Rating: 1 star
Something so esencial like a responsive menu is not available in this lite version of this theme. this is absurdity, is not worth it use it.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
[b]Frontpage[/b] Using a contraction with the comma results in some kind of insertion of code or gibberish symbols in the sub-header portion. I like the theme but this is not encouraging. https://glenellentimes.com. I will leave the little I got done there as this is my test site for the Glen Ellen Times Online News. This will allow you to see what I am saying. Of course I am leaving this before I saved as i couldn’t finish with this problem. Thanks,
Rating: 5 stars
I’ve actually been using Mooveit before it was released here, they’ve had it first on themeisle.com
I love how clean and simple it is, pages are so easy to read and the homepage is perfect for presenting a small local company.