tried, the top of the photo is getting cut off. Any guidance is greatly appreciated!
]]>Hi everyone
I’ve been struggling for days trying to get the home hero widgets to show on my home page. I’ve gone manicly through the documentation over and over again but I just can’t seem to locate what’s wrong.
As you can see my site just shows a white page with the title home: https://tyngdepunkt.dk/
As I said I’ve gone through the documentation and done all of the below:
I don’t know if it is even possible to locate the issue simply by looking at the page. But I’m completely bugged out by this and can’t seem to get my ahead around the issue.
Does anyone here know why it isn’t working?
]]>When I test the site on a tablet or smart-phone the menu is not clickable. All that happens is a “hot spot” circle encompasses all of the menu and makes it unusable.
Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>Something has happened to the header icons & font used. I can’t find any changes to the site but the items have disappeared.
How can I restore them?
If I upload the theme again will I lose all my settings?
I’m having problems with the [mailbag_mailchimp] shortcode working on the Hero Slider of the home page settings.
When an email address and after clicking the Subscribe button is clicked a message appears, “Please enter a value”. The email addresses are correct. I have checked the MailChimp for WordPress plug-in is correct and connected, the Mailbag settings are correct.
This was working, leslieduncan4kc.com
]]>WordPress 4.4.2 running Legislator Child theme.
When I paste a link to my homepage (www.nancybean4tx.org) on Face Book it posts a picture as well.
I have looked everywhere for where to change the picture that shows. I even deleted the picture from my media. Still this picture shows up.
I put a picture of what it should look like and what it does look like on my webpage at https://www.nancybean4tx.org/2016/03/21/error-2/
The password is 1111
How do I set the links in the social menu to target="_blank"
? Right now, if the user clicks on the LI/FB/TW icons, the pages open in the same window which takes the user away from the website. I have activated a child theme, so I can add any adjustments there.
Thank you in advance!
I wonder if you guys can help? I’d really like the images added to the hero slider to be aligned to the bottom to display correctly. Is this something I can do?
Thanks for any help!!!
]]>How do you change the hover color and donate button color. You can’t see them in Chrome & Firefox, they are #fff and I’m not sure which CSS they are pulling from.
]]>How do I hide the author and date on posts?
Does the theme allow for custom css to accomplish this?
.entry-meta {
display: none;
Where can I edit the content within the Parallax Content section and the Secondary Content section on the homepage? I checked the documentation but don’t see steps on where to edit the copy, buttons, etc. within these two sections. Thank you!
]]>Hi, I am using Politics on my multi-site install. Everything seems to work fine, however the parallax image is not displaying on the homepage. Here is my site. I have inserted the image yet it does not show up. Any help will be highly appreciated, please.
Thank you.