anyone have experience, in my phogra themes, Map in contact and Logo doesn’t appear
]]>I was installed phogra theme but I can’t make a beautiful slide same as demo page . plese help me . thaks
]]>Hi! I have a little anoying problem. I do not know how to change a color and font in Phogra Theme. Can You help me?
ive got the theme called Phogra and im butchering the code to make it more minimalistic and static.
The problem is that it will only show the featured image in the blog and no others. I would rather have it showing the ordinary post images (full content) and use it with a lightbox. Which does not work either.
I cant get my head around this, feels like im missing out on something. I cant find any excerpt either. Feels like it could be the problem in some way. I have tried z-index variations also. The lightbox may collide with the built in gallery slider in some way?
Feel free to take a look at the code over here, and its pretty messy i know:
Hi there , first of all thank you for the theme , its very easy to work around it , very user friendly , really thank you . I am having a problem though uploading the logo … when I upload the logo ( 75×50 in png ) and jpg and different sizes too it wont show up at all no matter what ( the text logo yes but the image one no ) any help is much appriciate it .
– Question : When you make the album page and you show up the thumbnail for each different album you click on it and there they come showing up ( the photos ) straight aways on big resolution without the possibility that the person can chose what photo to see and not go one by one on each one of them ( for example you upload 10 photos on 1 album and if you want to see the 10th one you have to go no matter what from 1 till 9 ) it wont give you the posibility to see them as you wish only as a book cover . Is there anyway to change that ? So users can see what photos they want and also if they want to browse they can also !!!?? Thank you in advance
]]>how can i edit the default page? I want to change the font and also remove the dark grey color that covers half of the page.
I noticed that when you open the menu the image slider shifts to the right, so the right arrow is no longer fully visible (and it’s hard to click on it). What you have to do now is first close the menu and then click the right arrow if you want to see another picture.
This could be improved by closing the menu automatically when the mouse isn’t over the menu sidebar or over the menu trigger.
Has anyone done this? Or maybe is there another solution to solve this?
Thank you!
Hi all. What is the optimal image size for this template? I have played around a bit but so far have been unable to find the best
]]>please take a look at my website. I was able to change my album pages to white background but my default templates did not change. How can I change it? Also how can I get the submenus to show? Also how can i make the arrows on the slider smaller?
]]>Hi Phogra team,
How can I amend one of the links in the navigation menu to open up in a new window? Thanks!
Hi Everyone and a Happy New Year.
I installed Phogra as a theme on my WordPress site. Great theme!
I would like to show the menu on the left open when someone first visits my website.
How can I do this?
Thank you.
Hello. I’m considering using Phogra for a site that will not incorporate a blog. Before I move further, I’d like to see what my options are on the front page. The demo shows a number of full screen photos – I’m assuming featured image blog posts(?).
Is there a way to have the first page of the site be at least a single photo without using the blog? Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>Hi. I’d like to use this theme for my photography portfolio. I have both vertical and horizontal images. The live demo only shows horizontal images, so I’m wondering if this theme works for vertical images as well. Thanks
It’s my first project with WordPress…
I use the theme ‘Phogra’, and i have made some pages. I would like to add a page under a submenu but don’t know how to do it…
Can somebody help me?
I wish to know how can i create a little thumbnails tape at the botton of each album page. Thank you for attention
Is there anything I or you could do to improve responsibility of this theme?
At the moment it behaves well only on PCs…
Hi everyone!
As many people using this theme I encountered problems with portrait photos. After a few ideas I managed to create a short CSS code:
#slider img {
/* turn off paralax */
position:fixed !important;
/* sizing ang align for portrait */
max-height: 110% !important;
max-width: 100% !important;
height: auto !important;
width:auto !important;
margin-top: 0px !important;
margin:auto !important;
First part (“turn off paralax”) isn’t necessary, I added if you would like to turn off the paralax effect. In this code it isn’t used. If you want to apply this code you should remove comment marks over and below the code.
The second part is more important, it allows to show non-stretched portrait photos.
I know that the photos aren’t full-screen now, you can fix it by changing max-height
parameter. I set it for 110% because I don’t want to have tops and bottoms of my photos cut off.
I know that so many !important
marks aren’t a good thing. However… This is the only way I found without fighting with js.
