There is a conflict with the Pinterest for Woocommerce Pluggin.
It is impossible to purchase a variable product : an error message appears, asking you to select the chosen option (digital or physical product) when the option is already selected.
(I can’t link the page because I had to deactivate the pluggin so that my customers can place orders on my site).
Thank you for your help.
I had to switch between themes. Unfortunately, after re-enabling Orfeo I had found out, that my main page (a static one) doesn’t show up anymore. I am completely lost. Please, provide assistance.
]]>My content disappeared and this dummy content appeared in its place. This site is not subscribed to the Pro version, and I understand the slide show option is available as a paid feature. I can’t figure out how to remove it, and I cannot change the dummy font. In the customize view, the blue pencil buttons simply won’t appear for the text.
]]>Hi all,
thankyou. My footer is extra large. Anyone know how I can bring it to normal size?
I am in Orfeo theme,
I found the footer was missing on my site.
However, on the official demo site it shows as expect.
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.
]]>The latest update to Hestia parent theme completely breaks Orfeo. Any news about Orfeo update?
]]>We work with Orfeo Pro and have a problem with the Big Title section in the Front-page.
We configured 2 different links for the 2 buttons:
But the template use always (for both buttons) link1.
Error since last release.
I kindly ask for a speedy fix.
i just update my site all the plugins and wordpress , now my home page not working properly
I want to dissapear my logo in mobile version while scrollng page down.
In desktop version logo dissapears when you scroll a site down.
I want to make something similiar in mobile.
Can you help me?
I need help with 404 page in Orfeo theme. Part of the text is not translated into my language. (“Oops! This page can’t be found.”)
Where can I find and change the 404 page text?
Thank you for your help
The back to top button is missing role="button"
]]>It is possibile to show sections like “Team”, “Testimonials”, “Clients Bar”, in pages other than the homepage, and also show them in different pages?
]]>Dear all,
I’m looking for some help with footers. I would like to have an Instagram feed in my footer which will show at least 6 pictures horizontal. Now I can only put this in the “2nd” footer and it won’t widen up. I’ve tried adding several things to the css but they just don’t change shape! Can anyone help me solving this? Thanks!
The Orfeo theme background is not showing. I think a plugin or something moved the theme away. It says that the theme is installed. Please make answers simple ?? thank you
]]>Hi !
I’d like to replace the two default buttons from the big title section by two images… How can I do that ?
Is there a plugin ? Should I edit CSS through yellowpencil, through the customiser ? If so how ?
Or is it PHP I should use ?
Thanks !
]]>I’ve just installed this theme to try it out and I’m having a small issue on my shop page. The category images are weirdly sized and it doesn’t look very good as a result. What can I do about this? It wasn’t a problem in the them I used before this one.
Also, another question – how can I reduce the size of the gradient header? It looks decent, but it’s a bit too tall IMO.
]]>Hi !
I see we can’t create child themes of child themes. Is there any way I can safely edit the theme without it being overwritten by updates and without losing a backup option ?
I am trying to edit the footer text but can’t find the footer.php file. How do you do this?
I’ve just installed the theme Orfeo to try it out. Previously I was customizing and working on the theme Neve.
But the theme Orfeo is showing nothing in thefront page and if you click on “home” from the menu, the old Neve home page is showing…
How do I have it displayed as it should, starting clean? Do I need some reset? How?
This is the page url
I also tried to reactivate Hestia theme that I had previously checked out and that too has the same issue, but days ago it was working fine…
Can someone help?
]]>Is there a way to remove the social-share-buttons of the theme, if so how?
]]>I have an odd problem. Using Orfeo theme and everything works fine except dropdowns/submenus when the meny goes mobile. Latest WP and latest theme.
Any ideas?
Hi ! I created a website with Orfeo and I have Buddypress activated.
I can’t post anything in groups, with I try to publish my posts, it says “Invalid Post Type” and never publises them.
I didn’t try with other themes since last time I changed themes I had to go through the whole site again and re-enter settings for everything…
Could Orfeo be responsible for this problem ? I only just realised that it wasn’t said that Orfeo does support Buddypress…
I also have bbpress, works perfectly. I also have issues with messaging though.
Do you know how can I moove down the buttons and title – sub title ?
]]>I’m unable to edit the First Big Title button, and I don’t like the white border on the second button? How do I get those changes back? Just updated to the latest version of Hestia Pro and Orfeo
I am designing a website and need a blog page to display news, events, …
I cannot manage to change the way posts are displayed within the page and it drives me crazy: as you can see on the screenshot I linked (, the posts are alterning from a block design to an inline-flex one.
I just want them to be displayed as blocks, with a full-width picture and the text below!
