what to do so that the entries on the main page are also displayed in full with content. currently only the entry title is displayed
]]>I don’t know what you did when I asked you via email for help with my images after Google instituted the 1200 pixel requirement for images in AMP… But, if got dozens of 404 errors from that date.
This happened once before, but I wasn’t sure if it was you, that time.
Here are a few of the weird pages that appear to have been created as a result of whatever you did… Whatever you did, you probably should be doing it !!!
Support used to be terrific, now it’s non existent.
My site looks horrible and I can’t get help. I’ve checked my settings and there doesn’t seem to be one to get rid of the double header image.
]]>Hi, I’m about to switch my website over to the Miteri theme, and the one change I’d like to make that I can’t find a setting for is to display the author’s name along their article photo and head on the front page. Is there an option for this somewhere in the settings that I’m missing? And, if not, does anyone know the code to add that would make this possible?
Is the learnpress plug in compatible with the Miteri theme? When I try to view the lessons, I can’t see anything.
My current configuration WP
Version of PHP/MySQL: 7
Used theme: miteri 1.0.8
Address of the site: local intranet (wordpress 4.9.4)
Met problem: image header basic fuzziness.
Example of the theme: https://demo.themeegg.com/themes/miteri
On the official site of the theme we see that the header is already dark/fuzzy of base but can one to modify/delete it?
I looked with the inspector of mozilla (examine the element), then by looking in the code but I not how find to cancel the effect or to delete him
If somebody in the answer
]]>What is the RGB or HEX code of the main menu color? I want to use same color for other details
]]>I want to set one footer widget on entire footer area, but even when I set widget width to desired px, it shows only 1/3 of widget content, as far as there is 3 footer widget areas. Can I leave only one to display on whole page width?
]]>There is only 2 columns in a grid layout, I want to make it 3. When I disable sidebars, it appears 3, I tried to enable sidebar and reduce the primary content width with css, thought it would automatically fill the space, but it’s still 2 columns and empty space left. can I fix this somehow?
]]>How can I change sidebar width?
]]>When I choose a category, the title of the page is “Category: (name of the category)”. Is it possible to change this title? I just want it to be displayed in a different language, because the language of my site is not English and in the category page, category is written in English and the name of the category in a different language.
How do I remove or customize the three boxes under the header? These three boxes under the header on my website are simply gray boxes. I would like to put pictures there or something .. not just have gray boxes on my page with a category name.
Can you tell me how I might increase the size of the logo in the site identity of the Miteri theme?
]]>I was on Twitter a moment ago and saw a news item about a plane crash in Kathmandu. I hope you guys are all okay, well and Happy ??
Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you
]]>I’m not a real fan of breadcrumbs, but my website friends says they are important.
Where do they display in Miteri?
And, can I turn them on and off???
]]>The slider is cute. But a lot of the people visiting my site have health issues to do with their nerves, and the slider is sort of an interruption… Please can you tell me how to disable it?
]]>When I add my new header image the old Miteri header remains but is white… it looks terrible, of course. How come putting a new header image in doesn’t override the old header?
I can’t link to a page because I can’t allow my site to look horrible …
]]>The real reason my page is slow is the Google AdSense code, which they appear less than eager to remedy…
However I would like to let you know about the CSS thing. There may not be anything you can do about it since the PageBuilder is integral to how great Miteri works…
let me know what you think?
]]>Inline small CSS
C (75)
What’s this mean?
The following external resources have small response bodies. Inlining the response in HTML can reduce blocking of page rendering.https://health-boundaries.com/fingernails-2/ should inline the following small resources:
You can’t see the problem in the page, but on my dashboard there are a lot of warnings:
2270 Jul 1 20:48 050_start.php -rw-r–r– 1 4296883 15000 7470 Jul 1 20:48 100_head.php -rw-r–r– 1 4296883 15000 5235 Jul 1 20:48 300_comments.php -rw-r–r– 1 4296883 15000 39488 Jul 1 20:48 400_css_settings.php -rw-r–r– 1 4296883 15000 2266 Jul 1 20:48 450_css_files.php -rw-r–r– 1 4296883 15000 15056 Jul 1 20:48 600_main_templates.php -rw-r–r– 1 4296883 15000 22940 Jul 1 20:48 650_sub_templates.php -rw-r–r– 1 4296883 15000 2375 Jul 1 20:48 900_export_import.php -rw-r–r– 1 4296883 15000 1278 Jul 1 20:48 950_admin_settings.php -rw-r–r– 1 4296883 15000 4333 Jul 1 20:48 help.php
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/healt411/public_html/health-boundaries/wp-content/themes/montezuma.broken/includes/admin.php on line 754Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/healt411/public_html/health-boundaries/wp-content/themes/montezuma.broken/includes/admin.php on line 794
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/healt411/public_html/health-boundaries/wp-content/themes/montezuma.broken/includes/admin.php on line 810
I can’t be sure if these are a result of beginning to use UpDraftPlus… Or, if these are a result of having tried Miteri on this site. I had thought Miteri was fine since it worked perfectly on my smaller site, Grow Your Vitamins.
Miteri did not pick up my menu or my sidebar for Health-Boundaries… I don’t know if that’s because of the warnings, or if somehow Miteri caused the warnings…
I put my site back into Montezuma, so I wonder if the warnings arise from something in my Montezuma files??? something that perhaps Updraft woke up???
I’m major confused…
]]>The page is on the site I want to use with Miteri. I haven’t switched to Miteri yet because I want to know if you can give me CSS to keep the colored words at the end of a Heading 1
I’m looking forward to your answer.
I like using the Featured Image feature on the right sidebar in Edit Page. I think it makes the image appear when I tweet the page link. BUT, all my pages now have duplicate images at the top.
Please could you do an update so that only one of the top images shows?
Karen Kline