When seeing the website on iphone, X icon on sidebar menus (either left or right sidebar) is not clickable.
I would like to not display the link to permalink in the bottom of frontpage (underneath the social area)
Can you please tell me how to hide/remove this area?
Thank you in advance
I have been trying to get the search working but it keeps redirecting my back to my home page adding a question mark to the end, i have searched for key words, titles, tags and videos and all end with the same result. I have also tried it in the demo and it doesn’t work there either.
After looking on your site i noticed theme options was included in this theme and i don’t have that either
]]>The footer text does not appear to show up in the theme although should be populated with text. Unsure why
I can’t get the hero and cta sections to show the customisations – https://charlietoken.pash.space/
Is it because it is a multisite wordpress?
which is the folder name I use to create a child theme.