Hello there,
Is there a way to set the sidebar size. I’d like it smaller.
Thank you in advance.
Nice theme this one.
Just one question would it be possible to use it like wikipedia, in a way that a visitor registered, can create articles himself from frontend? so it will be an encylopedia created by the community and not only the site admin.
Kind regards
Hello all
How i can remove the [Tools] button below the header?
And is it possible to change the black color lines above and under it?
Thanks in advance
]]>Can font size be smaller than 9? And variable between the left and right columns?
Thank you!
]]>Is there a way to remove the breadcrumb (?) on the top of the page?
Trying to keep the layout as simple as possible. Thank you.
can we have a footer widget to add extra copyright info?
would also be nice to support the WP built-in privacy policy page shown in the footer.
]]>hi im having a hard time with the breadcrumbs and toolbar there being cut off by th heated part.
any way to fix this?
]]>Is there a way to bulk load categories or must it be one by one? Not clear how to instill hierarchy even after checking the box and installing one by one. Is there a manual? Many thanks
]]>Hallo zusammen.
Ich habe für ein Firmenwiki Wordpres mit dem Theme LikeAWiki installiert.
Nun habe ich das Problem, dass die Sidebar links ( Widget ) immer doppelt angezeigt wird.
Wenn ich alles entferne, ist alles weg. Sobald ich irgend etwas einsetz ( auch Meta )
wird alles automatisch verdoppelt.
Vielen Dank für Euro Unterstützung !
]]>Dear Likewikitheme,
May I ask you where I can add the css code for the size of the sidebar. I would like to have it smaller.
Thank you very much in advance,
Much appreciated,
For my purposes 98px is not enough space, how would you increase the it?
]]>Have you tried your theme with the Yada Wiki Plugin?
]]>Hi There,
I am using LikeaWiki theme for building a help section in my organization.
I am customizing it based on our requirements and though I am not a programmer, I have been able to google information and make changes to the code accordingly.
Currently I am stuck and need your assistance for the same.
I removed the Toolbar buttons and reduced the space just to accommodate the Breadcrumbs. However, there is an empty white space between the breadcrumb section and the content section which I am not able to remove them.
Please let me know for any further information you might need from my end. I have been trying to find the code that might reduce this space or move the entire content section upwards but no with no success.
Appreciate your speedy reply! Thanks in advance!
I use Likeawiki theme for my organization’s help site and have been building the site for a week now.
The issue that I am facing is that when I expand the left side-bar menu items and click on any menu/sub-menu, the entire parent-child arrangement collapses on appearance of the respective page.
Is there a code-tweak that I can do such that the menus don’t collapse automatically with each page refresh?
Do let me know if I haven’t made my point across. Thanks in advance!
]]>In the customizer I see a button for “tools and font sizes” What are “tools”?