Thanks Anders for this and all your themes
I wondered whether you could point me to where in the theme’s files I could change the number of exhibited posts on the front/index page?
Many thanks
]]>In the theme customizer, McLuhan is always shown in a mobile view with hamburger menu but I can’t seem to find a way to set my site to show the same view on desktop.
Is there a way to do this?
]]>Hi there,
Thanks for the cool theme. Love it!
Is there an easy way to have the content shown left and the sidebar right?
Let me know!
]]>Any chance we could add in >>> the_archive_title() <<< where necessary?
This would allow for very helpful plugins like to work.
Currently, as a non-coder, I’d have no idea how to alter the taxonomy titles.
]]>Hi there,
Thanks for the cool theme. Love it.
Any chance we can get widgets enabled for the sidebar, similar to Koji and Fukasawa?
]]>Hi everyone,
is it possible to have a sticky post ? A blog post that is seen when you visit the website.
I do not have much experience with WordPress yet…
]]>hi , I’m building my website with McLuhan theme
Is it possible to create a sticky header and blurry by adding additional css or not
one more thing , I think you have to update the icons library for the social link , because I’ve added a x link but show Twitter icon
]]>Hi Anders, I’ve been using your themes for years on my blog – love them, thanks so much. I’ve recently shifted to McLuhan for something more simple & straightforward – but I don’t see in the WP customizer an option to do a global change of fonts. I’m sorry if I’m missing something really basic, but could you point me in the right direction please?
]]>Hi Anders,
The skip link is visibele at pages where WooCommerce is active. WC overrides the styling of this link.
I have added this custom CSS to fix it:
.skip-link {position:absolute !important; left:-9999rem !important;}
Guess you can update your stylesheet with something that’s cleaner.
I would like to add a “featured image” to the front page of my site, displayed the same way as other pages with a featured image (for example:
Ideally this is achieved through CSS and linking to a picture from the media folder. Thank you, really love your work!
]]>In the mobile view of the website, the search placeholder has a white color instead of dark like in the desktop view.
First of all, I greatly appreciate your work. Regarding this theme, when an image is aligned to the left or right, it remains positioned within the content limits. How did you manage to make the images overflow as is the case on the Style Guide page of the demo?
Thank you,
Hello again
I’m also struggling to disable the previous and next posts at the bottom of each post. Is there a default way of hiding these please?
I’ve tried various custom CSS suggestions, but nothing seems to work.
Many thanks
]]>This is a fantastic theme – so clean and easy to follow.
Is it possible to hide the category fiwld at the top of each post please? In my example it is ‘In diary’
Many thanks
]]>Hi Anders, thanks very much for this theme.
What would be the best approach to make the front page show the posts listed in two columns rather than one, please?
I’m aware it involves modifying the code in index.php
and the main stylesheet, and I’m OK to try to do that. Just not sure what’s the safest and hopefully fastest way to achieve that, and I was hoping that you may be able to give me some directions.
Many thanks again.
]]>Hello, is it possible to remove the theme credits from the footer of the theme? Thank you!
]]>Hello, is it possible to remove the search button from the social menu of the theme? Thank you!
]]>Is there a way to use dark mode on the content side?
I want to change the bg to black, but then the links are hard to see.
]]>Hi! How are you?
First of all, I take the opportunity to congratulate you for the work carried out with the theme, it is exceptional, simple, light and functional.
I would like to ask for help with a small adjustment. Currently, the theme displays posts by year and on the right it reports the month and day of publication. However, I’d like to display it exactly as on your blog (, ie list the posts on the homepage and the month in the far right, and not display the year as a title as it currently is.
I noticed that the “index.php” file has the functions, but I couldn’t do it.
Can you help me by providing some guidance?
Thank you very much in advance, and again, congratulations on the great work.
Best regards,
]]>I am using the Plugin Floating Contact Button in 3 blogs. With themes by GeneratePress it works fine, but no with McLuhan.
When you click on the button, the screen “twitches” briefly, but no form appears.
Is this a problem with the theme or the Plugin? Does someone have an idea?
Thank you
]]>Hi Anders,
I only just realised that in your demo for McLuhan you are displaying all your posts in the post archive. I was wondering what I’ve done to my post archive that it’s now paginated with newer and older, next and previous page links.
I looked throughout the settings but can’t find a setting to adjust. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks. And thank you for this wonderful theme. I’ve used it for a few years and sometimes think about refreshing my site with a new theme but I never find anything as simple, clean and fast as McLuhan.
]]>could you change search form toggle from jquery to vanilla js? thanks
]]>Hi Anders,
is there a way to get a full height menu sidebar on McLuhan ?
Can the “Introduction” text found in the page-subtitle
class either be removed or made configurable? Currently, when I set a Front Page Title in the Theme Options, it adds a string “Introduction” above the Front Page Title.
I’m not sure if this is already configurable and it was not clear how to change the text, or if this is hard-coded into the theme. I would prefer to hide the text, or to add it as italicized text below the Front Page Title in a contrasting color.
Currently I am adding my own additional CSS to hide this text from my site homepage, see below:
.page-subtitle {
aria-hidden: true;
visibility: hidden;
It would be great for this to be fixed upstream. Thanks for your work on this theme!
I was unable to figure out how to change the social media icons in McLuhan. How can I configure them to specific sites?
I added social links to my sidebar in Customizing > Menus > Sidebar (option “Social links (Current: Sidebar)”). These gets three links to appear, but they are to the site home page and a secondary page. I do not recall configuring these anywhere in the theme options.
I migrated from the Wilson theme to McLuhan, and I am still figuring out some of the differences in the theme. I wasn’t able to find how to configure the social links. Any pointers appreciated.
]]>Hi there, I just noticed there is a inconsistency in the heading tag output for the entry title. It opens with an h1 tag and closes with an h2 tag. I corrected this in my child theme in the singular.php file (line 26)
the_title( '<h1 class="entry-title">', '</h2>' );
Hey! Thank you so much for your great theme. I think it makes my resume look clean and professional.
On my homepage, I have a button block, but the text is black-on-black not legible unless the link is visited and not hovered. Is this intended? I know how to change this with custom CSS, but I thought I’d ask first.
(The theme and WordPress are up-to-date and unmodified. The button block has no color/style overrides. Reproduced in Chrome and Firefox.)
really great theme… I’m just having one problem: the full width image gallery is not working. The first image (with a link) on the page is a gallery but looks just like a regular image.
Any idea what’s wrong?
good day
Is it possible to somehow remove IN
The site is in Russian and it’s not very stylish (
Or at least translate?
Hi! I’m trying to translate mcluhan to other language with loco translate plugin, and found that there are no string about comment section can be found: “name” or “email” or “website”. I can’t find it in functions.php as well. So, I’m here to ask what is the correct way to translate these phrases to another language?