Hi there, Id like to fix/adjust a couple of things here, first one is to make the header smaller then my pic smaller too and I want to remove the blog post box where my email, if I do then it shows like a NO POST YET kinda thing there.
Id love it to be able to click on Facebook, Instagram and Playlist and open this on a new tab keeping always this one.
Finally Im trying to add a contact box at the bottom but is not showing the boxes that I load in the widgets/sidebar menu.
Thanks in advance!
]]>This message appears at the top on the screen. Is it important/irrelevant? can I ignore it? will it affect my site when I publish it? if so how do I resolve it?
Warning: Attempt to read property “slug” on null in /homepages/19/d328669233/htdocs/clickandbuilds/TGTrouper/wp-
content/plugins/real-cookie-banner/inc/Assets.pho on line 412