Some of the home page designs are not showing, come for a while, go again. such as,
1. Logo and navigation menu
2. Category
3. Recent Post slider and image
I used the theme, “Newseqo theme- version: 2.0.4”.
How do I solve this problem?
And why is this happening?
Please, help me…
since the last update, the sticker on the top page is enable by itself and I seems can’t find how to disable that. Can you help me with this problem? Thanks before.
Hey – trying to get rid of “Category:” from category page headers across the site.
Every answer I’ve found says to add this code to the functions.php file, but it doesn’t work.
Any ideas for how to remove this?
function prefix_category_title( $title ) {
if ( is_category() ) {
$title = single_cat_title( ”, false );
return $title;
add_filter( ‘get_the_archive_title’, ‘prefix_category_title’ );
is there any way I can insert logo in navigation menu?
like this picture :
I have a category on my blog which has more than 10 posts. And there are 3 pages with 1, 2, and 3, so I can switch to the next page to see other articles.
But when I click on the number 2 or 3 to see other posts of the blog, it says “404
Oops… Page Not Found!
Try using the button below to go to main page of the site” ?
Thanks for this theme, it’s designed nicely and I love it. But there’s an issue with my home page, I have disabled the author and category to not show on the grid posts, but it shows it there even I have disabled it?
I have installed this theme for creating one project.
Everything is great and working as expected but social media icons are not visible even I tried other plugins but still I am facing the issue.
I need to put the left sidebar to the right, just like you have shown on your pages. How do I do that? please help
I think you removed sidebar from the article reading page while making the theme. The article reading section looks as follows.
How can I add sidebar to the right side of this area?
News EQO Is a really nice theme but I, nor anybody I asked on IRC could find any guides for how I can make my website look like the template (
Wordpress tells me that I can have up to three menus with the theme, I could not set up the very top white menu. Also, my red box is much more tall than that in the template and i’m not sure how i’d go about having the same content as you have within the preview template.
Moving on, i’m not sure how to set up each box and where to put text to overlay images or how the trending feature works or how you’d suggest the layout should work when a visitor is reading a post that they have clicked on.
I am wholly and entirely lost i’m afraid!
Thank you and Kind Regards,
]]>I can’t seem to find such setting.