I was using the Robo Gallery plug-in on Pilot Fish this afternoon and seemed to work fine but when I changed my theme, and then changed back, Robo Gallery stopped being compatible with Pilot Fish and just shows a red “loading” box each time I try and preview or view a web page with a Robo Gallery. I will report this to Robo Gallery, too. It seemed to have changed around the same half-hour that I updated my WordPress to 4.4.2, also, so it could be an issue with the upgrade.
If anyone has suggestions, I really appreciate it!
]]>Hey ! can someone provide a step by step procedure to change the colour on the pages underline menu ?
it seems to be a image file in the style sheet this was taken from a earlier message Big Thanks in advance !!!
#access .menu .current_page_item a, #access .menu .current-menu-item a {
background-image: url(“images/menu-bg.png”);
Since upgrading to WordPress 4.3, there is an error message saying
“WP_widget constructor method is obsolete since v 4.3”
which seems to be caused by class pilotfish_Vcard_Widget in /includes/widgets.php
Any chance you might fix this? (now at version 0.4.1)
Many thanks!
The css media queries are set up so that the parallax scrolling “feature” doesn’t display on screens under 480px. Larger screens display the feature, but I’ve noticed that mobile browsers (android and iOS) don’t position it properly. I don’t actually own those devises, but have been using emulators. It seems that the text, which normally scrolls down and fades, is pinned to the top of the feature in mobile browsers. Has anyone else noticed this?
Since parallax doesn’t work well on mobile browsers, it would be find to get rid of the parallax and just use the image. That’s what seems to be happening already, but again, the texted is pinned to the top instead of centered.
Any ideas?
Google Webmaster Tools > Structured Data
hentry ERROR
Missing: entry-title
Missing: updated
The use of CSS class “hentry” in the Pilotfish template requires additional CSS class tags to reflect the author, title, date updated, etc.
Add the following code to the bottom of functions.php:
//add hatom data
function add_suf_hatom_data($content) {
$t = get_the_modified_time('F jS, Y');
$author = get_the_author();
$title = get_the_title();
if (is_home() || is_singular() || is_archive() ) {
$content .= '<div class="hatom-extra" style="display:none;visibility:hidden;"><span class="entry-title">'.$title.'</span> was last modified: <span class="updated"> '.$t.'</span> by <span class="author vcard"><span class="fn">'.$author.'</span></span></div>';
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'add_suf_hatom_data');
I want to be able to show the full recent blog posts on my home page. What code do I need to add to home.php to call these posts?
I would like to keep the text that I have put in my home page image from scrolling down as I scroll down the page… can you help me do that?
When I first created my website (loseemediaconsulting.com) the three widgets were perfectly aligned, now the second and third widget are not aligned properly and I do not know how to fix them.
Can someone please give me some instruction? If I need to reset the sidebar-home.php page how do I do that? I cant find a reset button.
Thank you in advance!
When I first created my website (loseemediaconsulting.com) the three widgets were perfectly aligned, now the second and third widget are not aligned properly and I do not know how to fix them.
Can someone please give me some instruction? If I need to reset the sidebar-home.php page how do I do that? I cant find a reset button.
Thank you in advance!
]]>Hi. I have successfully edited the home page to get rid of the text over the image, stop the scrolling and also remove the widgets (which I don’t need for my simple site). I’m left with a very simple php page. I want to add a text box below the image – I just want to add a paragraph under the image to explain what my site is about. Can Daniel or someone tell me how to write the php script? I have already tried to add text, but the problem is, it runs over the footer – the footer won’t move. Obviously not familiar with php. Any help is greatly appreciated!! Here is my current home page script:
* Front Page with Featured Content
* @file home.php
* @package Pilot Fish
* @filesource wp-content/themes/pilot-fish/home.php
* @since Pilot Fish 0.1
get_header(); ?>
<div id=”featured” class=”hidden-phone”>
<div id=”banner-text” class=”span12″>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
]]>I have a Pilot Fish version 0.3.5, and I would like to disable home page vertical scroll and fix all, my page is https://www.aeigsebastiamontraveta.cat. How could it Daniel Zhao?
How can I remove:
A Minimal, Responsive Portfolio Theme
You can edit this section from home.php in the Edit Panel. Happy Blogging!
]]>Hello everybody and thank you in advance if you can help me.
I really like the theme pilot fish, very elegant.
I’m a beginner with a blog creation.
I don’t know what I did exactly but I lost the original home page with pines and the name of the web site. I was trying to change the text in the image, using the editor, in the home.php.
Is it possible to find the original file home.php ?
Thank you again if you can help me.
]]>I’m trying to make my widgets clickable and followed the info on the pilot fish page. I make one of three clickable and that went fine, when I did the same for the other two suddenly they don’t align anymore and are displayed below each other instead of next to each other.
