I really like your theme and I’m trying to fix a few issues I have right now before my website is going online.
Is there any chance that the header image will be some kind of “configurable”? For example right now it scales automatically. Is there a chance that I can set a fixed size and that the image stays centered?
no matter which colors I configure for the “Footer Options”, they won’t affect the website ??
in the post list, all icons (time, category) only appear twice but when I open a specific post, they appear twice.
To solve this issue, edit the file post-single.php and delete the lines ‘<i class=”fa fa-____”></i>’
Please let me know. I like the theme a lot, but there don’t seem to be any answers to support questions here in months. And a link to the theme’s homepage brought up a 404 page.
]]>How about these options:
Sidebar: Right and Left, both right, both left, none.
]]>I noticed there is support missing for new pages in the way of a (default)blog page and a front page template. There is a option in WordPress when selecting a static front page to have a blog page follow the welcome page, and currently this is limited to using two static pages without the accompanying template available to the user on page creation.
This video shows far better the feature I am referring to.
If I am missing something could you please let me know. I really want the posts to follow the welcome page.
could you help me?
I want to display movie on main site.
Now if I add Image or Movie from vimeo/youtube in the post, and I will go to main site (home ) i can see post, but to watch movie or image, i have to go inside. How can I change this?
Sorry if this is hard to understand, new to this. First, when I hover over my featured image for my posts that link into my post, the whole screen becomes larger and scrollable horizontally. My layout fits inside a web page naturally, but when I hover it becomes way wider. There’s also this chainlink image that appears on the side when I scroll way outwards and nothing else. This happens on my home page and category page, any page that provides a link to my full post. I have only one social media plug-in so far, so it can’t be that (I think). I’m not sure if it’s the theme or not. I want to have a featured image on ever blog post and this hover thing is really annoying already. I already tested different size images as a feature as I was thinking the image was too big, but even small pictures (300 x 300) still cause the hover and expand effect.
Also, each actual blog post there is a double of each comment, person and clock icons. These don’t appear on the shorter home version of the posts.
The site is setup live at existingsustainably.com
1. How I can delete black square from middle of my logo?
2. How to change font in post title?
thank you very much !
]]>Thanks for the amazing theme.
Is there an easy way to add a copyright notice to the footer of the theme?
]]>See: rolfingbali.org
There are two sub-menus under [Rolfing] and they show up and work on the computer (various browsers) but do not on the iPhone (tested both Safari and Chrome). On the computer, the sub-menus show up with bullets on the left side, but outside of the box. Is there a way to remove the bullets too?
Thank you,
I need some help to remove the blogtitle:
I don’t want to have a title in my header image so I deleted the text but there is still a little black square on the header image. I tried to remove it to delete this (in the header.php):
<div id=’headerLogo’>
<h2>‘><?php bloginfo( ‘name’ ) ?></h2>
But it didn’t work. Click here to see it
Thank You so much for Your help..
Regards Sario
First of all, thanks a lot for this great theme, however I got a question about it. It seems that in the preview available on the theme homepage, the index page has pagination, but in my website the pagination doesn’t want to appear. Is that normal ?
Thanks in advance for you help !
I really like the theme, but I do not want to have ANY sidebar. ??
Whenever I select no sidebar, there will be still a sidebar with Archives and posts etc. instead of one with Search and Categories etc.
But I just want the main text of my posts and pages to take up the whole width.
I really appreciate any help!
I am really happy with this great theme! There’s only two minor problems I have:
1. I set the sidebar to the “right side”, and on the start page it is where it should be. Yet, when I move to a page or sub-category, it happens to jump back to the left side. I don’t see, where I could change that.
2. I’d rather use no title in my header and have only a nice picture there. But if I simply erase any text, there remains a grey spot right in the middle of the picture. Is there any way to get rid of that?
Thanks in advance for your help!