I’ve recently changed my blog theme and I’m loving this one so far. It has been working perfectly on all my devices, but today I’ve discovered it just refuses to display correctly on my mum’s iPad.
I think the resolution is 768x1024px. No matter how I rotate the page, the content in the sidebar gets cut in half and the author widget is stretched to an oval.
I tried to replicate the issue simulating an iPad screen in the Chrome console on my desktop and it does cut part of the sidebar.
Is there any code I can add so that the sidebar is responsive and gets moved to the bottom of the page?
]]>Really having trouble with social media icons. I have activated the JetPack Social Media widget, but the icons are not showing in the sidebar. I also tried to activate the Social Menu at the top of the page as per the instructions on the ParaBlog webpage, but I couldn’t get the icons to show up there either despite following the instructions. Could use some help. Thanks.
]]>Social icons and search box are not showing in the header bar where the date is, also the slider is not showing correctly, these problems are only when using the site on a mobile