]]>The custom front image in my parallax scroller vanished after I updated the Pilot Fish theme last week.
All my other customizations are fine. Yes I did save them in a new theme called Pilot Fish Child!
Can anyone tell me where my image has gone and how to get it back?
If I cannot get it back I will stick with the old version of Pilot Fish.
Would that be bad for my website in any way?
]]>I’m having a similar problem that many have had. I want to center the menu and add picture to front page of pilotfish.
Yes, I went to the Pilot Fish FAQ. I was able to center my title but not the menu. Can anyone provide me some insight as to what I missed.
Secondly, followed the directions for replacing the default “Bavarian Forest” photo on the landing page. Like another user, the Bavarian Forest pic disappeared but my photo is not there and I’m using filezilla.
Thanks All
]]>Thanks for the update, Daniel. Your work is very much appreciated.
]]>I’m having an issue with the featured titles on the homepage of my website (the titles overlayed on the image), I’m hoping someone may be able to help me out here.
I have edited the position of these titles in the stylesheet to accommodate for the image that is used. This works/looks fine for my native resolution (1600×900) but when checking on a 1024×768 resolution, the text will be to low to be properly visible.
Is this something that can be resolved through the responsive design of this theme at all? Or should I just position the text more towards the top?
]]>Hi, I love the theme so far but there is one thing I can’t figure out. How do I go about centering the header image along with the list of pages underneath?
]]>I’ve created a child theme and made a new page in which I make the call
<?php get_template_part( 'content', 'aside' ); ?>
and to controll the except I use the wordpress “tag” <!–more–>
This works just fine on the home page, but it will not function on other pages.
Anyone got any ideas?
To solve temporarely the problem I had to make another page and call it by
<?php get_template_part( 'content', 'glesus' ) ?>
and in that page write
<?php the_excerpt(__('Continue Reading →', 'pilotfish')); ?>
but that do not work as expected since the <!–more–> “tag” does not get changed in the right place.
You may see what am talking about on: https://www.glesus.it
here the <!–more–> tag works, but on this page it does not: https://www.glesus.it/holidays/
I have installed Polylang plugin to transform my site into multilingual.
It works great on the “pages”, but not at all on the “projects”, nor on the “project type” I have put in the navigation menu.
Any magic formula to put in style.css ?
I also do not manage to remove “posted by…” from the projects.
My site is : https://villa-panorama-saint-jeannet.com
Thanks !
]]>Hi everyone,
I’m trying to alter the CSS (using Jetpack) so that the default page width is wider. I think Pilot Fish’s default width is 620px. Does anyone know the CSS to override this?
By the way, I’ve looking for a ‘full-width’ template that the theme is supposed to include, but can’t find it.
]]>With Pilot Fish, How can we make image captions show up on Pages?
]]>I have a text list of the main links on my website vertically and then a drop down list of all the pages on my site, is there a way to have only one?
Hi All,
This is extremely important, how do I remove the “Posted by…” at the bottom of every page I create?
Please respond asap, as I am desperate for this to be removed.
THank you.
]]>Hi there, am looking to add a rotating image on the Pilot Fish Home page using a JQuery Add on (WP-Cycle).
I currently have a static image that replaced the Bavarian Forest pic, see my website.
I have added the WP-Cycle addon to WordPress and am wondering where to insert this code <?php wp_cycle(); ?> as per the instructions from the addon author i.e. “Place <?php wp_cycle(); ?> in your theme where you want the slideshow to appear”.
My plan of attack was to find where the Bavarian Forest image is located in the code and substitute it with the above code. Have not been able to locate it, have searched theme-options.php, theme-functions.php and home.php and am none the wiser.
Daniel, if you read this, Pilot Fish rocks, the site above is my first attempt at web design and your theme has eased me into the process nicely, thanks for putting it out there.
]]>How can I get either a post’s excerpt, or the first 60 words of the post (default excerpt length) in Pilot Fish theme to display on blog page, instead of full blog post?
]]>Hello, how do i set the box version of the template. i want to have a background image
]]>May be somebody can give me some help. I’m using a qTranslate plug-in and can not understand what should I do to make the logo pic in the header to change on switching between the languages. Here the web-site https://mariorphans.org/
I suppose that some changes should be made here –
“><img src=”<?php header_image(); ?>” width=”<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH; ?>” height=”<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT; ?>” alt=”<?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?>” />
And also how can I change the size of home page widgets images?
]]>I have tried following both Danni’s instructions at:
and the generic instructions at:
and frankly, life is too short. Results I have “enjoyed” were:
either a child theme whose styles, when updated, are never displayed in their updated form, OR
a series of fatal errors in the header.php every time the word ‘pilotfish’ is found, e.g. <?php pilotfish_header(); // before header hook ?>
It’s a shame this theme is not being supported, as it would otherwise be a very good one. Strongly advise everyone to just ditch it and try something that works.