theme is great & known for a single sidebar
I need an extra sidebar on the opposite side, how can i do that?
help is much appreciated.
Has anybody had the WordPress PHP error (errorlog) File does not exist: …/wp-content/plugins/home, referer: /post.php?post=5928&action=edit ?
Something wants to access /plugins/home, but for sure this doesnt exist.
I have the problem, that my server writes this errors in the PHP log always when want to edit a post or taxonomy.
Its for sure the Theme.
Unfortunately i cant find the line of code in the theme that is making problems.
I tried searching all the files for a call to /home, but couldnt figure it out.
Any chance you have another tip how to find the flawed code?
the error in total:
File does not exist: /home/www/web318/html/ben/portfolio/wp-content/plugins/home, referer: wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=post_tag
]]>I bought this theme a couple of years ago, and the author has vanished at some point.
As it’s not updated, not surprisingly, I’m having issues. I’m building another website, but in the meantime, it’s not opening properly in chrome (it does in firefox):
The warning on chrome inspector says JQMIGRATE: jQuery is not compatible with Quirks Mode
The site is really simple, I don’t think I use any feature dependent on jquery. Is it possible to disable it?
Any help would be really great.
]]>hi, great theme, but it estends only on three i have a white space on the right not used…and a little bit bad.
like a fourth column embedded
can you help me please?
thanks a lot
]]>Hiya! Love the MaryAnne theme!
Things have been going smoothly so far but I just ran into a little snag when posting an embedded video. Both with a standard embed and with the [video] shortcode, the width of the displayed player is limited to 590px. This is for a video wider than 590px, and even with a “width” option for the video shortcode. I can only make the video smaller, not larger.
I looked around a bit and found a comment that the PHP global $content_width determines max. size for the core video player, and indeed, in MaryAnnes functions.php:
global $content_width;
if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) { $content_width = 590; }
I guess 590px is the proper max. width when using the right sidebar (which I’m not)?
Is there a clean way to fix this (to get full width video) without editing this in the source?
]]>Hi,I set up featured images for each post so that thumbnails from each post are visible on the homepage/ top page, but then it turned out that the featured image appeals on the top of each post, which is not convenient for me. I want it exist only as a thumbnail. Could you tell me how i can do it?
]]>There are no thumbnails but links and texts. How can I solve this?