My page is still under construction, but you can see how this works on:
How can i add a new social media such as instagram?
]]>I create a sub menu following the advice showed here before ( thanks! )
1) Copy header.php from the parent theme to the child theme. Edit that file and change line 49 from:
<?php wp_nav_menu(array(‘theme_location’ => ‘header_menu’, ‘container’ => false, ‘menu_id’ => ‘navigation-menu’, ‘depth’ => 1, ‘link_before’ => ‘› ‘)); ?>
<?php wp_nav_menu(array(‘theme_location’ => ‘header_menu’, ‘container’ => false, ‘menu_id’ => ‘navigation-menu’, ‘link_before’ => ‘› ‘)); ?>
2) In your child theme’s stylesheet, add this:
#sidebar nav ul.sub-menu {
padding-left: 1em;
it worked fine but now when i create the album of the gallery they all become a submenu of the gallery and im not very happy with that, i would like to have it like in the theme, any solotion?
Also, could it be posible to have a rollover on the submenu to show or hide it?
]]>Hi…is there a way to overlay static text over the homepage slider?
even after following the tutorial i was not able to find any options to create albums, i cant see any album link in the dashboard,
Go to Albums on the left panel > Add
is there any version conflict or the theme is cracked?
Help needed asap..
]]>I would like to change my site copyright to include a hyperlink to the creative commons license. How do I do that?
]]>Hi everyone,
I don’t know why this theme does not show post thumbnail, I already included Featured image in every post.
Please help! Thank you
]]>My site is compatibility problem with Google Chrome to access the Projects page wwww.eudesteste.ueuo.com , when you put your mouse over the album he flashes the menu quickly, but in other browsers works perfectly.
]]>Hi there,
Thanks for your Simple and efficient Theme.
I just can’t seem to get how to add images in bulk to the Homepage Template uploader…
It won’t let me select multiple pictures, which leads me to having to add them one by one. I have hundreds to upload and I find it hard to believe there is no option to add them in bulk.
Am I missing something? Or this template isn’t meant to be used as a photography album display?
On the other hand I noticed the slider loads all the images at once at the beginning. If I’m planning to add loads of pictures to the slider I guess that will make the website a pain in the ass for people to visit? XD
Thanks a bunch!
]]>Hi, I need help!
You can see the problem on my page fascination-von-oben.de
The Menu on the left site is the color orange (code: #fce38a) but the title on the page is green (code: #C6FF00). How can I change the color?
Where can I change the font and the font size?
How can I change the background color (white is my favorite), the font and the size?
I am completely new to WordPress , allthough i have a lot ef experience in html i was curious to see how far i could get in setting up a website in wordpress ….
it does the job (with the knowledge i have after a few days) , but there are 2 things i cannot find easily, i want to resize the textboxes on some pages
I have a lot of short lines on a page which is completely empty on the right half.
I think it is theme dependent but i’m not sure, could be the pages are defined in CSS (of which i have zero knowledge) in that case i need help , name of the CSS and which line to edit ??
And the second question , if the right part of the screen is empty am i able to put a picture there , it seems that you can only post pictures vertical under the text and not besides a textbox …
hope someone can shed a light on this …
]]>I want to disable the slider on the homepage but have very limited experience coding.
Do I need to change the code in template-home.php?
<?php /* Template Name: Homepage */ ?>
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php $images = get_post_meta(get_queried_object_id(), 'gallery_links', true); ?>
<?php if ($images !== false && $images != ''): ?>
<?php $images = explode(";", $images); ?>
<?php if (count($images) > 0): ?>
<section id="slider">
<ul class="before-init">
<?php foreach($images as $imageId): ?>
<?php $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($imageId, "full"); ?>
<?php if ($image): ?>
<img src="<?php echo $image[0]; ?>" alt="Image" />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div id="image-loader">
<div id="image-loader-progress"></div>
<a href="#" class="slider-prev"></a>
<a href="#" class="slider-next"></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
How can i href link for the All Right Reserved.
I have a problem with my social media icons and the photo icons to go to the next photo. They images don’t show up. The Social media icons are active but the images don’t show up. How can I change that.
Pleas let me know if you have any suggestions.
Thanks for your answer in advance,