chrome gives me this error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: reset_border_bottom is not defined(…) ../themes/nerocity/media/js/functions.js?ver=4.7
code lines:
jQuery( window ).resize(function() {
anyone help me to beside this?
]]>I like this theme in general, just installed, but I can not figure out how to edit the front/home page widgets text at the bottom of the page. Those three text widgets. If I hover the mouse over them I see ‘shift click to edit’ but if I shift+click nothing happens. Obviously this theme is not functional if I can not change that text. Any help appreciated.
]]>Hi there!
Great theme! I’m looking to simply remove the collapsible menu in the upper left corner. Is there a relatively painless way to do this?
Thanks for your help!
]]>I really love this theme for my site and I’ve just about tweaked it to perfection with your available options. However, the color of the font on the header menu that slides out is just a little bit too dark – that deep gray. Only the currently loaded page has a more readable color in the menu. It’s not showing up very well on either my PC screen or my mobile devices. Where can I change this? I’ve been searching in the theme editor, the theme options and even digging through the CSS files in cPanel.
I am trying to remove the transparent box over my header image. It causes the images to appear dark. I am looking to make it brighter. I’ve looked in the style sheet, and header php but I am guessing I have been looking for the wrong thing. I have googled this as well, but to no avail I have no luck.
I am using the nerocity theme, and my site is
Thanks in advance to anyone who can assist.
Warm Regards,
My Posts page will NOT display any posts. instead, it displays my static front page.
I want my website ( to have a 2 pages: a Static Front page and a Blog Page.
I created 2 pages: 1 that contains all the content for the Static Front page, and another entitled “Blog” that I left totally blank.
Under “Settings — Reading” I have selected the Static Front page for “Front Page” and selected “Blog” for “Posts Page”
However, the permalink to the Post Page displays only the front static page:
Here is the link to the static front page:
Based on the following thread, I’m guessing I’m having an template issue, but I don’t know how to resolve it. Any help?
I can’t figure out how to edit the “many components black model responsive layout” sections on this theme. I love the theme, except for that. I can’t use it until I figure that out. If I can just get rid of it, that would be good enough. Thanks.
]]>Hi. I hope someone can help. Within ‘Theme Options’ you can customise the First Button and the Second Button, which show on the header. I was wondering whether there is any chance I could add a third and a forth buttons. Which file would I have to modify? Thanks.
]]>How would I display my logo only in the menu & not on the header ?
]]>If you go to
Here’s a basic example of what I am trying to do instead of explaining it. The address is therefore, not
Key Points
Once logged in it would be great to have the menu options become available. This means they’re not available(greyed out maybe) until reg’d and logged in.
I also have one of the menu options ready to go, I want the registration to be unified/single site so that when they click on forum they don’t have to log into that phpbb forum.
Can anyone help?
Thank you
Basically I am trying to use the front page layout on all pages for your theme. Widgets included.
My main aim is to remove the post names and site hierarchy that appears above other pages but i would also like to keep the widgets as a permanent page feature. This is my first site so any help on the above would be amazingly generous. Thanks
This is a great theme first and foremost.
My issue is that I am using the lower widget areas for my category posts area, and the links display very faint. I would light to adjust the css to lighten them to the same colour as the text on the other footer areas, but I cannot find the correct place in the style sheet to adjust this.
I would like to update this in the custom css area, but keep the hover colour the same.
Thanks in advance.
]]>i want the header image alongwith the two call buttons in between to be displayed on the front page and nohing else including menu option and social links at the bottom.
I want to open the respective call to action links in new page unlike on the same page.
This theme comes with special option. This option allow add custom css to customize your web site to your needs.
To use it go to Admin Dashboard
Appearance > Theme Options – section “Others..” field “Add custom css”.
You can use it for multiple case, just is need to add you css in this field.
Increase font size:
body, html{
font-size: 14px;
Chage Single Post Title color
body.single.single-post article{
color: #999999;
Hide Autor, Date and Comments from single post
body.single.single-post article div.meta{
display: none;
Hide Categories and Tags from single post ( after content )
body.single.single-post article{
display: none;
Change Widgets title color
body div.widget h4.widget-title{
color: #ffffff;
Change Widgets link color ( categories, Archiv, Custom Menu, Pages and others displaed in list )
body div.widget ul li a{
color: #dedede;
body div.widget ul li a:hover{
color: #ffffff;
Aand more other, if you know a little CSS and HTML you can customize almost all items.
]]>You can hide all default content if you go to Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Theme Options and disable option “Show default content ( sidebars )”.
In the home page below the HEADER image there are 3 components that are entitle:
Here we have three sidebars with default content. These are “Header Front Page Sidebars”. If you go to Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets you can see sidebars:
1. Header – First Front Page sidebar
2. Header – Second Front Page sidebar
3. Header – Third Front Page sidebar
You can replace the default content with your custom content. Just is need to put a “Text” widget to each “Header Front Page Sidebar” and fill it with your content.
In the footer before the copyright section there are 3 components that are entitle:
Here we have three sidebars with default content. These are “Header Front Page Sidebars”. If you go to Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets you can see sidebars:
– Footer – First Sidebar
– Footer – Second Sidebar
– Footer – Third Sidebar
You can replace the default content with your custom content. Just is need to put the widgets in the sidebars:
– Footer – First Sidebar ( use the widget website description )
– Footer – Second Sidebar ( use the sample Text widget )
– Footer – Third Sidebar ( use the sample Text widget )
By default is used content from next widgets:
Search, Tags Cloud and Categories.
By default is used content from next widgets:
myThemes: Meta Details, myThemes: Newsletter, myThemes: Post Categories, myThemes: Post Tags.
If you disable the default content then it will disable all default content from your web site ( sidebars with default content listed above ):
Front Page Heade Sidebars
Footer Sidebars
Main Blog Sidebar
Single Sidebar
Also you can replace the default content with your content. This will allow you to make one or more changes. You will not need to replace all default content.
To replace the default content you need to add a widget with your content in the sidebar with default content ( listed above). The default content will automatically change with your content (only for this sidebar).
]]>This theme comes with a set of options what allow you to customize content, header, layouts, social items and others.
You can see theme options if you go to Admin Dashboard
Appearance > Theme Options
Here you can see:
Option to upload your custom favicon.
Option to upload your custom logo.
Options to customize logo position.
Options to customize Web Site Colors
Option what allow you enable / disable default content – “Show default content ( sidebars )”
and others.
These option allow you customize HEADER image and components ( after menu on front page )
– Enabale / Disable Header
– Mask Color and opacity
This is a special effect. That applies like a layer, of a certain semi-transparent color, over the image in the header. This effect allows us to make the text more readable.
– Title
– Description
– First Button
– Second Button
These options allow customize web site layouts ( with sidebar or without / full width page ).
Exists 5 sidebars that can be used to customize layout:
* Main Sidebar
* Front Page Sidebar
* Single Sidebar
* Page Sidebar
* Additional Sidebar
The sections you can customize
– Default ( first options from set )
– Front Page
– Page ( allow set the layout for all pages on single page )
– Single Posts ( allow set the layout for all posts on single post )
These options allow add your social links in footer side.
Contain only one field ( option ) what allow you add custom css to customize your web site.
Thank you for choosing and use one of our WordPress Themes your choice is greatly appreciated!
If you have any questions ask!
And please help us to increase the theme quality ( report bugs ).
Also please help us to increase the theme rank!