Pl?tzlich ist mein geliebtes 2-spaltiges Magazin-Layout verschwunden (Startseite) und durch ein simples Blog-Layout ersetzt worden, ohne dass ich im Customizer etwas ge?ndert habe. Ich finde im Customizer auch keine Einstellungsm?glichkeiten, um wieder ins Magazin-Layout zu wechseln. Meine WP-Version WordPress 5.0.6
Was kann ich tun? danke für schnelle Hilfe. Samuel – unterwegs in Portugal und t?glich am Reiseberichte ver?ffentlichen.
Love the nice simple look of Penguin… but would like to have a little bit of white space added AFTER an Image Caption.
Have a look at this page in particular;
The caption is easily confused as belonging to the image below due to the fact there are a few pixels of white space between the image and the caption but virtually NONE AFTER the Caption and the next image.
Ideally I’d like see the theme updated to include some white space included AFTER the caption… but would be fine with a Custom CSS code to fix the problem.
Is this feasible???
Thanks in advance.
When I login at the backend of my site, below is the error msg I see on top:
“Error : Please fix your theme to make plugins work correctly: Go to the Theme Editor and insert <?php wp_head(); ?> just before the </head> line of your theme’s header.php file.”
But when I try to make changes as said above, I don’t see the </head> to where I have to make changes or anything.
My Site:
I am not sure if one of the plugin that I downloaded causing this or why this message pop up and if this going to harm my site in any way.
Please Help!!
Thank You
Nach dem Update wird unter dem Logo ein wei?er Strich angezeigt, der bei einem Mouseover verschwindet.
Au?erdem ?ndert sich das Logo in der gr??e. Wenn man auf der Startseite ist und dann einen Artikel ?ffnet wird es gr??er.
Wie kann man das ?ndern?
]]>Hi, I could not see any option about managing the layout of how the posts should appear.
Currently I can put just one Post (Per Card/Column) however in example screen shot of theme shows two columns.
I using the free WPZOO Penguin theme:
I want to increase the width of the right sidebar to 300px
I installed ‘My Custom CSS Panel’ – v3.1:
and added this code to that:
#sidebar {
float: right;
width: 350px;
It did not work. Anyone have any ideas?
how can I have a banner (png, jpg) in the header of this theme please?
I try :
<div class = “headerbanner”> <a href=”BANNERLINK”
target=”_blank”> <img src = “LINKTOIMAGE” width = “200” height =
“50” /> </ div>
in header.php but can make it background-size: cover; on background color doesn’t be the same thaht the color’s theme.
I’m using Penguin WordPress theme and I need a little help. I have a page called “Sea Holidays”, with 4 differents subpages in a drop down menù. If I click in one of the 4 subpages, what I get is a page witj title “Category: Sea Holidays subpage”. How can I remove this category title from my pages? Furthermore, the url is how can I remove category from url? many thanks
Good morning. I created a new blog with penguin 2.0, very nice theme. I have created a new menù with my new pages (home, about us, contact us) but there is a link on my menù impossibile to be removed, it has the same name of my blog and if I click on it, it link to the home page. Sorry for my english, many thanks