Plus, it might not be visible on the screenshot, but the featured images from each post appear to have very low quality, as I suspect them to be 360x240px and stretched (my featured images are initially 2000 x 500px).
I could use brutal force in the css to display everything as I like it, but there must be a better way to do it, isn’t it?
Thank you for your support!
First of all a big thanks for creating an awsome theme.
I need some help about logo. The size of logo in mobile view is okay but in big screen it is too small and also the main menu text size.
Please help me with these.
My website is based on the look of theme orfeo. I added a few changes in the code so I would like to know if my site crash after updating ?
]]>Hi all!
I have a little problem. I have to add third big title button in Orfeo theme. I was add changes in style.css & function.php but changes wasn’t.
function.php :
/* Add the third button in the Big Title section */
* Control for button text
‘orfeo_big_title_third_button_text’, array(
‘default’ => esc_html__( ‘Third Button text’, ‘orfeo’ ),
‘sanitize_callback’ => ‘sanitize_text_field’,
‘transport’ => $selective_refresh ? ‘postMessage’ : ‘refresh’,
‘orfeo_big_title_third_button_text’, array(
‘label’ => esc_html__( ‘Third Button text’, ‘orfeo’ ),
‘section’ => ‘hestia_big_title’,
‘priority’ => 30,
* Control for button link
‘orfeo_big_title_third_button_link’, array(
‘default’ => ‘#’,
‘sanitize_callback’ => ‘esc_url_raw’,
‘transport’ => $selective_refresh ? ‘postMessage’ : ‘refresh’,
‘orfeo_big_title_third_button_link’, array(
‘label’ => esc_html__( ‘Third Button URL’, ‘orfeo’ ),
‘section’ => ‘hestia_big_title’,
‘priority’ => 30,
);$wp_customize->selective_refresh->remove_partial( ‘hestia_big_title_button’ );
‘orfeo_big_title_third_button’, array(
‘selector’ => ‘.carousel .buttons’,
‘settings’ => array( ‘hestia_big_title_button_text’, ‘hestia_big_title_button_link’, ‘orfeo_big_title_third_button_text’, ‘orfeo_big_title_third_button_link’ ),
‘render_callback’ => ‘orfeo_big_title_buttons_callback’,
add_action( ‘customize_register’, ‘orfeo_change_defaults’, 99 );
* Add a third button in Big Title section
* @since 1.0.0
function orfeo_big_title_third_btn() {$orfeo_big_title_third_btn_text = get_theme_mod( ‘orfeo_big_title_third_button_text’, __( ‘Third button text’, ‘orfeo’ ) );
$orfeo_big_title_third_btn_link = get_theme_mod( ‘orfeo_big_title_third_button_link’, ‘#’ );if ( ! empty( $orfeo_big_title_third_btn_text ) && ! empty( $orfeo_big_title_third_btn_link ) ) {
” title=”<?php echo esc_attr( $orfeo_big_title_third_btn_text ); ?>” class=”btn btn-right btn-lg” <?php echo hestia_is_external_url( $orfeo_big_title_third_btn_link ); ?>><?php echo esc_html( $orfeo_big_title_third_btn_text ); ?>
add_action( ‘hestia_big_title_third_buttons’, ‘orfeo_big_title_third_btn’ );
style.css :
.header .carousel .buttons .btn.btn-primary,
.header .carousel .buttons .btn.btn-primary:hover {
-webkit-box-shadow: none;
-moz-box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;
.header .carousel .buttons .btn.btn-primary:hover {
opacity: 0.75;
.header .carousel .buttons .btn-center {
-webkit-box-shadow: none;
-moz-box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;
color: #ffffff;
background-color: transparent;
border: 2px solid transparent;
padding: 9px 28px;
.header .carousel .buttons .btn-center:hover {
opacity: 0.75;
.header .carousel .buttons .btn-right {
-webkit-box-shadow: none;
-moz-box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;
color: #ffffff;
background-color: transparent;
border: 2px solid transparent;
padding: 9px 28px;
.header .carousel .buttons .btn-right:hover {
opacity: 0.75;
.header .carousel .buttons .btn-primary + .btn-center + .btn-right {
margin-left: 30px;
What i do wrong?
]]>Hello Orfeo Team,
I need some help from you.
I created a custom url tab in my primary menu located on top side of site, under this custom url tab I want to add pages as sub menu. how can I display those pages in grid view ? Same as when I click on Blog tab in primary menu I see all blogs in a nice grid view with Feature image of post. I would like to archive the same with pages. I used a plugin to add category in pages but the plug-in was not well develop it created problem with your theme.
I have a child-thene, I would be fine with extra line of code. please help
Thank you
]]>I need help !
My articles and pages are published but I cannot link them !
When you go to the articles from the website, nothing appears !