Hi there
I am currently working on a website for my business manager who wants to create a personal website. We have chosen the monster theme by creative themes but there seems to be a problem with the theme and the static home page that I have created for his introduction to his website. Because the home page I created is a static page every time I go into the reader section to set his static home page as the home page when searching the internet the details I have entered along with the image I created for his home page using the theme disappear and other information gets put in it’s place with details such as our service or other details that just delete the page I set up completely. As soon as remove the static page as the home page the information I created for his home page returns. At present the blog page is showing up as the home page but that isn’t what we want. Do you know of a way we can set the home page I’ve created as the default home page when searching for the site on the internet. As I mentioned above as soon as I change the home page to the static home page instead of the post blog page all my hard work disappears and that other rubbish keeps coming up in it’s place. I was told by an IT person that it may be the way the theme has been created and doesn’t allow the theme to be used as a static home page. Is this correct. I am desperate for advice on how I can fix this issue. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. I’ve even contacted the creator of the theme but unfortunately I’ve had no reply.
Thank you
Sam Mulligan