I would like to add a Linkedin icon to the footer, next to the other social media icons. Is that possible?
I’ve tried to get my logo to display crisp and clear multiple times now and can’t seem to do it at all. I’m always using png with a transparent background.
I’ve tried everything from having the logo at 3000 pixels wide right down to 750 pixels wide. It either comes up large and clear, but so large that it distorts the site, or the correct size for the site, but really blurry and just a mess.
What can I do to correct this please?
How do I disable the page title here please? The white font with the grey background.
Also, do I need to have a child theme for this to work, and how do I do that please?
]]>I have a question about the Minimal Portfolio Theme. I downloaded the theme and installed the plugins and imported the demo file. But the menu of the filterable portfolio is not the same as on the demo website. Can you tell me what’s wrong or how I can solve this? See attachments. https://abileweb.com/minimal-portfolio/
]]>Hi guys,
I have a problem with the mobile menu on this one-pager website:
When clicking a link on the hamburger button, the drop-down menu doesn’t disappear when you’ve reached the anchor point. I assume this is because you stay on the same page, but is there any way I can fix this?
Thanks in advance!
I’ve got my sticky sidebar going under my sticky header after I scrolled enough the page for the sidebar actualy becoming sticky. It seems that the top
css property for the .theiaStickySidebar
div being 0px
makes it to stick the top of the viewport and to be croped under the header.
I had to modify the theme.js
file to get rid of this issue using the additionalMarginTop
option of the theiaStickySidebar
function like this :
Did you already experiment this isue or is it me doing something wrongly ?
Thanks in advance for any help you may provide.
How do I change the colour of the ‘Get a free quotation’ menu button on the top right hand side of this page please? I’d like to make it stand out like the button further down the page does with a green background and white font.
]]>Please see the link above. The text ‘GET A FREE QUOTATION’ in white with the grey background, how to I remove it please?
]]>Hi, I tried changing the size of the font of the title in the CSS using the “page-title” class but I can’t get it to work. Also, is there a way to change the height of the title bar at the top?
When I create a portfolio post I can’t embed a video or anything else. It just appears as a link. When I’m editing the post, it does appear as if it’s embedded, but when I go to the online website, it’s not. Is this a problem with the theme or the portfolio plug-in?
Is Minimal Portfolio compatible with WordPress 5.3?
]]>Hey there ! ??
I just had to reset my theme to solve another problem, & it worked. But now, I got another one ! Yay ! ??
I am not familiar with CSS & stuff, but I do my best & put some bandaids to achieve what I want to do. So I may have missed something logical here.
I have no custom CSS loaded, pure Minimal Portfolio theme, modified through WP admin pannel. Contact Form 5.1.5 & Filterable Portfolio 1.5.0 as my only activated plugins. All of that on WP 5.3.
But here’s what’s happening with my home page:
Everything went to the right, font changed, & the squares are now hideous ??
What am I missing here ?
How did I manage to broke something ? Again.
Thanks in advance for your help ??
I have a question regarding the header image on my frontpage. The image looks ok on desktops but on mobile phones it appears too small. I’ve noticed that some websites display a crop of the image in portrait orientation when viewing on mobile so that the image appears larger. How can I achieve this with Minimal Portfolio?
This part at the bottom of my page should show bullet points:
Be worked on for many hours with a fine toothcomb and a lot of patience.
Be washed as many times…….
It works with a numbered list block, but not bullet points. Please can you help me to get them to work?
]]>The dropdown menu on the responsive menu isn’t clicking and expanding. It works fine on desktop mode but on mobile or tablet, it doesn’t expand at all.
]]>Hello again,
I have an another problem. I want to show my portfolio categories on a single page.
For example, I have 3 portfolio categories (cats, dogs, monkeys)
I want to add cats as a menu item. So when the visitor click the cats, just cats should list on the page.
My english is not that good. I hope I could tell you my problem.
How can I add “show me more” on the homepage? I want to list 5 portfolio and when i click “show me more” button, the other 5 portfolio should list
Hi !
In plug’in Filterable portfolio I can’t save changes when i added photos in gallery, because ‘save gallery’ button do nothing.
When I press it, I see nothing append, but when i added no photos, the button work..
I see a topic with this problem, but in phpinfo i see the php extension ‘gd’ and ‘imagick’ was enable.
Have you a solution ?
]]>Hi Team,
is there a chance to enlarge the Menu in the top of the page?
We would like to make the letters bigger.
Add on, is it possible to make the background highlighted during hover or opening?
]]>Hi everyone
in the portfolio category I want to hide Project Details, Categories and Project Date
Best regards
Trying to add some photos to my site with “filterable portfolio”, but when photos aded, I can’t save changes, because “save gallery” button do nothing, I press it and nothing happens. This button works only when no photos in “edit gallery” window.
Maybe you know, what to do with it?:)
I tried wordpress 5.2.2 and 5.1.1, filterable portfolio 1.4 and 1.3.2
I customized my website and like the way it looks in desktop mode, but I’m having issues with some of the text being cut off in mobile mode, particularly the two titles in black boxes under the “Education” heading. Is there a way I can use css to make sure the text isn’t cut off in mobile form?
Thank you!
I’ve set up a website using the “Minimal Portfolio” theme, which includes the “Filterable Portfolio” plugin. Unfortunately, the portfolio doesn’t work properly on iOS devices. The portfolio works fine on a desktop and on Android devices. But when using an iPhone the images aren’t clickable, and the headlines and “Details” button don’t show.
A strange thing is that it works fine when I’m logged in as an WP administrator, but when visiting the site as a regular visitor, it doesn’t work.
Any suggestions on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated!
]]>I’ve disabled display page title, but I’d like to move the page content up a bit. How do I do that? Thanks!
I’m using the Minimal Portfolio theme in Swedish, but some of the words doesn’t translate properly. First of all, the “Details” button in the portfolio doesn’t change, even though I have changed the “Details Button Text” field in the portfolio settings.
Other words/phrases that doesn’t translate includes the “Related projects” headline in the portfolio section, the “Read more” button in the blog section, and “Search…” in the search box in the blog section.
Any tips on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated!
]]>In the tutorial installation and configuration of the theme does not say how to put the menu that appears below the cover photo.
How to add the menu that appears under the Title section of the portfolio?
Is there a way to display dates in my blog posts, in Minimal Portfolio’s blog section?
Best regards,
I recently installed the Minimal Portfolio wordpress theme, and I really like it. However, I have the same problem as this user:
I.e. I don’t want the first letter of every word in every headline to be in capitals. Is there an easy way to do this?
We are trying to get our Header name that is on the top left; “Apostolic Temple” – “Where the Fire Falls” moved to the left more then it is. Also, when we try to put our logo next to our header listed above, it moves down about an inch. How can we fix these issues?
]]>Here, how can I make this, show only one color, not the image from the header?
It is uncomfortable to see the title and have the background as the header image. I want to have it with a single color, not an image.
Any advice?