my homepage slider doesn’t start automaticaly. When I hit next or previous it works fine and stats sliding. Any idea?
Easy Storefront and New York theme
Hello Developers and Forum Community,
Please I need you to help me here.
I am not tech savvy and I do not know anything about codes. But following instructional examples on wordpress and woocommerce, I have been building my woocommerce website without issues. I have also inputted products and I am now working on the prices and I hope to launch my website soon.
However I am now observing that there are white spaces appearing below the footer on:
1. ALL product pages
2. SOME product category pages
3. Blog page and all blog posts
I need someone to assist me on what to do to clear these white space. Your help will be very much appreciated. Looking forward to reading your feedback. Thank you.
]]>Dear Wp.
I built a website six years ago, windowszervizgyor.hu, and now I wanted to update the new template offered by WP, and my page is completely gone, I don’t even see the adim interface: Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_parent_theme_file_path () in / home / window /web/wp-content/themes/new-york-business/functions.php on line 67
What could have happened?
Currently there are Cart icon and my-account icon showing at right side of Page in New York Business Theme.
I also want to add Wish-list icon at same place.
How can I implement it?
Are there any default quantity buttons for shop page in New York Business theme?
Currently I am using a plugin for it and I want to update cart icon item numbers clicking plus or minus sign of quantity on products.
Please help.
I am using NewYork Business Themes for one of the woo-commerce enabled sites.
I want Sidebar at left side of page but by default its coming at right side.
Please let me know how I can make it to left side?
Установила тему New York Business, но возникли вопросы:
Сайт новый. Я установила плагин YITH WooCommerce Wishlist. Вверху страницы появилось сердечко, и отдельная страница, где отображаются товары.
Но у сердечка вверху адрес страницы https://sirius-sp.ru/wish-list, при нажатии – 404 страница.
А у отдельной страницы адрес https://sirius-sp.ru/wishlist/, то есть страницы разные.
Как можно решить проблему? Как добавить в сердце правильный адрес https://sirius-sp.ru/wishlist/.
Еще, при настройке темы выяснилось. Я меняла сайдбар справа – налево. Он не меняется. Сайдбар нужен слева, в настройках я указывала слева, но он все равно получается справа.
Помогите, пожалуйста, решить вопросы. Спасибо!
]]>Hi – I would like to left justify my icon image and, perhaps, right justify the menu items. I’ve tried a handful of additional css that i found while searching for possible answers but they did not work.
If I could find a way to include the header with My Account and social media into the main header that would be ideal.
]]>Please follow this tutorial link :- https://www.ceylonthemes.com/wp-tutorials/new-york-business-theme-tutorial/
Thank You